
You and Your Dreams (1)

Man is a spiritual creature of many parts. Though man is a spiritual being but he is not aware of his spiritual nature. Because of this lack of knowingness, man goes through life without knowing the reason and purpose for his life. Through the understanding of dreams, man can have guidance and direct communication with the Voice of God commonly known as the Holy Spirit.

Since dreams do not belong to any religion it is necessary for us to clear the cobwebs on the elementary discussion on dreams so that the individual who desires to have a one on one relationship with God will have the opportunity to communicate directly with God Almighty.

What are dreams?

What is the spiritual purpose of Dreams?

What is the relationship between Religion and Dreams?

What are the benefits of Dream symbols?

Can we interpret our Dreams?

How can we understand our Dreams? In which environment do our dreams take place?

How can we maximize the benefits of Dreams?

Since the beginning of time, man created in the image and likeness of God has been intrigued by the nature of dreams. In early times, those with the power of divination controlled kingdoms and masses of people simply because they were able to develop their capacity to interpret and understand their dreams. Those who were too lazy to observe themselves became slaves to the thoughts and ideas of those who took time to study their dreams. Thus the league of priests who controlled even Kings began to develop over time till this day.

In Nigeria, often times, self-styled ‘men of God’ are not left out on the issue of divination. Year after year, thousands of people are held hostage by men whom others believed had the opportunity of being mouth pieces for God. Pages of newspapers carry messages of doom for those whom the self styled men of God harass spiritually whether their messages were from God or not. This goes to show the level of importance of ‘divination’ in our society today.

Dreams are privileged information from God. This is the connection between man, soul- in-form and God his creator. It is the link of communication with God.

Dreams are actually the most important aspect of communication with God Almighty, second only to Soul Travel, the science of Total Awareness. Through our dreams we can know the past, understand the present and peep into our future lives. Man can benefit immensely only if he could take enough time to understand the nature and meaning of his dreams.

Dreams can be classified into three main categories as stated above: Dreams of Past Lives, Dreams dealing with the Present and Dreams of Future activities.

If we can observe life today, we find that most religions cannot teach their members anything about dreams simply because they do not have the capacity to do so. This is also because Dream Study is a specialist area and It is only the Dream Master who has the authority to teach the interested student about dreams. No other individual can.

Dreams of past lives are usually derived from the Karma and Past Lives of the individual. Some individuals do not believe that karma affect our lives and that all our thoughts, words and our actions are made visible in the experiences we go through in life. Thus karma and relationships of past lives have a bearing on our present lives. Karma is the reason behind all the inexplicable things we go through in life. Dreams of past lives therefore give insight to those things we cannot explain the ‘reason why’. They give insights into why we are born where we are now, the reason why we have a child or why we do not have, why we chose a particular spouse or reject another.

Dreams of past lives actually tell us why we have affinity for one town or situation over another.

For instance I have often wondered why as a young boy I had always wanted to go to United States. Not until I saw myself in the dream as an Air Force General in the United States Army in a past life before I could understand the reason why. I knew I still had some unfinished business to sort out there. I have also loved Chinese films as a youth and not until I saw myself as a ‘yellowish looking short man’ in a past life before I could understand the reason why.

Dreams of present are mainly that which gives us spiritual guidance daily on all the activities of the individuals who record their dreams daily and have connection with the Dream Master. Thus the individual practitioner obtains daily information about what concerns him or what his day is likely to be like. For instance, all the apartments I have rented in Port Harcourt have always been sourced from the dream state. Often times, I have seen the detailed descriptions of such apartments and have been guided to these apartments in the dream including land lords of such apartments!

Some other times I have been shown where to read in preparation for exams while at the university. With such assistance, I have been used to scoring As in my examinations at school then.

Such is the guidance that waits anyone who is prepared to pay extra attention to their dreams.

Futuristic dreams are those that give a view of any future events. As it was written before, those who know the future never speak about it. For one of the greatest discipline in dream study under the Dream Master is for the student to obey the Law of Silence. This law ensures that those who know the will of God in a given situation do not talk about it.

While going through my dreams study I have often seen all future presidents of Nigeria right from 1984 till date but it was not my responsibility to reveal such info on the pages of newspapers. The mysteries behind the termination of some governments were also recorded.

Thus dreams of the future can assist the individual cope with unavoidable changes in life.

Next Week: You and your Dreams Part 2.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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