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Islamic Bank Loan: Process Of Islamizing Nigeria – Pastor

A twenty first century gospel preacher base in Nigeria, Pastor Don Kester Oshioreame has called on Christian’s particularly those in Nigeria to rise up to the daunting challenges facing the citizenry especially Christians against the move to Islamize Nigeria by the current administration beginning with the proposed partnership with Islamic Development Bank.

Pastor Don Kester made the all important call in Port Harcourt while delivery a message on the topic “ God Needs You”, with text from the book of Ezekiel chapter 22:30 to mark the 2016 anniversary of the Greenfield Ministry incorporate last weekend.

Describing the theme of the 2016 convention anniversary of the ministry “Man Hunt” as very apt with the immediate situation at hand in Nigeria, the dynamic preacher and guest speaker at the anniversary, Kester reiterated that as crucial as the call is personal, specific and powerful, God needs men because there are disintegration over the world and Nigeria as institutions have failed.

Expanciating further on the need for Christians to heed the call in their respective fields, Kester explained the various ways God’s call could meet a man emphasizing that waiting for the kind of Moses’ sensational call would amount to waiting in futility since God’s invitation takes diverse dimension, while drawing lessons from the call of Adam, Moses, Jonah, Ezekiel and Nehemiah among others. He urged Christians to jettison denominational criticism and become solution providers, burden breakers to rescue Nigeria from destruction, emulate Nehemiah’s characters and brace up with the task on ground.  ###

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