
Nigerians And Economic Recession

According to 2016 Daily Reflections of Methodist Church Nigeria, dated Tuesday 13th September, 2016, Nigerians or believers were urged not to be discouraged but trust in the Lord based on the economic reality in Nigerian, Habakkuk 1:1-4, 14-18.

The common slogan in the mouth of Nigerians today is: ‘The country is hard; nothing is working; there are no jobs for youths; the economy is bad.

While it is true that the entire global community is feeling the hard bite of economic recession, Nigeria is feeling it the most because our leaders are not forward-looking enough to see the recessions afar and make adequate plans to cushion their effects on the citizens. With the present trend, both the unemployed, the working class and the retirees are not finding it easy. As for the unemployed; there appears to be no hope in view. In the case of the working class, those that are in state service are not being paid salaries on regular basis. The entrepreneurs are crying because of the hostile economic condition that is making their recurrent expenditure to be on the increase. Loans are not easily accessible. When accessed at all, the interest rates are very high! Who then is having it easy at this time?

The most disheartening one is the case of the people that served meritoriously and retired from active service. Many of them are not being paid their retirement benefits. The hydra-headed monster called “Corruption” has eaten deep into the fabrics of our nation’s wealth. We are not sure of answers to the questions of when, where, how, and who of solutions to our problems. To worsen the situation, the corrupt ones are smiling to the banks while justice is not there! There is insecurity everywhere!

Prophet Habakkuk came on stage in the history of Israel their situation was begging for attention like ours. He gave them the assurance that God had not forgotten them. They should therefore not be discouraged because all hope was not lost. The message of hope God sent to Israel. He is still sending to us as a country and to you in particular. Do not allow the uneven terrain to push you into actions that are contrary to the will of God. God will work out His purpose such that the policies, programmes and prospects of the new regime in Nigeria will favour you and all of us in Jesus Name.

Indeed, every Nigerian should pray to God for a better economy and do the right thing that will improve standard of living in Nigeria. The economic recession is not making things easy for Nigerians; therefore, every citizen should as a matter of urgent national interest support and pray and trust in God for the economic recession to come to an end in Nigeria. ###

Frank Eneawaji Ogwuonuonu


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