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Muhammadu-Buhari-NKThe word “BUILD” is a very complex and challenging topic for discussion as its meaning span, varies and become elaborate probably on any concentrated context it may apply.

According to the English dictionary there are various definitions of the word, Build. Some of them includes : to form something by combining materials or parts ; to develop or give form to something according to a plan or process; to increase or strengthen something by adding gradually to amongst others.

Other authorities however convey in relative terms the progressive nature of the word. The oxford dictionary of current English says to build is to construct by putting parts together; increase over time, and others.

To build is a tasking job which demands determination, Love, desire, will, influence boldness, sacrifices-prayers and fasting amidst others.

Either to form something by combining materials or parts and, or to increase or strengthen by adding gradually to, both are syndrome and attribute for building.

One thing is peculiar with building; for the thought of building to be conceived it means that there are fallow or empty space or something. It also signifies that something had been destroyed or taken out of position.

It again justifies that there was a weak and there must be the need to strengthen such. Lapses call for reinvigoration in every sector and section of life. If one is not sick, there would be no need to seek for a medical treatment at the hospital or looking for a physician for private services.

To build does not only refer to erecting a structure or rather reasoning together so as to affect lasting solution to a wanted situation, but getting higher from the present state through materials, substance and object on a desired plan or process to foster unity and development.

A house that was destroyed need to be reconstructed, a weak structure requires strength, a disabled organization must be revived or made strong, decreasing capitals must be increased as dwindling economies would be made to increase overtime, and what have you.

In the 21st century particularly from the mid 2015 AD, the Nigerian system had witnessed tough times and is presently undergoing difficulty, leaving the citizenry in abject poverty and starvation in the face of obvious abundance. This untold condition where Nigerians are denied their legitimate rights must consciously and immediately undergo reconstruction for a better society.

Between the 538 B.C and 458 B.C, the city walls of Jerusalem were destroyed by the enemies leaving a defenseless city and a destroyed people. In paragraph four above, certain attributes were listed as requisite for building. When Jerusalem was destroyed and her citizens sent on exile ,it was a disturbing and devastating situation that called for redress. Whatever that led to the destruction of Jerusalem, off-course, (war) had however ceased and people were returning back home. The first batch of returnees from exile were led in 538 B.C by ZerubabeL, ( EZRA I ,2 and 3). Ezra led the second group in about 458 BC. See EZRA Chapter 7.

Jeremiah was ready to lead the third and major group back to Jerusalem (445 B. C.). And having arrived and saw things for himself, Nehemiah was not carried away with joy return but had some level of concern for the city.

According to VEN. AMAVEY-ABBEY-KALIO, in an article entitled “Let us rise and Build” published in ‘Our Comforter Magazine’, 2015. “But Nehemiah also found a disorganized group of people and a defenseless city with no walls to protect it .” he said all that the Israelites’ had before going into exile were completely destroyed; language, kings, identity, and Army amongst other things while they also lacked leadership.

As they returned, Nehemiah saw the temple and as well recognized others who had also returned but noticed broken walls signaling lack of physical protection, he then knew there was need to rebuild the walls of the City.

The essence of this episode is to stress the importance, need and urgency attach to building a broken relationship, economy and other essentials for the well-being of the citizenry.

Considering the dilapidated nature of the Jerusalem walls, Nehemiah in chapters 1, 2 and 3 had compassion and love with strong desire to building the broken walls. Nehemiah took time to pray and fast for direction having studied the damages done to the people.

One must desire to do a thing before he could carry it out; determination to do such desire is always burn out of the love or compassion on a particular issue. As said earlier, building is a rigorous process tasking and requires sacrifices. To go for the building of any broken walls, relationship one must be so determined to face certain huddles arising from it and never scram.

Building requires efforts of many hands, collective effort and cooperation in addition to courageousness would enhance speedy work. Of all these the will to embark on the works so desired is crucial for an effective result, because without the will , the temptation of abandoning ones desires would emerge occasion on challenges against the –building.

It takes one to acquire the syndrome of a man to achieve the positive results of building, since it is associated with numerous obstacles as may be identified. In the current dispensation, the church and the nation of Nigeria requires not only renovation but rebuilding its entire estates ranging from economy, citizens, infrastructure, organization probably from its foundations.

Nigeria with all due respect and modesty has gone very bad that transportation fare has increased beyond the ordinary man because of PMS, fuel hike, exorbitant prices of food stuff in the market, therefore making life seemingly unbearable and worrisome to the citizenry. The problem however is anchored on poor leadership and bad governance at the centre.

What shall be the position of the Christians is thrust of this episode.   The dwindling nature of Nigeria, collapsed state of everything and of course the sorry state of life demands the urgent need for all to collectively converge for reasoning on rescue mission.

Nehemiah saw the broken nature of Jerusalem walls and after prayers and fasting he solicited with the citizenry to gather for a possible rebuilding of the walls. In the same vein the Christian communities in Nigeria must rise up to build the broken state of Nigerian nation.

Nigeria need rebuilding from its foundation and this requires the attention of its maker, GOD, to reposition it. To bring the attention of God Almighty into this precarious situation, the Christians must intervene through quality prayers and fasting, having seen the destruction the nation is facing.

Like Nehemiah who was the burden bearer, and never disclosed in a hurry what God had laid in his heart, the Christians today must take up the challenges of boldness, sacrifices, deep compassion, determination, desire, will and love for the country to influence the political class, the business moguls, economists and others for the need to build Nigeria.

Nigeria in the twenty-first century without gainsaying especially with the current administration led by an incompetent, weak and aged ruler, detector and traveler has seemingly gone worsen, stinking thereby demands urgent rescue.

All classes, manners and sections of the nation must desire the need for a new Nigeria. If this is welcomed then the love and sacrifices for building must become paramount in the hearts to enhance positive result.

The Churches’ perspective therefore must be beyond the individual pattern of prayers but a collective convocation for corporate prayers at the various zones of the country.

Christians did it before and can do it again particularly in the prevailing circumstances where Nigeria is speedily going either extinction or Islamisation. Now that the foundational problems of the country is known as lacking in leadership skills and amongst others, the Church can have free access to communicating with God for the ultimate change ,and redirection.

The time for the thousands of churches that truly serves God in Nigeria to act as well as demonstrating their love for God and humanity and Nigeria at large is now.


With James Mgboineme


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