
Going To America Again!

It was time to visit America again. Time to visit the Living Godman of the times. Though the Living Godman is capable of being everywhere at every time, since he has become one with the Holy Spirit, it was still necessary and a privilege to visit the Godman physically and garner divine wisdom that cannot be made available anywhere else. For he is the Love of God in action. His purpose in life and especially in these times is to gather Souls who are ready and lead them back home to the Kingdom of Heaven, the Ocean of Love and Mercy. Therefore, it is his divine purpose to achieve this objective through the teachings of the Light and Sound of God.
Since the beginning of time in the physical universes and indeed in the lower heavens of God, man has never been left alone. When man came down from the heavens of God for his spiritual education and unfoldment, God has always given man a promise that at the right time, when man has learnt all that is necessary to be matured spiritually, man would meet God in that form known as the Living Godman, the Spiritual Coach so that man can retrace his footsteps back home to God. If man is not ready and prepared to go back home, then man continues to reincarnate on the wheels of Awagawan, the wheel of the Eighty-Four, the wheel of life and death. This going and coming usually takes man more than 8 Million years for a round trip. Most often, man is not even aware that he has been going and coming for several lifetimes. For his memory has been deliberately blocked. This is made deliberately by the Universal Mind Power whose responsibility it is to keep Souls perpetually in the lower worlds. This Universal Mind Power is the Negative Power usually and unknowingly referred to as ‘Devil’. He ties Soul in HU-man form down in the lower worlds through the laws of nature and established orthodox religions. That is why an individual who is interested in the true spiritual works will find that religions are always fighting and contending with the ‘devil’ because this is the illusions created by this negative power to deceive man and hold man down in this spiritual prison called earth and indeed in all the lower heavens of God.
But the Living Godman’s responsibility is to free Souls in HU-man form, who are tired of reincarnating in several lifetimes and are ready to go back home to their Creator God. So if man is not ready to meet the living Godman and start his journey home to God, he or she should not complain of the life he or she is experiencing. For the life man is experiencing is a manifestation of his past and present thoughts, words and actions including his choices. In other words, our lives are our choices made visible. We cannot sow cocoyam and expect to reap banana. Whatever a man sows, he reaps, period!
So the eternal duty of man in every lifetime he reincarnates is to find an opportunity to meet with the Living Godman, the Spiritual Coach. If he does not meet with the Living Godman, then he is given another opportunity to reincarnate until he meets with the Spiritual Coach whose duty it is to connect Soul-in Form back with the Light and Sound of God, the Audible life Stream. This connection enables Soul to start realizing his divine qualities of omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence, which enables Soul, rise above many numerous situations that makes the ordinary scream and pray to God. For when man meets the Living Godman, he finds that it is his responsibility to clear up the mess he had created in his several lifetimes on earth and in the physical worlds. When man does not solve all these problems, he will continue to have problems that he cannot solve nor can he ever resolve them through prayer. For his ignorance of the source of his problems will not enable him to resolve them. The only solution lies in the Spiritual History of the problems. For him to understand the Spiritual History, man must meet with the Living Godman who will open his past lives for him to see the origin of his problems. It is only after this that he can begin to resolve his problems one by one. If not he will continue to jump from one religion to another, from one denomination to another looking for what he does not know but man knows that the solution is somewhere.
But where?
It is man’s responsibility to find out. As it is written, ‘Obey God or suffer!’ Man should not complain about his situation in life when he has refused to change his perception about life. He continues to do the same things, think the same way and expects to get a different result. This is not possible. Not until man begins to ask questions like : ‘Why am here on earth?’, ‘What is my spiritual purpose?’ Is life all about being born, getting a job, getting married, getting money, having children and acquiring properties and getting old and waiting for death and heaven?’
Not until man answers these questions he will continue to live a life of self-delusion.
I arrived the airport early with my family. Having checked in at home, the procedure for boarding was made easier. Individuals and officials were much more interested in money and tips than the Holy and Sacred name of God that I wanted to give freely to them. People are not interested in God but they want the things that belong to God. When man wants money and is not interested in the owner of money, he has short-changed himself. If man knows God the owner of money, he does not need to pray to God for money. Money it self would pursue man. This is the law of reversed effort. For when man removes his attention from his desires, those desires are used to tempt man. Thus when man can do without money, money starts looking for man! Very simple.
This is why when man knows himself as Soul, knows God, then he can have everything that belongs to God.
The guys at the airport wanted money, so I walked passed them and moved on.
As we boarded and was ready to go, the engines of the plane began to sing HU, the Holy and Sacred name for God just like any other thing in life. Everything in life must sing HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God for survival. For it is the all purpose elixir that can connect man to God in an instant.
I sat back on my seat and joined the engines to roll the HU as in ‘Huuuuuueeeee’ in an outward breath for several minutes. Instantly, I noticed the presence of my Spiritual Guide, the Holy Spirit in Form beside me on the plane. It informed me of His eternal presence with the blue Light of God flashing beside me. Of course, others could not see this. For when the spiritual eyes of man are kept open, he would see the wonders of life. It all starts with the HU, the Holy and sacred name of God.

‘Man, know thyself!’

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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