
Praying For Your Husband

Marriage is a ministry and for any ministry to be operational or functional, prayer must be one of the major ingredients.
Husbands are the General Overseer of every home (marriage) which is the ministry. Wives are the residents or assistant pastors in the marriage. Your duty as a wife and an assistant to the fulfillment of this ministry is to pray for a successful ministry which is your marriage, to see that it does not collapse because of lack of protection by words of prayer.
The husband is the breadwinner and the frontliner in the family which put a huge target on his back. The enemy will throw everything at him to get him down or make him fall into temptation.
Hence the role of the husband cannot be overlooked in marriage; as a result, they became the target.
The husband is exposed to so many temptations such as the call of a strange woman, beautiful housemaid in the home, women offering oneself freely to him in the office, signing of a document that may mortgage his family future, financial crisis, secretary temptation, unfaithful friends that may lurk him into unfaithful and dangerous affairs, etc.
As a wife you are call to stand in the gap for him.
The devil is not happy seeing a successful and marriage. His target is to strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. And because of that he will look for any mean to bring the family or marriage to a disgrace.
That why Women Focus is bringing you this piece to awake the slumbering wives to their duties.
Writer, why are you saying this? Is there any woman that doesn’t pray for her husband? Yes, there are lots of women (wives) who don’t see that prayer is a necessity for her husband.
I believe as women, we have our own identity and a purpose that God wants us to fulfill in the life of a man.
As a wife, helpmet, companion, friend, confidant, there are some danger, you see ahead of your husband that is why Pilate’s wife was able to advise her husband to have no hand in the death of Jesus Christ. And Pilate, due to the advise of his wife, washed his hand and said, “I have no hand in the death of an innocent blood”, as such what was suppose to be a cure to the Pilate’s upspring was averted because a woman (wife) was standing in the gap. Matt. 27:19, 24.
Women, who leave their husbands to fate, leave their marriage to danger because anything can happen when you don’t build a hedge of protection by prayer around your marriage.
I have heard women complaint that they don’t have a voice in their husbands’ affairs. If I may ask, whose fault, is it? If you know hot to control his affair in the spiritual realm by word of prayer, in the physical, he will not only tell you but will hand over his affairs to you.
Something happened in my village about 10 years ago, where the husband of a Deeper Life sister, though the man was not a believer, that he went and concubine a woman from another community, this Deeper Life sister knowing that her husband is going out with another woman, did not bother herself to call the husband to order or make problem with the strange woman but hand him over to God in prayer.
In the process of time, God brought a heavy quarrel that resulted to police case between the man and his concubine.
By prayer and without making any problem on either side, she was able to bring her husband back home.
Some of us women know how to quarrel and make problem but don’t know how to arrest what we don’t want in the life of our husbands with prayers.
Your will come home and tell you of his bad experience in the office, instead of you to assure him of God’s possibility in the situation, you will turn it into his weak point.
My dear sister, it is not that your husband cannot handle that situation but he sees you as the only mother, sister and friend, he can communicate his challenges to, so stand on your feet and assure him, his victory as Deborah of old.
The attitude of the wives had make some husbands to bear their burden alone, they relate their challenges to their wife, what they will get is worst than the arrow of the enemy.
Wife, be the engine room that keeps your ministry (marriage) going no matter the circumstances.
A husband that knows his wife had been the pillar behind his success by standing in place of prayer for him will not let you for any reason. ###

Friday Nse Edith



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