
The Heavens of God (Part 2)

The heavens of God is the subject no one wants to write about. This is because most of those who claim the knowledge of God speak only from their book knowledge from ‘Holy Books’. When people have not had the experience of God, all their book knowledge is of no consequence. This is because they do not have first-hand information about the heavens of God. Their assertions are based on another man’s experiences which have been written down from thousands of years ago. Anyone who claims to have the knowledge of God should have the ability to describe these heavens in great detail so that others can also visit these heavens before they die. Most charlatans would tell you that you can only visit the heavens of God after death. This is because they do not know the way. For if they did, they would guide their followers to the heavens of God while still alive to tell the story.

As it was written from last week’s edition the way to the heavens of God is located at the center of the forehead of man, in-between the two eye brows. This is why some countries and traditions from around Asia make their women put a dot at this center which is at the same level with the pituary gland. This is the gateway into the Spiritual Worlds which has more than fourteen heavens with so many worlds in-between these large universes which are beyond the reasoning of men. Only the Living Word whom God has appointed can lead man through these various heavens into the abode of God Almighty, our Creator and Father. Any being or Soul that has not met the Living Word in flesh cannot find their way through this gate in the HU-man body back home into the heavens of God. And as I wrote last week, meeting the Living Godman demands personal effort on the part of the individual who is interested in going back home to God. Those who are looking for prosperity will get them from that minor God in charge of prosperity but they must remember that they would pay back every kobo obtained from these god. But those who sincerely seek the heavens of God and Its Kingdome shall inherit both the heavens and all the goodness of the Earth and lower universes. But those who love prosperity gods shall reincarnate and inherit the Earth and shall keep coming and going, coming and going until under the process of reincarnation, until they are opportuned to meet the Living Word, the Way Shower, who has the responsibility of taking them back home to God.

When the individual sings the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God sincerely (check last weeks’ edition), he or she would have the opportunity of meeting with the Living Word. Over a period of time, the individual would be introduced and trained about how to know things spiritual and gradually the individual would become familiar with the dream worlds and the first heaven of God. This first heaven is purple in color. Just as our Earth world is green in color, the first heaven has light purple in color. But in-between the physical universes and the first heaven, we have the Moon Worlds and the Sun Worlds that are beyond the imagination of man. These are the worlds that the scientist wants to conquer without knowing that the physical equipment cannot perceive life in these spiritual worlds. So the scientist travels to the Moon and comes back to announce that there is no living thing on the moon But when the spiritual man travels through the Inner gateway, he discovers that there are beings there on the Moon just like we have on Earth. They go about their own businesses.

There was a time when the Living Word came to my apartment and after doing the necessary Spiritual Exercises, we moved out of the HU-man body through the Spiritual eye located in-between the two eyebrows  and into a rocket like transportation into the Mon World. There I met one of my Uncles who was surprised to see me there.

‘What are you doing here, young man? He asked incredulously

‘I am here with my Guide’ I said pointing to my Spiritual Guide beside me.

Continuing, my Guide said ‘Your scientist say people do not live here but what do you see?’ he asked. But I could see people moving about for their individual businesses and no one paid any attention to us. When I looked at my body, it was like a thousand stars woven together. This was the body of Soul which is within the HU-man flesh. Only those who have eyes can see it. It is the Soul body that the Spiritual Student uses to access the heavens of God and not the rotten bones that people are expecting to rise from the grave.

Once people drop the body in the process known as death, they are escorted into the world of the dead where they are judged based not on their religion, but by their thoughts, words and actions and feelings. These are recorded within the causal body of man that is known as conscience. This is why no one can argue with the judge of the dead because he has the ability of scanning the body of the Soul who has dropped the HU-man body to obtain the relevant information to judge Soul’s activities during the period in question. Once the individual is scanned and the information obtained, the individual is judged and sent to a place where the individual has earned. Often times, the individual is sent back into the same family to ‘come and reap what they have sown’. Thus Fathers come back as children to claim the inheritance they left behind and mother comes back as another child to maintain the family line. Look at your children very well. You will know those who have come back for they speak to you with unusual authority.

Sometimes Soul has earned the right of being sent into the first heaven. There, he would be welcomed by other relatives who had passed on, a lot of years ago. Suddenly, the truth of life dawns on the newcomer who has been fed with a lot of lies through religion about the afterlife. But then everyman has the right to choose what to believe. So there is actually no one to blame except the individual who has refused to ask tough questions and demand answers.

Thus the first heaven is controlled by a minor god whose name is Jehovah. He is the powerhouse for God Almighty at this level but he does not possess power of creation over Soul. His job is simply to act as a channel to all creation below the first heaven. This is the origin of that statement ‘as above, so below’. For nothing is brought forth into manifestation that is not already in existence on the first heaven. Inhabitants of this heaven live sometimes about 1000years of Earth’s time. This is why we sometimes see dead relatives who actually welcome us back home to this first heaven. This heaven is where our emotions originate from. The Sound of the Holy Spirit, when differentiated from the original Sound of God, HU, is heard either as the sound of the rushing wind or the sound of running water. This is the source of all psychic phenomena, flying saucers, ghost, spirits. This is the plane reached by Astral projection. Those who do not know God Almighty cannot go beyond this heaven. Most individuals travel to this heaven unconsciously during their dreams. When man is said to die daily, it is because he drops the body every night in a process known as sleep and journeys into the first heaven. Since he is not trained in his religion, he concludes that it was a dream.

So unconscious ignorance is the number one problem of man. When a man does not know that he does not know, he becomes ignorant in proportions and transfers this ignorance in multiples actions and discussions without recognizing that what he thinks he knows is not actually correct. And man continues to revel in his self- made ignorance.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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