
WOMEN FOCUS: Women: Rising Above Your Ugly Past

Each new day of your life is a gift from God that He wants you to live. But if the pain you have suffered in your past is still impacting on your life then, you can’t fully embrace the new life offer by God because you will be stuck in a frustrating cycle of brokenness that leaves you hopeless.

Most of the unpleasant things that happen to us are like bruises or minor scrapes to our spirits, but sometimes most of us experience deep wound or serious injury in our spirit. We can’t always keep ourselves from being hurt.

When we suffer physical injury, we immediately go to a physician who can properly take care of it. We have the wound cleansed or bandaged so that it’s protected and sometimes need to have it checked regularly to make sure it is healing. Even at that, it may take sometimes to heal.

This is an illustration of how our wounds (past) can heal with faith, prayer and proper care. But if we don’t allow them to be cleansed and healed in the proper way, if we try to hide our wounds or don’t cooperate with those who can help us, our wounds could become infected bitterness and resentment that can spread and poison the whole body. If left unchecked, they can affect our spiritual life, happiness, faith and our general well being.

Bitterness does not usually develop immediately, it’s delayed and grow over time, like an infection in a wound. Bitterness is like an infection, mess, rotten and silently destroying healthy areas of the body. Therefore, just as we should immediately pay careful attention to a serious physical injury, we should immediately take care of serious emotional and spiritual wounds.

Yes, you can overcome your past. You can experience a real freedom from the hurt and negative feelings that weigh you down. Past circumstances do not have to dictate your outlook because God has made a way for you to overcome every negativity in your life.

It is a popular trend in the world today for people to blame all their present problems on others or events from their past rather than the personal choices they have made.

However, people’s live revolve round overcoming obstacles, rising above circumstances and not letting things get them down. It is about making stepping stones out of stumbling blocks. It is about yourself being free from the bondage of bitterness and anger of yesteryears by letting go of the past.

Some of the problems may indeed be wholly or partly as a result of things that happened in our childhood or adult stages. We are all products of our environment to some extent, and as such have been influenced positively in some ways and negatively in others. No one in this world has had complete positive experiences; everyone has had atleast some difficulties and hurts caused by past experiences, some of which have been long lasting. But the important thing for you to remember is that you can overcome any problem caused by your past hurts. These things do not have to continue to control or even influence you emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

Those who have experienced difficulties in life and have overcome them are often able and of great influence in helping others have the courage to overcome their respective challenges.

These problems in your life should be looked at as growing pains, what you need is a step to another level rather than dwindling. Many people don’t understand this principle, but blame God for things that have gone wrong.

When God allows us to suffer hurts, trials or losses, it is always for an important purpose. He uses these measures to bring out the sweetness, valuable changes and lessons in our lives.

This is the time you have to flush out your past, refreshes yourself and go on with your life. ###

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