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WOMEN FOCUS: Daughter In-law: What You May Wish Yourself

In Nigeria, most ladies got married thinking they are married to their spouse alone, forgetting they have families, most especially their parents.
A mother in-law is the mother of your spouse who could either be the mother of our wife or husband. In this write up, I am focusing on the mother of the man (the husband).
The mother in-law is the woman who carried your husband in her womb for nine months, breastfed him and underwent the stress of being a good mother to your husband.
The raising of a child is not a task that one will wish not to enjoy the fruit of her labour. It takes an enduring, tolerance, considerate, patience spirit to be a good mother.
A child that is well brought up to be a responsible man was the strength of somebody; such a good gesture must be reciprocal at last. A daughter in-law should know that somebody make her “to be” husband what he is today. Responsible adult don’t fall from trees, they are raise by responsible parents for who to fall back on tomorrow; your coming should not to frustrate that efforts but to compliment it.
There is joy in having a mother in-law as the role of the mother in-law to her daughter in-law cannot be underestimated in our society. The mother in-law plays a very important role in taking care of her son’s wife (daughter in-law) when she puts to birth. She plays the role of ensuring that all is well with her son and the wife by giving the wife some useful tips on how to maintain her home and tips on what her son love the most.
It is a known fact that the role of mother in-law to her daughter in-law cannot be underestimated in a successful marriage because; she alone knows the secret of winning fully the heart of her son.
Over the years, mothers in-law, siblings have gotten a bad rap, jokes and otherwise from daughters in-law.
The issue of most young ladies saying that they don’t want to marry a man who has a mother is so common in the 21st century. These women feel that having mother in-law can be cumbersome and troublesome, and the only way that they can avert such trouble is never to be involved in it in the first place; and never to be involved in that means never to marry a man with mother.
In order words, they wish the man they want to marry loses his mother before they marry him.
This is so disheartening as these set of women who are wishing no to have a mothers-in-law because they feel, they don’t want to undergo the stress of facing trouble mother in-law are placing curse on themselves because the cause and effect of law of karma state that “every action generates a force of energy that returns to us like kind … What we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of karma is happiness and success”.
What this law simply means is that, when you wish your mother in law to die before marrying her son because you are afraid she will turn out to be difficult mother in-law, also have it at the back of your mind that your own “to be” daughter in-law will also wish not marry your son when you are alive.
In essence, you also will not live to enjoy the joy of being a mother in-law to your daughter in-law and the joy of being a grandmother to your grand children. Don’t get me wrong, it is not a curse from me. It is only a law which karma states.
It is also important to note that, as a daughter in-law or ‘to be’ daughter, you are in that family for good not to ruin it. Bringing you into the family should not make your husband or ‘to be’ husband washes his hand off his family. Some families that were closed fall apart because of daughter in-law.
Though, I am not disputing the fact that some mothers-in-law are very difficult to handle but wishing your “to be” mother in-law to die before marrying her son, will not guarantee peace in your marriage; instead of wishing her dead before marrying her son, because you don’t want her trouble, why not find out her reason behind the action.
It is better you think on how to build a good relationship with them and enjoy all the benefits of having one in your marriage. ###

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