
Co Workership With God 2

The whole purpose about Life is to give Soul, a divine spark of God an opportunity to learn how to Co-work with God. Through the experiences of Soul in life, It would learn how to be a channel for the divine love of God by practicing how to give and receive this love and share it among other creatures of God.

There are three major phases Soul would need to pass through to realize this eternal ambition. The first being life before meeting the Spiritual Coach, followed by life after meeting with the Spiritual Coach and finally Soul graduating to become a Co-Worker with God.

Life before meeting with the Spiritual Coach begins with Soul leaving the pure heavens of God for its spiritual education in spiritual schools arranged for It  in what we call the lower worlds otherwise known commonly as the physical universe of which our own school, the mother earth belongs. Soul, a pure spark of God is enfolded as it arrives here on earth with the HU-man body to protect it from the vibrations of the physical worlds. Soul being an individualized unit of the Holy Spirit is made of pure Light and Sound and can only exist in this form in the pure heavens of God. But if It has to undergo education in the lower worlds it has to wear a uniform just like a child wears while going to primary school.

Soul in its original form is made in the image and likeness of God. In other words Soul shares all the attributes of God being a spark of God. These attributes are Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience. In other words, Soul like God has the ability to be present in all places, knows all things and can be all loving (powerful). But these attributes remain at the potency level and would require being activated so that Soul can realize Itself and realize God.

That is the purpose of Soul’s spiritual education on earth and in so many schools in the physical universes. This Spiritual education is to be supervised by the Lords of Karma, agents of God in charge of running the education of Soul. Their job in the spiritual scheme of things is to hold Soul in the lower worlds until Soul is made pure and ready to pass his spiritual tests (problems) fully learn how to love and eventually realize Itself and is then ready to go back to God.

At the head of this spiritual education is minor God commonly referred to as satan/devil. It is his responsibility to tempt Soul (that is why he tempts all who call themselves children of God!) and ensure that no impure Soul returns back to God. He operates through two faces, being a loving father when you pray to him and being wicked when Soul is tempted mostly with material things. He is only doing his spiritual job assigned to him by God, after all the Almighty God created this minor God for a specific purpose..

As soon as Soul dons the HU-Man body, It soon forgets who he is. This is also deliberate to allow Soul to exercise Its full creative abilities. Soul thus begins life with a little initial karma that sets the ‘ball rolling’. Karma gives the individual the opportunity to take action while realizing that all actions have an equal and opposite reaction. Put simply, whatever Soul in Hu-man body thinks, says and does generates an opposing reaction in the worlds of duality. Some religions refer to this as ‘reaping what you sow’. Indeed all Souls reap whatever they sow in thoughts words and deeds without exception. When Soul drops the Human body in the process known as death, he reincarnates in another body to continue to reap what he or she must have sown in a former life. And thus the journey of Soul on the wheel of the eighty-four begins. Soul continues to ‘go and return’ for millions and millions of years. Soul continues this journey for as long as it takes Soul to learn how to give and receive the divine love of God. At this stage, Soul is a child of destiny, for he is controlled by his past thoughts, words and actions. Thus Soul operates within the confines of Destiny, but there is a way beyond destiny.

In this journey of the Spiritual education of Soul, God Almighty also made a provision for Soul to also have a Spiritual Coach whose responsibility it is to teach Soul how to learn love and find Its way back to the heavens of God. The Spiritual Coach is the Chief Executive of all the worlds of God be it physical, psychic or spiritual. It is the responsibility of Soul who seeks liberation from this school to make contact with the Spiritual Coach through Its own personal efforts.

Meeting this Spiritual Coach is the beginning of the second phase in the spiritual journey of Soul.

As Soul continues to ‘go and come’ through the process of reincarnation, repetition of scenes start getting familiar to Soul. It would start recognizing places and faces because we are indeed our own ancestors. Soul would then realize that there is indeed a purpose to life. Then Soul becomes the spiritual hound, finding ways to understand the purpose of life. Soul begins to find ways to understand God and Its own relationship with God.

At this stage Soul will move from one religion to the other without deriving any satisfaction. He would dream dreams without any satisfactory explanation from any prophet, priest or pastor. He now gets to that stage where he knows that his spiritual destiny is in his own hands. He becomes the eternal seeker!

If the seeking Soul has generated or sown enough love in Its thoughts, words and actions cumulatively from previous lives till date, he is then given an opportunity to meet with the Spiritual Coach whose responsibility it is to take the mature and ready Soul back home to God.

Because of the illusions of life, some Souls are not and cannot be ready especially those who believe we only live once!

The spiritual life begins with Soul meeting with the Spiritual Coach whose responsibility it is to teach Soul about its dreams, the heavens of God and how Soul can liberate itself from the shackles of karma and reincarnation and attain spiritual freedom in this lifetime! This initially would seem to be a tall order. But with love and determination Soul begins this journey back home to God.

The very first step is for Soul to know who It is. From the utterances of most ‘men of God’ one would realize that most do not know who they are. For if the leaders of religion can say words like ‘my Soul’ that is sure evidence of they not knowing who they are. For if man owns Soul, then who is man? This is the greatest illusion that man is faced with in this spiritual school called earth.

The Spiritual Coach teaches man that Soul wears a body called Tony, Sarah etc and is capable of dropping this body every night it sojourns into the heavens of God and eventually drops this body at death with the knowledge of its destination after death. Anybody who teaches man that he has to die before going to the heaven of God does not know the way to Heaven. For it is the responsibility of the Spiritual Coach to take Soul to heavens of God while still leaving in the physical body. Soul would then come back and teach others about the wonders of the heavens of God while the meek and spiritually docile would continue to read about such adventures in ‘Holy Books’. For any man who quotes from the spiritual experience of another in any Holy Book is bereft of any spiritual experience of his own. If not why would he quote from a book when he can journey to the heavens of God at will?

The Spiritual Coach also teaches Soul that love and love alone is the key to the heavens of God. Love is the key that Soul would need to present at the door to the heavens of God. And the only way to get love is to give it at all times until one becomes a magnet of love.

As Soul learns to give more love, he finds out that all his thoughts, words and actions become purer and he is able to ‘pay’ for all his past actions and he is ‘tempted and given examination’ by the tempter of Souls and eventually graduates to become a Co-Worker with God.

And thus Soul moves to the final stage of Its spiritual education in the lower worlds.

Being a Co-Worker with God involves being a channel for the divine love of God. The individual Soul, having being trained by the Spiritual Coach graduates to become a worker in the Spiritual Vineyard of God. Just as a medical student learns under a consultant and later graduates and becomes a doctor, so also would Soul graduate to become a Co-Worker with God because Soul can now understand why things are really the way they are. As a Co-Worker with God, Soul now knows that he is not separated from God because Soul now knows that what belongs to the Almighty Father also belongs to him so he does not need to pray. Soul only wishes that the will of God be done in life.

As Soul practices being a Co-worker with God, he gains more of Divine love and after his journey on earth he is posted to anywhere in the heavens of God to continue to serve as a channel for God eternally



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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