
WOMEN FOCUS: Women: You Are What You Eat

fruit_selection_155265101_webEverything we eat becomes a part of not only our inner being, but the outer fabric of our body as well.

The reverse is the true as well, when we pay less attention to what goes in our mouth, and the more problems we may see from what we eat.

Food contains combination of nutrients and other healthful substances. No single food can supply all nutrients in the amount you will have a complete nutrients. For example, orange provides Vitamin c but no Vitamin B12, cheese provides Vitamin 12 but no vitamin c. to make sure you get all of the nutrients and substances needed for health, choose the recommended number of daily servings from each of the five major food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, meat and beans.

What we eat majority of the times matters a lot. If there is a follow up for a day, week or a month, what food do we eat the most of the time? Will your pattern of food indicate you have a well balanced meals or an unhealthy food lifestyle.

What we should take note is that at different times our food choices differ, but the question is what do we eat majority of the time. At any point in time, what we eat most of the time matters.

Eating a balanced diet is the best way to get your share of good food for healthy living. If you mostly eat small and healthy, you will experience a good health.

For some women their weight does not reflect their poor food choices, but what is not visible is how unhealthy food is affecting their overall health or internal organs. Often, by the time, they have a diagnosis, the damage is done and medical treatment begins. It is then that every one will be shocked with the news of their ill-health.

Are your meals well balanced? Do you eat small meals through out the day? Are you eating fruits ad vegetables every day to get you the vitamins and minerals needed? Do you eat enough proteins to keep you healthy? Are you adding carbohydrate to give you energy, and healthy fat to keep you satisfied? Or do you opt for fast food restaurants roadside boila or the junks brought into your office? Do you just grab what is handy and convenient and ignore your health? It is never too late to change.

It is important for women all ages to maintain a healthy weight. Women who are over weigh by their eating habit increase their risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, breathing problems and other illnesses.

To maintain a healthy body weight, women must balance the amount of calories in the foods and drinks, they consume with the amount of calories the body uses.

Physical activities are important way to see food energy. Extreme thinness is also unhealthy. Women who eat very little or excessively diet may not get the calories and other nutrients they need for good health.

At this juncture, Women Focus wants to appeal to the women to go back to the days of our mothers, when vegetables and fruits were more important to them than junk foods. They prefer food cooked in their pots and not what they saw on another woman’s table. ###






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