
The Blessedness of Womanhood

http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-images-image31827804None, not even the wisest man or the greatest teacher can answer this question – “What will the world be like without a woman? Only Adam faced such, however, for a short time without a woman. Only him can describe the loneliness, desolation and emptiness. God took a look at Adam, diagnosed his problem and in His mercy, fashioned out for him the only thing that could fulfill and make him complete – a woman. She came fully equipped for her role. When Adam saw the woman, he smile meaning the woman is the smile, sunshine, hope and a shoulder to rest upon in time of want. Indeed, the woman is a special gift to man and to the world, a gift meant to bless.
Today, we have come a long way from the scene in the Garden of Eden, and many still have their doubts about the blessedness of womanhood such insist that women have never and are not fulfilling the roles for which they were created. Well, what did you think? Let us ponder on these statements by looking at the women from three stand points.
The woman – the wife
The wife is that woman given to a man by God to make his life complete and worthwhile. She is his companion, friend, comforter, confidant and helper. She is the one that enters his house and turns it into a home. She goes out of her way to create a warm home environment for him. She is the loving mother of his children. She helps him become what God intended him to be. She cares and encourages him, when he comes home, defeated, dejected, weary and downcast. She is the one who is there with a welcoming smile and soothing words that support his dwindling ego. She is the one that knows how to bring the smile back on his face. She is the one who shares his dreams and aspirations. She is the one who always there for him. Just think what a man would have without a wife.
Truly, there are many men, high and low who attribute their success in whatever endeavour to the help and tender care of a loving and devoted wife.
The Governor of Edo State, Gov. Oshimole Adams in his tribute to his late wife, Clara, says he missed the “spiritual guidance and intercessions of his late wife, Clara, adding that the spiritual guidance and intercessions were keys in building the family and making him more compassionate person”.
There is no doubt that since the first wife, Eve was given to her husband, many women down the ages have fulfilled this God given role.

The Woman – the Mother
If there is one place where the blessedness of womanhood is most obvious, it is in the mothering of children. Almost everyone who achieves greatness, and being a blessing to the world can point back to a mother who lovingly encouraged him/her and helped him/her to become the best.
A London editor submitted a list of people to Winton Churchill who had been Churchill’s teacher. He returns the list with this remark: “You have omitted to mention the greatest of my teachers – my mother”.
In contemporary times, there is no shortage to great men and women brought to greatness through the influence of their mothers.
The woman – the instrument of positive influence
What can we say of a woman like Mary Slessor, who through her missionary outreach in Africa, set example for others to follow. That we celebrate twins in our families today was because of her effort.
Any woman can become the instrument of positive influence, if they can rise up and actualize her God given potentials for the good of her home. ###

Edith Nse Friday

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