
ISSUES ABATTOIR: Walking With Wike

nyesom-wike-3One factor associated with Rivers State Government led by Barr, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike is “Will”. Will gives birth to action for positive and onward movement or walking of every affair. In essence, there would be no progressive walk without an action premise on will.

Many administrations failed either for lack of will or self centredness in piloting government affairs. The reason why an administrator would jettison his/her responsibilities, when the Nation’s constitution clearly provides or empower such officer of government is doubtful.

Exercising will in governance in accordance with the constitutional provisions produces actions as ensure successes such that is being witnessed in Rivers State under Chief Nyesom Wike’s administration in less than 3 months.

Walking or Progressive movement entails that certain past must be let go and overlooked in order to grasp the needful. In Rivers State there are several issues to be forgetting so as to move the state forward to the desire of its citizenry. There was threat by the immediate past Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi that the incumbent, Barr. Wike cannot execute any project in the state, that he (Wike) cannot asses any loan from any financial institution (Bank.) and etc.

Reason for such threat was simple. The state reserve funds were emptied by Amaechi is administration even as billions of naira was deliberately loaned from banks aimed at frustrating the incoming administration. With the said loans and empty state reserves funds, the past administration believed it would be difficult for Wike’s administration to cope or embark on meaningful projects.

But contrary to whatever might be the thought of the past administration has yielded to the teachings of the Apostle Paul as recorded in Philippians chapter 3:13,” Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before”.

Some of those things which could humanly be let go in Rivers if possible may include, deliberate looting, empty of treasuries, excessive loans and others just to concentrate on the ways to develop the state.

The Government of Rivers State led by Barr. Wike did not allow unnecessary distractions to hold it down from the much that happened within 3 months.

Like Bob Gass, would say, life activity and achievements of an individual is a reflection of earliest or later life, According to him in his book “forgetting your past”. “Every experience you have had from the moment you were born until now, and even while you were in your mother’s womb has made you what you are today”.

Governor Wike’s successes in leading the state in less than 3 months are without doubt product of the processes of his fruitfulness and achievement as Local Government Chainman.

Indeed, it is evidently clear that the governor Chief Barr. Nyesom. Ezenwo Wike, CON, is a good man who has the citizens at heart. Except a new visitor to Nigeria would not hear or read about the administration’s strive and success of the governor within a short period in office.

The scripture is clear as recorded in St. Matthew’s Gospel chapter 5:35, “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil Man out of evil treasure bringeth forth evil things”. The obvious of the current administration on ground is an eloquent declaration that Barr. Wike is a good man and the best leader at the moment for the state.

Bob Gass (2000) in his book posited that “There are things stored up in each of us that must be dealt with before we can move ahead successfully”.

Governor Wike has taken the bull by the horn to move the state forward by recognizing the positive gift deposited in him from birth hence, his capability in placing the state on the part of development within 3 month since assumption of office on May 29, 2015.

Unprecedented it is the developmental strides of the governor, by extension the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Rivers in less than 3 months of governance compared to the past eight years. What then would the people say to such a one with a heart of love for the state?

To some it could be, “well done”, to a few he has “tried”. The feeble mind may posits he has “done nothing”, others would say we know he could “perform this way”.

However, many would say he is “worth walking with”. Obviously, Rivers people who knew the executive Governor of Rivers, Chief, Barr. NYESOM EZEBUNWO WIKE, CON, before his ascension to the exalted throne as Governor of the state, are confident of his ability to delivering the dividends of democracy to the people. And now on the lips of people are words of joy, appreciation and off— course thanksgiving to the Almighty God.

It is written, “The people rejoices when the righteous are in authority,…”. The scripture is fulfilled in the present circumstances in Rivers State. The citizenry are rejoicing over the strides in developing the state under the current administration and as well identifying with democracy, acknowledging that their votes of April 11th, 2015 counted.

In a synopsis, this pre- 100days in office edition of Issues Abattoir did not only examine, portray, but identify Rivers State Governor, Barr. Wike in its concise caption “WALKING WITH WIKE, We” as a true man, leader, companion and brother to walk with, as he is keeping faith with the electioneering campaign promises made to the state.

Chief, Barrister NYESOM EZEBUNWO WIKE, CON, is indeed a captain to walk and work with. One of the things that baffle many about Barr. Wike’s prowess is his ability to recite names of the 23 Local Government Areas in their alphabetical orders with personalities. Yes, it is a sign of a grassroots mobilizer.

Issues Abattoir therefore, thumbs up for Barr. Wike and as well enjoins the entire citizenry of the state to walk and work with Barr. Wike for a greater Rivers State. ###


With James Mgboineme


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