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Women Focus: Female Lawmakers And Women Empowerment

Borrowing a leaf from what Queen Esther did in the Bible, every woman in power stands the chance of salvaging the lives of her people.
Most of the female lawmakers are one way or the other like Queen Esther in the Bible send by God into power to help their people (women) to come out of poverty and realize their dreams, to give hope to the hopeless, strength to the weak and protection to the defenceless.
The female lawmakers should not see the opportunity as a medium to loot or enrich themselves instead of the masses.
We have heard the story of many women of old who left their footprints on the sand of time through their outstanding contributions to the society and humanity.
Women like Mary Slessor who battled for human rights and fought against the killing of twins and eating of human’s flesh, Emmeline Pankhurst, a British political activist, who helped women to win the right to vote. She shaped the lives of women, making women to have a meaningful opportunities by participating in political affairs of the country which have led women to active participation in politics to the extent that women occupy various executive positions in Nigeria and beyond which The Women Focus is pleading with the female lawmakers to use this same opportunity and the legacies someone had left behind to better the lives of women.
Female lawmakers should have passion on their constituents and fight for the less privileged, the mandate that was given to them through massive vote from women of their constituencies should not be a platform for intimidation, acquire more wealth, flamboyant living.
The level of poverty in the grassroots among women requires a purposeful programme intervention by our female representatives who have the women at heart. They should work hard to free our women from abject and dehumanizing conditions occasioned by poverty.
The women have been committed to their family. They are the most important factor in the family, if they are empowered, you will see that the family would do well.
Women hold the key to a future free from hunger and poverty. By supporting women’s education, training them as business leaders, farmers and aiding those displaced by circumstance; we will have a better tomorrow.
Evidence has showed that with if women are empowered, women can raise the living standards of their families and inject new lease of life into the local economy.
The female representatives should also take into cognizance how to empower the young women because the level of prostitution among young women is on a highest side. If they are empower in the areas of hair dressing, sewing, baking, interior decoration etc, the poverty that pushes them into such an indecent trade will be eradicated.
When there is employment through these skills acquisition, daily income will increase and the living standard of the young women will improve.
People often ask me, “What can be done to defeat hunger?” My answer is simple “empower women because women are the secret weapon to fight hunger”.
As a female lawmaker that was given the mandate by the women in your constituency to represent them, what will you be remembered for? What will posterity see on the sand of time as your footprints? Can the unborn generation celebrate your legacy? Uptil today, we the women are still enjoying the legacy of Emmeline Pankhurst who fought to give women the voting right to be in the corridor of power today. ###

Edith Nse Friday

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