
HU: Your Passport To The Heavens of God

Access to the heavens of God will continue to generate interest especially when only few individuals have been able to access the heavens of God and report back to others. Most of our so called ‘men of God’ have no idea about how to access these heavens of God so they keep telling their gullible followers ‘Don’t worry, when you die you will go to heaven!’ . But when you ask even the men of God to come and die and go to heaven, they retort that ‘it is not yet my time!’. The question is, if heaven were about enjoyment and hand clapping, pray how come our ‘men of God are reluctant to go there?’ The answer cannot be far- fetched. It is simply because they do not know the way to the heavens of God. They therefore continue to be ‘men of words!’ They will continue to quote endlessly from old and other people’s experiences  with God recorded in ‘Holy Books’.

When is the man of today going to have direct experiences with God Almighty?

When is the man of today going to gain entry into the Kingdom of Heaven and come back to tell others about it?

How can man access the heavens of God and bring the wisdom of the heavens to Earth for spiritual and material benefits to fellow children of God?

These and many more questions beg for answers!

The journey into the heavens of God begins with the HU, the Holy, Secret, Sacred and Ancient name of God. With this, any individual who wants to graduate from believing God to experiencing and knowing God can gain access to the Living Godman and the Heavens of God directly with little or no ceremonies. All that is required is for man to be guided on how to access these heavens and also being bold and having the right attitude. For it is only the bold and adventurous that can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven while the meek, gentle and ignorant shall inherit the Earth perpetually through continuous reincarnation.

So how can man access these heavens of God? How many heavens are there? What is required for man to access these heavens? What is the protocol required of man? Who is the Spiritual Guide, the Living Godman?

The gateway to the heavens of God is located within man and not outside of man. But because man cannot find it within himself, he searches for it on top of mountains and inside the depth of Oceans but failed to recognize this gateway within himself because he has been confused by his religion that claimed that the heavens of God are beyond the skies. But alas, the heavens of God are contained within the lowly ant and the crawling worm. But man who claims to be the apex of God’s Creation does not and cannot access this heaven of God.

There are two ways in which man can access the heavens of God: Consciously and unconsciously. When man goes to heaven consciously and in a trained manner, he is able to recollect his journey experiences. When he goes there unconsciously, he is unaware of his experiences. But when man goes to bed every night he is given an opportunity to leave his HU-man body in the process of sleep. Thus man is given an opportunity to have out- of- body experiences which he erroneously calls dreams but are actually experiences in the First Heaven of God. But because man is not trained in accessing this First Heaven he says he has had a dream. Most of the dream experiences of the inexperienced individual actually emanate from the First Heaven which is commonly referred to as the Astral World. This heaven of God is light purple in color. But when man comes here in the dream state, he does so ignorantly without knowing where he is. But one common feature about his trip to this first heaven is that he will have experiences with his late relatives who would have died long ago. He would be surprised that people do not die final but just drop the HU-man body and continues life in the first heaven of God or are made to reincarnate back into the physical world to come and reap what they have sowed according the law of Karma and Reincarnation Thus man goes to the heavens of God every night he drops the physical body in sleep but he is not aware of it. Yet he is afraid of death.

The heavens from the fifth and above are inaccessible to man because they are known as the pure heavens of God while the lower ones are referred to as the lower heavens. Any individual who does not have access to the pure heavens of God must reincarnate until he balances his accounts in the lower worlds including the lower heavens. But for him to access the pure heavens of God either as a visitor or resident he would require a Spiritual Guide.

Spiritual Guides are simply Agents of God that God has appointed to lead all ready souls back home into the kingdom of God. The Agents of God are available on all heavens of God and on the physical plane including our dear Earth. They do not belong to any religion but they are available for any individual who wishes to visit and know the heavens of God provided they are sincere about their quest. At the head of these group of individuals is the Living Word, the Wayshower whose responsibility it is to take you and I to the heavens of God while still living in the HU-man flesh. This is in accordance to the spiritual law: that a disciple in the HU-man body must have a Guide in the HU-man body. It is still this law that makes it possible for the Living Word to also take man to the heavens of God while still alive. To access these heavens of God and these Holy Men of God, the password is HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God.

Where can one find the way into the heavens of God?

The way into the heavens of God lies at the center of man’s forehead in-between his two eyebrows. This point at the forehead of man is known as the ‘Spiritual Eye’ or the ‘Third Eye’. This is the gateway into the Heavens of God. For man to pass through this gateway, he would need a Spiritual Guide as I mentioned earlier. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle that for man without a Spiritual Guide to pass through this gateway otherwise called the Spiritual Eye. When the two eyes of man are closed during contemplation and the Spiritual Exercises of the Holy Spirit, man is able to ride on the sound current of God into the pure heavens of God with the aid of the Living Godman. The untrained individual only goes through this gate during death or ignorantly, during a dream.

How can man contact the Living Godman, the Wayshower?

The sincere individual can make contact with the Living Godman in two ways: Physically and through the spiritual channels. In every age God has never left man without a Wayshower from age to age. There have 973 Living Godmen who have assisted man in finding their ways into the Inner Chamber of God Almighty. The present Living Godman resides in the United States and one can meet with Him during Worldwide Seminars where he usually delivers spiritually uplifting talks. But for those who cannot travel to meet with Him, he can be contacted through the inner Spiritual Channels through special spiritual exercises. One of these exercises is singing the Holy and Sacred name of God known as the HU.

The interested individual should look for a quiet place to relax, sit in a tailor fashion, close his eyes and places his attention in-between his Spiritual Eye and slowly rolls the HU like this: Yoooouuuu!. This should be repeated for about 10 to 20 minutes especially before the individual goes to bed. This should be done repeatedly for 7 days and the individual shall have the experience of the heavens of God. The individual should not be afraid when the Living Word comes in the dream worlds for He shall come with lots of Love that the individual would recognize.

This is the beginning of your spiritual adventure into the heavens of God!

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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