
Dreams of Past Lives

Dreams are beyond religions. This is why they are a source of mystery to Hu-man beings. When an individual dreams and cannot understand his or her dreams, it becomes very worrisome and in some cases could lead an individual to neurosis. Interpretation of dreams therefore is the basis of man’s relationship with God and not religion as most of us often think. This is because hardly can one find a religion that can teach an individual how to decipher and make meanings from the mumbo-jumbo of their dreams.

From time immemorial, dreams have been a source of fascination to man. For how can man explain how he would dream of an event and it comes to pass. Man in his limited understanding needed to recognize the fact that all his physical activities can be controlled from within the spiritual worlds. For this is in accordance with the laws of spiritual manifestation, which states that for any event to manifest in the physical world, it would have existed in the spiritual worlds of God. This is the meaning of that statement which says ‘as above, so below!’

This is why when a man dreams of a future event and it manifests, he is surprised simply because he does not realize that God has just opened his spiritual window for him to know that there are forces that control his life that he may not be aware of. These forces are the ones that dictate the thoughts, words and actions of man while living on earth or in the physical worlds. He may chose to fast for forty days and nights, but it will not stop those events to manifest in the life of man. Thus man discovers that he is a slave to destiny as man has little or no control over his own life.

What are dreams then? Why are dreams so important in the lives of Soul-in-form, known as man? Why is it necessary for man to understand his dreams and re-arrange his destiny? How can man escape being a victim of his thoughts, words and actions?

Dreams are generally privileged information from God. The only criteria that can make man qualify for this special privilege is for man to cultivate a loving heart in his interaction with his fellow men and all life. Thus dreams are veritable source of communication with God. But the only limitation is that man is not educated to know about the different types of dreams so that man can understand what God his Creator is trying to communicate to him at all times. Thus a man goes through life without knowing the meaning of his dreams simply because his religious leaders too do not know about the source of his dreams.

As stated earlier, dreams are direct communication from the heavens of God. Depending on the state of awareness of the individual concerned this information could come from both positive and negative sources in the lower heavens of God. In other to purify the consciousness of man and receive positive communication from the Voice of God, known as the Holy Spirit, man needs to call God by its recognized name, which is the HU. All other names man has been calling God are names given to God by man to describe that force that controls the lives of men. Therefore, for man to benefit completely from this communication with God, the first step is for man to imitate that sound of God that is emanating from the center of his being. This sound is the sound of God, the sound of HU. This sound is also known as the audible life stream because it is the sound of life within man. When man blocks his two ear lobes with his fore fingers he can hear the sound of God reverberate within himself without any iota of doubt.

So when man calls the Holy and Sacred name of God, HU, his dreams that have been meaningless now take forms that are clearer for him to understand and interpret these Holy messages from God Almighty. No longer would man depend on any man of God or any prophetess to communicate with God. For now man has direct communication with God without any intermediaries whatsoever. Those who chose to go to God through any means have abdicated their spiritual right and heritage because they have unwittingly reduced their own status to second-class spiritual citizens based on their level of ignorance and subservience. For any man that lays his hands on another man is a usurper and shall pay for the dominance of his fellow man. Every individual is a child of God and there must not be any obstacle between man and God at any time. The first step is singing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name for God; given by God Himself and for his children to reach Him anytime they are in need.

Dreams are then the source of communication for the spiritual neophyte, the spiritual green-horn until he learns his spiritual catechisms and can communicate with God not only when he is physically asleep but also when he is wide awake and is moving on the streets. But for the beginner, the first stage is the dream state simply because at this level, man is soundly asleep and the physical body is lying at rest but Soul is traversing the first second, third and fourth heavens of God to learn about the wisdom of God. When man journeys into the third heaven, he has access to the memory world where information about past lives are kept so that man can learn what is responsible for his life in this lifetime and what he needs to do to correct it.

Thus man can learn who to marry, the spiritual history of his children, parents, family, community, country and neighbors. He can know the reason behind the events in his life and so many factors that have helped to make him what he is today. All the secrets behind his life are laid bare for him to see if he merits it. But generally, man can now know the reason behind his sufferings or his fortunes and take necessary steps and actions to remedy them. This heaven is the source of all karma and the numerous lifetimes (reincarnation) man has lived to find himself in the situation he is today.

This is why man is told that the very foundation of his life is based on his past lives. But his religion tells him he lives only one life and that is the end. How about children that are born and survive for about five years and dies, what happens to them? How about those who live for about a day and die, do they go to heaven or hell?

Man loves telling himself comfortable lies simply because he wants to justify his lifestyle but when confronted by problems he shouts ‘God why me?’ Every man is the cause of his own suffering but he can also turn his life around if he liberates himself from the shackles of spiritual ignorance.

Past life dreams will come in ways that the individual will recognize and know that it is past life. For instance, check the clothing of the individuals and the buildings in your dreams, they are indication of past lives when they appear with mud houses of olden days architecture. These and many more indicators will let the individual know where he is in the heavenly worlds.

But remember, you need the Dream Master, the Spiritual Coach to teach you in your dreams so that you can understand yourself better. This is the job God has given to the Spiritual Coach: to lead all souls who are ready back home to God through their dreams

The first step begins with singing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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