
Mankind Search For Yahosheanism

This is contrary to the direction of the founder of Yahosheanism as he firmly spelt that Yahweh must be worshiped in truth and spirit alone but not through carved images.

To cover the errors of image worship by Roman Catholic Church, it skipped the third Law in the Ten Commandments that forbid worship of carved images. To complete the Ten Commandments, the Catholic Church separated the Tenth law into two parts to represent laws number nine and ten although some protestant churches argue against such practice.



Another aspect of the Yahosheanism that was famously distorted by gentile assemblies and their successors was on matters relating to observance of festivals and their datings.

The Hebrew Yahosheans of the first century moved along Hebrew traditional and religious datings and observance of feasts or holidays. The early Yahosheans observed New Year on the first day of Abib, Atonement Day on 10th of Abib, Passover feast on 13th of Abib (evening) and the feast run along seven days as held by Hebrew religious practice.

Early Yahosheans kept the “Feast of First Fruit” or “Feast of First-In-gathering” on fiftieth Day from the Passover and observe the feast of last ingathering on the 14th day of the seventh month of the year. The festival run concurrently with the feast of the Booth or Tabernacle as both commenced on same day and the Feast of the Booth run to seven days.

These festivals and datings began to change by the activities of the gentile stations and the apostolic fathers. For instance, there was dispute of the proper dating of Passover between the assemblies at Antioch and Rome in the second century.

The Eastern Assemblies observed the Passover day as held by the Hebrew Yahosheanity on the 14th day of Abib without regard to the particular day in the week it falls into. They tied impalement day of Yahoshea and Passover day of the Hebrews and therefore held to observation of the Passover on the 14th Abib which commenced on the 13th evening which was already 14th as held by Hebrew calendar.

This system was not observed by the Assemblies at the Western Rome which instituted the observation of Easter Festival which is to be observed on the emmidiate Sunday following the Hebrew Passover. This dispute became a mark of separation of the early gentile Yahosheans in the 2nd century. The assembly of Yahoshea at the city of Rome began to identify the Eastern assemblies with derogatory identity as the “Quato-Decimans” which meanss the “Fourteenthers” or “14ers”.

Victor the bishop of Rome attempted to declare the observers of Passover feast on 14th Abib as heretics and threatened to ex-communicate all who observe the festival on that day. Bishop Victor suspended his action when the apostolic fathers as Irenaeus and Polycrates of Ephesus wrote to him and defended the practice of the Eastern Assemblies. Both parties were brought into dialogue by the apostolic fathers who on a synod unanimously settled “without a dissenting voice in support of Easter on Sunday”. The uniform dating of the date of Easter Festival was formally instituted at the First Council of Nicaea in 325.

Presently the date of the observation of Easter festival varies between Western and Eastern Christianity because the West later adopted to the Gregorian calendar over the Julian Calendar that is held by the Eastern churches.

Another festival of Christianity that amount to total deviation from the observation of the Hebrew Yahosheanism was the Birthday Festival of Yahoshea Meshiyach. The Hebrew Messiah (Yahoshea Meshiyach) was born within the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar and his followers celebrated his birth along the Holy Month’s religious activities of the Hebrew but specifically on the 2nd day of the holy month.

Celebration of the birthday of Yahoshea Meshiyach on the 2nd day of the seventh month was annually observed by his followers at Yerusalem and some early outside stations of the movement. During that era, the Yahudean religious populace were unhappy with the celebration of Yahoshea’s birthday rather they held to the celebration of the birthday of king Herod.

The practice changed during the second century events at the gentile assembly’s stations as the apostolic fathers began to identify “Yahoshea’s day” to the “Lords day” and his birthday referred to the birthday of the “son of the sun” which many pagan nations observed during the 12th month that is presently defined as the month of December. During 4th century Ad, Emperor Constantine officially adopted the birthday of the “Sun” into Christendom and referred it as Christmas.

Many of the apostolic fathers began to identify Yahoshea as the “true sun and the eternal sun” as held by pagans. They began to relate Yahoshea Meshiyach to sun- deity which they identify as the “sol –invictus” which means the “unconquered sun”. By the evil deeds of the church fathers and their successors, Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostles became solarised and their festivals were turned into those of the Sun-God worshippers.

These evil machination brought in the Sunday worship (venerable day of the sun) and the Eucharist which were pagan ordinances into the movement. Easter festival being observed in the method of ancient religious altitudes of Babylonians who instituted the “Resurrection of Tamuz” with “Forty days fast” which is now Christened as “Lent” period that commence with “Ash-Wednesday”: This was the Christian form of observation of the abomination of the Babylonians which scripture record that the “women rub ashes on their foreheads and weep for Tammuz”.

These were negative changes that were effected first by the apostolic fathers and their successors as the church fathers, ecumenical councils and the policies. Through these changes, the true face of Yahosheanism took the face of idolatarious movement with new identity as Christianity.


CALENDAR: This is one of the areas that the gentile Yahosheanism instigated Christianity as its off shoot and successor to distort the divine institution of dating of days, months and years.

The Hebrew Yahosheans kept to the true datings of the Yahudean calendar. They adopted the solar calendar that counts from sunset to sunset for a full day, thirty days for a month and twelve months for a year with five extra days that run in between the outgoing and incoming years.

The Hebrew assemblies of Yahoshea did not recognize the pagan calendar datings and namings. The Hebrew calendar recognized the days by their numbers and only to distinguish them by the name “Sabbath” for the seventh day. The Hebrews are known for counting the days as the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth days while the seventh is identified as the “Sabbath” which means “rest”.

The Hebrew religious tradition recognized the first month as the “Abib” while other months were noted by their numbers – as “2nd month”, “3rd month”… “12th month in their tribal tongue”. The tradition do not recognize the names given to days and months by the pagan nations.

This was the exact method adopted by the early apostles at the city of Yerusalem but later changed among the gentile stations of the movement as the fathers brought in the calendar methods and namings of their pagan ancestors.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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