
Who Comes, Anti-yahoshea Or Anti-christ?

Apostle John (Yohannah) was casted into a couldron  of boiling oil, under Domitian, he escaped by miracle. He was then banished to the Isles of Patmos where he wrote the book of Revelation. He was the only apostle that escaped violent death. Apostle Andrew preached to many Asiantic nations, he was killed by hanging on a tree at Edessa. Apostle Mark was dragged to pieces by a wild animal at the city of Alexandria. The act was carried out by the worshippers of Serapis (Idol) which was in conformity or agreement with the worship in Rome.

Apostle Jude, (a brother of James) was impaled at Edessa in AD 72 as a very old man. Apostle Thomas who preached the glad tidings at Parthaia and India was killed with a spear. Simon (the Zealot) preached at Mauritania in Africa and was impaled. Equally Apostle Luke (the author of the book of Luke) was hanged by Roman authority. These men sealed their testimonies of Yahoshea Meshiyach with their blood in the hands of Anti-Yahoshea (the Roman government). It was the government of Rome that oversee to the execution of these innocent and holy men of Yahweh and equally carried out injurious changes on their names, ideals and purposes.

He who fought against someone’s interest, killed him, changed his name and thwarted his purpose in life, is that not the work of the ones enemy? Of a truth, Rome was the greatest enemy of Hebrew as well as Yahoshea Meshiyach, therefore they are the Anti-Yahoshea. So the Romans who changed the name of  their executed and humiliated saviour from Yahoshea Meshiyach to Jesus Christ should not be taken serious when they proclaim that there will come the enemy of Yahoshea who will be identified as Anti-Christ. Rather the name Christ is the handiwork of the enemies of the saviour of mankind.

The same Roman Emperors handed their rulership unto Roman Catholic Pope who as the universal head of the church continued the persecutions of the fellowers of Yahoshea Meshiyach through its instruments of torture, banishment and murder to achieve eventual conformity.

To achieve this, the Pope took the position of infallibility. For instance, among the twenty seven proposition known as the “DICTATES IF HILDBRAND” under the name of Pope Gregory VII occur the following: (2) That the Roman Pontiff is justly styled universally. (6) That no person…..may live under the same roof with one excommunicated by the Pope (9) That all princes should kiss Pope’s feet only (19) That he can be judged by no one (22) That the Roman church never erred, nor will it, according to the scripture, ever err.

The Pope led the church to rebel against Yahweh and his son Yahoshea Meshiyach in many ways. For instance, in 400AD, the persecution of Sabbath keepers began. In 450AD, death sentence was promulgated against Sabbath keepers. All these evils were put in place by Popes on throne. Again, in the council of Toulouse, the church leaders ruled,: “we prohibit laymen possessing copies of the Old and New testaments……. We forbid them most severely to have the above books in the popular vernacular” the decree goes on “The Lords of the districts shall carefully seek out the heretics in dwellings, hovels, and forests and even their underground retreats shall be entirely wiped out” Council of Tolosanum, Pope Gregory IX Annochr. 1229. After the formation of Bible Societies, they were classed with communism in an amazing decree.

On December 8, 1866 Pope Pius IX in his encyclical Quanta Cura issued the following statement “Socialism, Communism, Clandestine Societies, Bible societies….pests of this sorts must be destroyed by all means”. These are the pronounced works of the Anti-Meshiyach to hinder believers from reading the scriptures for spiritual light.

The church under Popes carried out serious persecution to the true seekers of Yahoshea and his ideals. For instance, the church under the form of crusade carried out mass massacre on the Albigenses through the instrument of inquisition, the church carried out the cruel attempt to extinct the Waldenses, the martyrdoms of Lollards, the cruel wars to extinguish the Bothemians, the burning of Huss, Jerome, Zwingi, Givolamo Savonarola, John Wycliffe, Michael Servetus as well as excommunication of Martin Luther and others.


Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi


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