
Network Providers And Sim Card Registration

BuhariBlackJungleCap_0Recently, the Nigeria communication commission issued a directive to all network providers in the country for a fresh Sim Card Registration. The directive given by the Nigeria communication commission to network providers in Nigeria did not go down well with teeming and ardent users of GSM. The directive was seen as a means of upgrading the data base and knowing the accurate number of subscribers in the, country.

Based on the order, the major network providers issued statement through text messages to subscribers for a fresh registration. And the directive followed with threat, that any subscriber who fails to comply will be disconnected from the network. Indeed, without mincing words, within few days of the issuance of the directive many lines were blocked from’ receiving calls within and without the country. It was a massive blow and harsh treatment to subscribers who felt they have been toyed with even when they had done several registrations before this new directive. Immediately blocking of Sim Cards was noticed by subscribers there was unprecedented turnout for Sim Card registration at some specified centres or locations of the network providers.

It was gathered that many subscribers had their break fast at the registration centres in a bid to register. Many subscribers suffered untold hardship n the hot sun and in the rain all to fulfill directive to avoid their lines from being disconnected. It was difficult to control the mammoth crowd. And there was strong agitation as a result of the panic. The crowd indeed was overwhelming and coupled with the congested environment. The anxiety was high as Nigerians were worried about yearly or biannual registration.

The sudden directive was greeted with mixed feeling ass it was revealed that many had registered four times before, and yet the” were compelled to embark on a fresh registration. Indeed, subscribers were apprehensive as they were not enlightened and carried along on the latest development about the new registration o the existing Sim Card in the process of scrabbling to queue for Sim Card registration, some have lost valuable items. The rigorous nature of Sim Card registration should be jettisoned and avoided in the 2i century. Nigeria.

As Nigeria communication commission was set to up date its data base, there is also need or safe keeping of the hard earned information from Nigerians. The communication commission should build a data base where information from all the network providers should be stored. And communication experts should be engaged for effective and efficient service delivery in the global service management in Nigeria. Hackers should be precluded from gaining access to the data base of the commission and network providers. The commission should monitor some unwarranted and fraud related text messages sent to subscribers, indeed, Nigerian subscribers deserve best service delivery from the commission and the network providers.

It is worthy to note that Nigerian subscribers pay exorbitant charges. Therefore, it is high time the commission should make the network operators or providers to embark on uniform charge rate in the aspect of calls. It is true that today there is uniform charge of N4.OO for each short message sent in all the networks. That indeed should be introduced in calls.

Indeed, Nigerian communication commission and network providers having received the personal data of the subscribers should keep it secret from the public domain, except on security breach. Thus, information received during the Sim Card registration period should not be allowed to filter away to avoid another sim card registration. There is need for permanent sim card registration to avoid yearly or random registration which does not augur well with Nigerians. ###



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