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Author’s Introduction To The Total Girl

Having been blessed by The Easter Choral Festival organized by Radio Rivers, 99.1 FM Port Harcourt I was able to complete my first book titled Marching Songs for Nursery and Primary Schools. I also
commenced writing my second book which I finished February, 2007.
As I was going about the typesetting of these manuscripts, a thought came to me saying “People have always discussed about ‘The Total Man’ and ‘The Total Woman’ on radio and television”. No one has really talked about ‘The Total Girl’. There and then I had a solemn whisper in my ears: write on The Total Girl! This idea kept ringing severally. Without wasting time I started putting the ideas that got into my head together.
The Total Girl is divinely and equally created in the image and likeness of God just like women, men and boys. With the same breath and composition God the creator of all mankind created her.
She has her source and origin from God. She possesses soul, spirit and body, and she is fearfully and wonderfully designed by God. (Gen. 1:26-27,2:7, Ps. 139:13).
Through the first man Adam, sin came into the world and she too was affected because she was rightly conceived in sin in her mother’s womb. She continues to face trials, difficulties, temptations just like every other persons until God changes her situation.
God sent his one and only son (the Second Adam) to pay the prize for her sin. Jesus was bruised and wounded for her sake. Above all he died a shameful, painful death on the cross of Calvary. And the blood that gushed from his head and sides was used to wash away her sins. Now she is free and always will because of the redemptive work of the Lord. She can go to the Lord, accept him as her Lord and saviour, receive his salvation, lead a holy life style. She can prosper spiritually, academically and in all ramifications. She can as well be of positive help to others: the elderly, her parents, her siblings, friends, relatives, inlaws, peers, the community, the nation and the world at large.
Hi! Girls wouldn’t you love to be the total girl that God wants you to be? I’m sure, you will.
This book will be of immense help to you because it has been written for you to explore your potentials, know your sexuality and develop your self. May the Lord bless you real good. ###

Angela Inyena Anietie
08065189975 (SMS Only)
E-mail: angelstars.emp@gmail.com

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