
Mankind Search For Yahosheanism

With passage of time, the Roman Church became the designer of the calendar which seldom countered those of some other gentile stations of the movement. These issues were frequently resolved on the ecumenical councils where the Roman church and their apologists have their free sails in all issues. Those that oppose the Roman church were often branded as heretics and schismatic and are meant to face the Catholic magisterium for action as deem fit to Rome
The true calendar of the traditional Hebrews was based on solar and such was adopted by Yahosheanism although the Rabbinical Yudaism may have esteemed the lunar calendar based on its interest on the counting of moon and festivals that associate with such practice.
The Lunar calendar of Christianity was classical work of church fathers and the episcopacy but not driven from the acts of the Apostles. Yahosheanism was a continuous Yahudism (Judaism) but there were elements of doctrines that separated both religious movements and made them distinct to each other. Some of those separating doctrines include public proclamation of the holy name Yahweh by Yahoshea, non strict enforcement of law of circumcision upon non- Hebrew cconverts, dietary law, calendar method, animal sacrifices, and sin and guilt offering etc.
All names of days and months of both present Judaism and Christianity were works of scholars and empiric leaders. For instance, the Judaism of today adopt the following names of months – Sh’vat, Adar, Nisan, Lyyar, Sivan, 4th month, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Chesvan, Kislev, Tevet.
The Western year is consist of the following months – (1) January – driven from Janus, a Roman idol of protection (2) February – driven from Februa – a Roman idol for passion and love (3) March – driven from Martus – a Roman idol of war (4) April – second month in early Roman calendar but later became the fourth month when Julius Caesar established the Julian calendar (5) May – driven from Maria – a Roman idol of fertility (6) June – driven from Juno – a Roman female deity that was held as the wife of Jupitar (7) July – named in honour of the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar as myths claim that he was born in that month (8) August – named in honour of Gaius Octavius who took the name Augustus Caesar after becoming emperor and had his name for the month (9) September driven from the Latin word “Sep – Tem” meaning “seven” as the seventh month of the ancient Roman year changed to become the “Nineth” month in modern calendar (10) October – driven from the Latin word for “Eight”. October was the eight month in the yearly Roman calendar but changed to the “Tenth” in modern Calendar. (11) November originated from “Novembris” which was Latin word for “Nine” but was changed to Eleventh month of modern Roman calendar (12) December – driven from the Latin word “Decem” meaning “Ten” This is the source of the word “Decimal” but later changed to be the twelveth month of the year.

The Hebrew Yahosheans were observing hourly fellowships as obtained by the Hebrew religious body. They observe holiday as other Hebrews. The gentile Yahosheans changed the fellowship hours into “morning and evening mass” of the Roman Catholic or the “morning and evening divine liturgies” of the Eastern Orthodox.

The early apostles of Yahoshea adopted literal activities of the ancient Hebrew religionists who were identified as prophets and writers. After Yahoshea’s translation, the first apostle that compiled the account of his life and ministry was St. Matthew. His account was concluded about eight years after the ascension of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Other apostles that wrote their accounts followed from St. Matthew and possibly ended with the account of Yohanna the revelator which was summarized his account at about sixty five years later.
Yahoshea Meshiyach and the early apostles used the Old Testament scriptures as done in the “Second Temple Yahudaism” like other Hebrews that were in accord to the canon of the Septuagint. The writings attributed to the early apostles were not been in effective use during the first century. It was during early 2nd century that the writings were adopted by the apostolic fathers as the “Memoirs of the Apostles” which was later renamed as the “Gospel” by Christian canonists.
The compilations of the books of the apostles were effected within the first half of the 2nd century. All the books that made up the present day New Testament were in use by middle of 2nd century with exception of the Books of Yames, Hebrews and 2nd Peter. These books were later adopted by the Assemblies of Yahoshea shortly after. Some of the disputed books were term as the “Antilegomena”.
The oldest list of the books of the New Testament canon is the “ Muratonam Fragment” that date to 170 CE. Some of the writings of the apostles were transferred to the areas of the Dead Sea when the apostles ran towards that area to avert persecution of the Hebrews and Romans.
Although the original writers of the account of Yahosheans were filled of Hebrew spirit, the translators and canonists of later centuries were of the Greek and Roman spirits and such calls for question of credibility of the present day accounts before mankind. The canonization of the books at later centuries were effected by men that were driven by political motives as against the simple inspirational conscience of the original authors.
For example, during the Council of Cartage in 397 CE, some of the books that made up the Bible of today were declared as “Apocryphal” while at the Council of Trenth in 1546, the Roman Catholic church confirmed seven of the books such as Tobit,, Judith, Esther, Wisdom, Baruch, first Maccabees and second Maceabees as inspired works.
Based on the politics of the pontiff and the protestant reformers, the books have passed through various translations, revisions, reformations and transformations that made them to depart from their original forms.

This was an attempt to restore the assembly of Yahoshea at the land of Yahudea (Judea). It is a Basilica located at Bethlehem of Yudea. The assembly was commissioned by Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen in the year 327 Ad. The Roman church claim that the Basilica is located at over the site that is considered as the cave that marked the birth place of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
The church of Nativity was completed in 339 Ad and destroyed during Samaritan Revolt in the 6th century. A new Basilica was built by Byzantine Emperor Justinian in 565Ad.
The claim that the “Christian holy site” called the “Grotto” which is the present site of the church of Nativity as beeing the real spot of birth of Yahoshea has been argued by some historians. They argue that the spot was earlier used by Adonis worshippers (the Greek god of beauty and desire). Historians argue that in 135Ad, Emperor Hadrian used that spot as for worship place of Adonis which served as his Sol Invictus.
Many historians argue that it was the Adonis/Tammuz worshippers that originated the shrine and was taken over by Christians and substituting it for Jesus Christ.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi
(+234) 7066195260

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