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ISSUES ABATTOIR: Conflict Resolution: The Okrika, Ataba Factors, Lessons For Others

Conflict according to the English Dictionary is defined as a clash or disagreement, often violent between two opposing group”.
Conflict is a disaster that ravages several communities and nations of the world. It is caused by many factors and however piloted by man. Conflict could be found in many societies around the globally arising from misunderstanding over personal or corporate estate.
Conflict could be likened to the disease called ‘Cancer, but as cancer are curable or prevented so is conflict resolvable and preventable.
Conflict arises in several places such as the Family, Organizations, Institutions of Learning, Political Spare and Communities amongst others. The disease Known as conflict affects every individual in diverse ways and it’s caused by people.
While the remedial means are being mapped out to adequately address the issue in some places, it should also be noted that others are busy breathing threat, resisting phasing out conflicts amongst the people. This group is known as the Anty- development group.
In this episode of your favorite Issues Abattoir, it is aimed at addressing some danger of conflict, why it should be tackled and how to over come it.
As it name implies, conflict poses serious dangers to the society wherever affected while the dangers associated with intra and inter communal conflicts are enormous such that lives would be loosed, development could not be attained, marriages among growing youths would be adversely affected since there is no peace.
If conflict is not prevented or nipped in the bud, certainly loss of lives, lack of development, understanding and peace would be the order of the day:- indeed anarchy prevails in such situation.
Therefore, to tackle such situation even when it has engulfed a place signifies readiness and love for peace, guest for development as well as progress of the society.
To overcome conflict situation is synonymous with regaining life after years of suffering from an epidemic or disease.
There are several ways of resolving conflicts in the society, such ways include intervention by either interested party or peace missions as well as deliberate or conscious surrender of a party.
Some may wonder why Issued Abattoir is not considering the development of security Operatives in resolving conflict, but the answer is simple, that in most conflict, areas, some security operatives rather than rescuing the people from destruction aided and added to their pains.
Volunteers, who mediate through the instrument of dialogue, had achieved results in the areas of conflict, depending principally on the Almighty God for direction.
In the recent past, Issues Abattoir gathered that one factor against the massive destruction of lives and property in Okrika-Warkirike Kingdom was the conflict from amongst members of the King Ibanichuka War Canoe Houses.
King Ibanichuka War Canoe Houses is a unit of the royal house hence the prolonged chieftaincy tussle.
One thing is paramount in the conflict of the King Ibanichuka War Canoe Houses, and that is the self willed, volunteer, surrender, and intervention of God in the royal houses to have not only seen reason but to voluntarily sheath their swords and resolve to give peace a chance for the overall interest of the royal house
What a joyous moment when they troop out in their thousands for a special thanksgiving service held at the famous St. Peters’ Cathedral Anglican Church, Okrika to appreciate God for the peace.
King Ibanichuka War Canoe Houses had been in continuous litigation for over 14 years and over five (5) different suits instituted were all withdrawn for peace to reign without any arbitration panel. What a wonder working power of God.
Similarly, the Oruk royal houses of Ataba Kingdom in the Andoni extraction without any form of arbitrations panel understood the need for peaceful co-existence amongst them and resolved to quit litigations in the law Court where several suits were Challenging the legitimacy of the Okan-Amaship stool and its occupant.
The Oruk royal houses were in court for about 28 years. It is on record that within the years under review at precisely August 15, 2014, the people of Ataba had created unworthy history that may have been difficult to erase but thanks be to God for this timely intervention.
Like the King Ibanichuka War Canoe Houses in Okrika, the Oruk of Ataba in Andoni had also set precedence when the warring parties regardless of their matters at the Appellate Court of the land, entered into dialogue, examined their status and resolved to toe the path of peace while they condemned the 2004 scene.
On Thursday 29th October, 2015, the Appeal Court in conformity with the terms of agreement reached and endorsed by the Warring parties of Oruk royal Houses had decided, ruled or given judgment affirming King Benson Mgbo-Owaji Hebron Egwenre – Oruk (XVII) as the legitimate Paramount ruler (Okan-Ama) of Ataba.
The legitimate Okan-Ama, King Benson Oruk XVII emerges as his predecessor the King Isaac Ira-Owaji Oruk XVI abdicated the throne.
The scenario in Ataba Kingdom, in the Andoni Local Government Area and Okrika in Wakrikese Local Government Area all of Rivers State are indeed eloquent testimonies that the people of the region are gradually getting ready for the needed peace in the region.
Ataba and Okrika have set a very high standard for every community, Kingdoms, irrespective of who is involved to emulate for the overall interest of peace.
Issues Abattoir therefore, commends the King Oruk royal houses of Ataba and the king Ibanichuka in Okrika for the roles on peace building, and conflict resolution they have demonstrated.
However, it is a call on every community, tribe, Kingdom, Individuals and Villages particularly Isi-Ama Village in Andoni to quickly learn to toe the path of peace, know, recognize and accept the truth to prevail in their domains, since peace is the panacea for every needed development and progressive living. Kudos to the peoples of kings Oruk and Ibanichuka Royal Houses of Rivers State.
A stitch in time saves nine.

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