
Tips for Clean Healthy Environment

Most children’s daily fluid requirement is least 1.5 to 2 liters 16- 8 glasses each holding about 25CL. At lease half of this should be spread throughout the school day. More fluids are needed in want weather or when exercising. The most recently published guidelines that boys age 14 and over should drink at least 2.6 liters (about 11 glasses a thy). Water is recommended for drinking between meals and throughout the day, as it is free of the health problems associated with drinks high in sugar, sweetness additives acids or caffeine.

Student often do not- use – their school toilets for the following reasons:
They are not often private – even if the doors have locks (and not all do), other people can hear or peep over and under the cubicles or doors.
There is usually no toilet paper or it has to be requested for
each toilet visit from the office.
Inadequate hand washing facilities ml soap, hot water or clean towels.
Some toilets are dirty or smelly or have or have been vandalized.
Smokes and bullies sometimes hand around the toilet.
These can result:
Children not sitting properly on the toilet or rushing. This can mean that the bladder is not fully emptied leaving (residual urine).
Not wanting to empty the bowels due to unpleasant toilets and a lack of privacy. This can cause constipation.
Not drinking enough in order to avoid the toilets and there by worsening wetting and constipation problems.
Transmission of infections cause by not washing or dying hands properly. This allowed bacterial to spread throughout the school community and beyond.

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Tips for Clean Healthy Environment


Tips for Clean Healthy Environment



