
Mankind Search For Yahosheanism

The second stage of the Yerusalem assembly was an instrument of the Church of Rome and Constantinople that were not administered in nature of the activities of early apostles.

During 6th century, the Roman Catholic established the Latin kingdom of Yerusalem with support from Byzantine Emperor and the first king of Yerusalem was crowned in the church. During 12th century, the crusaders used the premises of the church of Nativity for coronations of the crusader kings and such prompted them to carryout renovation and decorations of the Basilica.

The Basilica was partly destroyed by the Turks in 1244 and the kingdom of Burgundy renovated it in 1480 Ad. The king of Burgundy was supported by England and the Republic of Venice during the renovation.

The Basilica was further affected by 1834 and 1837 earthquakes that occurred in Bethlehem. There were equally conflicts over rights of management by some nations during the middle of 19th century. The religious significant “Silver Star” that was placed above the Grotto of the Nativity lost during that period. The Ottoman Empire took over the control of the church in 1851. The Ottoman and France contested over the sovereign authority of the Holy land.

Russian authority equally contested with Ottoman Empire over France’s claim and forcefully restored the Greeks to the sovereign authority of the churches of the Holy land. The theft episode of the Silver Star was one of major factors that aroused the “Crimean war”.

The church is currently administered by the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic authorities. All of the three Christian movements maintain their separate monasteries in the site.

Both Greek and Latin churches maintain separate Patriarchates in Yerusalem and both uses their portions in the Church Nativity especially during Christmas period.

Though, these strong Christian traditions have apportioned that acclaimed holy site to themselves but they didn’t restore the fundamental doctrines that were observed by the early apostles.

Therefore, the current churches in Yerusalem were handworks of various Christian movements that depend on the works of the apostolic Fathers, Church fathers and Ecumenical Councils but not based on the acts of the apostles.



Yahosheanism of early Hebrew station adopted Hebrew model of baptism by emersion. Yahoshea Meshiyach directed his followers that “he who accepts the word and believe will be baptized”. This is classical definition that adult baptism was the only recognized ordinance among the early apostles. It is believers baptism and children could not receive such right because they cant believe “Immersion” was equally applied as against the Christendom’s affusion and sprinkling of water upon those receiving baptism.

Infant baptism was never recognized by Yahoshea Meshiyach or his disciples rather it became part of church reforms planted by Roman and Greek converts.



Yahosheanism was a religious tradition that holds “anointment and ordination” of its spiritual workers as one of the ordinances. Whence a converts is baptized, he or she will be anointed with olive oil as done by the early Hebrew religious worshippers.



Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach as observed during Yahoshea’s ministration was structured in accord to various grades and levels of followers. The structure was partly carried in the scriptures as the “Inner cycle”, “Apostles”, “Council of Seventy”, disciples” and “students”.

The apostle’s writings gave account of the ecclesiastical order of the movement as well as the grading of various categories of converts. For instance, Peter was taken as the “head of the apostles”. They were other categories as the “inner cycle” that was made up of Peter, Yames and Yohn. There was the category of the “Twelve Apostles”. Also there was the category of the “Council of seventy” and the “disciples”. At the rear was the grade of “students” which was made up of “baptized students” and “unbaptized Adults”.

Baptism is confected upon students that were of age of reasoning and believing in what is known as believer’s baptism.

There were positions of the prophets, prophetesses, priests, priestesses and Levites (alter attendants) as obtainable in the Hebrew religious tradition. Yahoshea Meshiyach was the Most High priest of the movement and he effected appointment of other officials who worked under him and later continued as his assembly. Such officers or “High Table Men” were ordained with anointment.

The eccliastical system of early apostles has been adopted by some Christian religious movements of this age. For instance, the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints hold to a partial method of the apostolic and priesthood eccliastical order.

The Catholic Church through its claim to apostolic succession digressed into Episcopal order that is headed by the pontiff (papacy) with hierarchy of eccliastical order which was established by the apostolic fathers of 2nd century who themselves were bishops.

Although, the early apostles appointed the “Overseers” and “Deacons” to administer stations but such offices did not annul the grading structure that was put in place by Yahoshea Meshiyach. In each of the stations, all converts were apportioned into various grades but to be administered by the overseers and deacons.

The overseers on the “Continuing Yahosheanism” are called the “Station Leaders” while the deacons are called the “welfare officers”. There are equally local Council Chairmen, state chairmen, and National chairmen for administrative convenience.

This did not call for the apportioning of adherents into the priesthood and laity as found in the core episcopacy. The priest and prophets are not leaders of the stations rather, they have their duties assigned to them which is to be coordinated by administrative leaders.

In the Continuing Yahosheanism, each adherent is subject to promotion from a junior to senior grade. Likewise, priests and prophets are subject to promotion to higher grades but their positions runs into lifetime of the person if he did not backslide from faith or sacked from office for sake of misconduct.

The administrative offices are non permanent posts because a holder of such office may be reposted, removed or promoted as deem fit by the “Council of Mosts” (the apex governing council).



Yahosheanism is basically Hebrew continual ministry. Women were not part of the higher apostles and the council of seventy that were established to administer and propagate the message to various people of nations (Great Commission).

Among the twelve apostles, non was a women and among the selected seventy missionaries, non was a woman also. The role of women in the assembly was basically directed on support of men as they were held in their homes. There were records of women that played important roles during Yahoshea’s ministration and after his impalement but they were not placed at the rulership or administrative positions. Hebrew brethren held that women were not expected to raise among brethren to teach as much as there are men in the congregation.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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