
A Happy Near Year, A Happy New Cycle

2016Yes, welcome to a new physical year and definitely a new cycle of 12 months!
Most of us hardly notice that every year of 12 months has a spiritual meaning and indeed a spiritual purpose. So we go through the next 12 months without learning the purpose of the past 12 months and the errors of the last 12 months are repeated exactly in the next 12 months. This is because most of us do not understand nor are we aware of the law of cycles that regulate all the activities of man animals, climate, elementals, mineral and all animate and inanimate things created by the Holy Spirit. This law is meticulous in its execution that only those beings with highly discernible minds can ever notice the cyclical motion of activities in the life of a man, group, family, community, country, nation, continent and indeed all life. For if man did, he would be prepared for what is usually referred to as the ‘unknown’. But with little effort, the unknown can definitely be known if man but apply a little effort.
Like Shakespeare said ‘There is a tide in the affairs of men, which when taken at the flood, leads on to fortune’.
How many of us have ever considered this statement seriously? But we keep going through life day after day, month after month, year after year, as if in a daze forgetting to realize that the problems of yesterday are brought on to us today until we learn the lessons of life. The same situations of the year before are unleashed unto us but of course most of us have forgotten that these were similar situations we tackled exactly 6 months ago. This forgetfulness is brought about because of our levels of spiritual awareness and understanding. Since most of these spiritual laws are not taught by religious organizations (except a few!) these individuals move about in a cycle of spiritual ignorance that affect their lives, lifetimes upon lifetimes. They reincarnate back into these same situations until they learn the lessons of life.
If your religion cannot change you spiritually, then change your religion!
The pertinent questions in our study this week are the following:
Why do we have 24 hours in a cycle of 12 each day?
Why do you have 7 days every week?
Why do we have 7 colors of the rainbow?
Why do we have 7 notes of music?
Why do we have 52 weeks in a year?
Why do we have 365 days a year and a leap year every 4 years?
Why do we have twelve months in a year?
Why is that these times do not vary and they are fixed and repeated every year in the lifetime of a man or being or animal, mineral and indeed all life? If these cycles are fixed and repeated, how come man has failed to realize that his thoughts, words and actions in his life could actually correspond to the rhythm of these cycles? For instance if man takes the history of Nigeria as a country beginning from 1961, is it very difficult to predict the circumstances Nigeria is in today? People who fail to learn the spiritual lessons of history, which is actually the law of cycles, will remain victims of their self- inflicted ignorance.
If man comes to a personal level and reviews and records all significant happenings in his life from January to December for the past 7 years, is it difficult to understand that there is indeed a rhythm in the tide of the affairs of man? Month after month, the same conditions affecting man are upgraded and repeated without man realizing it unless man has a Spiritual Coach that can educate man spiritually about the Spiritual laws that govern every second, minute, hour, day and years of his life.
But what does man prefer to do?
He runs into his place of worship on the 31st night afraid of what the New Year portends for him. He prefers to pray to a God he cannot experience forgetting that the God he seeks is within himself! But since he has refused to change his ways, his thoughts, words, actions and religion and become more of a spiritual being, how does he expect his external conditions in life to change? When man refuses to learn the lessons of the past cycles, does he expect the next cycle to be different if even he fasts and prays for the next 100 years?
As Socrates said centuries ago, ‘Man know thyself!’
But are we listening? If the individual is experiencing any problems in his life today, let such individual realize that he or she has inadvertently brought those conditions unto himself. By understanding the cycles and the spiritual history of any situation or challenge, the individual can have a 360degree solution to any problem. When we adopt a superficial or inappropriate mean or solution, the situation will definitely repeat for us to learn the lessons of life.
For instance, within the 7 notes of music of are embedded the cycles of 4 and 3 of high notes and low notes all corresponding to the ebbs and flows of life. So also within the 7 days of the week, we also have the same ebbs and flows that also correspond to and regulate the affairs of man, which also affect man in a 12- year cycle. So when man monitors his affairs, he will soon discover that events are repeated in his life constantly without him realizing this fact!
How then can man raise his consciousness to take advantage of the laws of cycles and indeed other spiritual laws that govern his life? Which one would man choose, to remain a victim of his spiritual environment or take conscious steps to change his circumstances for the better? Is it possible for man to change his circumstances from the outside without him changing his thoughts, words and actions from the inside?
In this physical New Year (Although, the Spiritual New Year began in October for those who know!) the individual who wants spiritual freedom from the vicissitudes of life should take the following steps to change his circumstances if he so desires:
Seek out the Spiritual Coach. He is the Living Godman appointed by God to lead all those who wish to find their way back to the heavens of God through their own personal effort. No man can take man to God through any other means for the way to the heavens of God is embedded in every individual. Narrow indeed is that way located at the center of the forehead of man but only the Living Godman has the ability to lead man through this secret doorway to heaven while man is still living in the HU-man body. Anyone that tells you that you will go to heaven only after death does not know the way. It is an old concept. Period!
Secondly, man should realize that what he calls problems that are repetitive in his lives are actually spiritual opportunities for him to wake up from his spiritual slumber. If he realizes that the only purpose of problems is for man’s spiritual education and showing man the ways to God, then he would take full advantage of any situation in his life. Man should realize that God cannot give man any probles that is not within the power of man to solve. Man only needs to connect with the Holy Spirit of God to have a spiritual understanding of his problems and subsequently find alternate solution.
Thirdly man can connect to the Holy Spirit directly and benefit spiritually if he so wishes. He can achieve this feat by singing HU the Holy and Sacred name of God for about twenty minutes each day to secure himself to the Audible Life Stream, The Holy Spirit, and obtain spiritual guidance throughout each cycle of life. To sing HU, find a comfortable place, sit in a tailor fashion, with eyes closed and attention placed in-between the eyebrows. Fill yourself with love (for family, loved ones, etc.) and in a monosyllable, sing HU like this: ‘Yoooouuuuu!’ in an outward breadth for a period of twenty minutes each day. For best results, sing this HU before going to sleep and God shall reply you in your dreams.
The HU can be sung by everybody. It is the Ancient and secret name for God that has now been brought into the open for those who have difficulty in getting feedback from God directly. It is God’s direct number and there is no way the individual will not obtain a feedback from God. For beginners, they can get answers to any questions from their dreams. This is because it is easier for feedback from God to come to the individual when his mind is at rest during sleep. But for the spiritually advanced student, he can get answers from God directly as he walks on the streets of Port Harcourt, Lagos, New York or Tokyo, it really makes no difference. It is a matter of love for God and training by the Spiritual Coach, the Living Godman of our times!
Happy New Cycle!

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