
Let Thy Will Be Done!

Since time immemorial, man in HU-man body has always desired to communicate with God Almighty. This desire may be borne out of sincerity in resolving the avalanche of problems confronting man. But unknown to man these problems have a spiritual history and perspective. But man in an attempt to resolve these issues look at them from the physical level. This has led to the appearance of self-styled prophets and charlatans who have claimed knowledge about how to resolve the problems of man. This thriving business has therefore led to the formation of several houses of worship that claim to bombard God with numerous petitions and request in an attempt to change the will of God for man. But unknown to both the gullible problem owners and their deceptive solution providers, the will of God will be done at all times!

Let us trace the evolution of man to have a clear perspective on the discussion. Man in HU-man body is made essentially of three parts. The Spiritual, known as Soul, the mind which is supposed to be a servant of Soul and the Human body which you and I can see with our physical eyes. But the man of today knows and operates only from the physical perspective which he can perceive through his six physical senses on a daily basis. But this physical body is an effect of both the mind and Soul. This is the origin of that statement which says ‘mind over matter’. But Soul being the Spiritual part of man is the ruler of the universe of man. So when man attempts to resolve his numerous problems, he is only scratching the surface and therefore the symptoms of man’s problems. He can never fully solve the root of the problems plaguing man unless he first attempts to know who he is.

The spiritual part of man is known as Soul, a divine spark of God. It is created in the image and likeness of God. God is not created like man but rather the core of man which is pure Light is what is created in the image and likeness of God. This Spiritual aspect is what roams the heavens of God when man is fast asleep at night. When man wakes up, he claims he has dreamt so, so and so. But what he has done is that he has found himself in the lower heavens of God without an escort and he did not know it because his religion did not teach him so. Of course, even the ‘men of God’ that deceived him and collected his money through praying, did not know about this first heaven of God, so how can the blind lead the blind?

Thus Soul is the image of God that we are created in. It shines and sparkles like a thousand stars when the individual is fortunate to see it through the spiritual eye. It is indestructible and eternal. It cannot be burnt by fire, cannot be contained by hell fire and can never be destroyed. Since man is not capable of destroying life, he cannot destroy Soul. When Soul is tired of the HU-man body, it simply discards it like a worn out uniform and it finds solace in the next heavens of God. This is why earth or the physical plane was created out of what exists above it, which is the first heaven. This is the meaning of the statement ‘as above, so below’. Before anything is manifested in the physical, it must have existence in the spiritual. It can simply be manifested through the principle of creative visualization. Soul therefore controls the body through the mind which is supposed to be a servant of man, but sometimes. control it.

The mind is the intermediate level between heavens of God and man. All the former lives of man are stored in the heaven, the causal plane, located below what we call the Mental Plane, the third heaven that St Paul talked so much about. The mind is the home of all philosophies and religions. In fact the god of this heaven is a minor god whose responsibility it is to mentor Souls that are yet to know who they are. As such, all religions regard this minor God as the Almighty God but this is not so. Though this god has tremendous power over the physical body, it does not have power over Soul for he is not capable of creating Soul. But being in control of religions, he uses prosperity as a tool to control Souls trapped in the HU-man body.

How do you know those controlled by the mind? You will hear them say things like ‘my Soul’, ‘my Soul’. If the body owns Soul, then who is man?

Through the effective utilization of the mind, Soul in HU-man form is capable of manifesting all his needs from the first heaven of God without prayer. This is based on the principle of creative imagination. For when Soul was descending from the heavens of God, It was given the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God; the Living Godman and creative imagination to use in resolving both its spiritual and physical problems that will help him to find its way back home to God. Through imagination, man can create what he wants but must also be responsible for what he has created. This is why this power is not given to man unless he is trained on how to use this principle in the process of creation.

Next is the HU-man body. Most of us have forgotten who we are and as such, operate and believe only in the Human body. In other words all our thoughts, words and actions are governed and controlled by our physical bodies. Those operating within these categories are those who believe that through prayer they can change the will of God Almighty. But they deceive themselves and those who go to them for deliverance. No mortal can change the will of God through any means whatsoever. It takes a lot however for man to realize that he is beyond the HU-man body and that he is even much more than the mind. Those here are residing in the HU-man state of consciousness are usually known when you hear them say ‘I command the Holy Spirit’. Pray how can man control what created him in the first place. But they continue to deceive those who do not have better things to do with their money. They rip off the ignorant who believe that through ‘powerful prayers’ they can change the will of God. But ultimately, through karma and reincarnation, they shall pay for their deeds on their fellow men.

Since man is created in the image and likeness of God, he has all the attributes of God. These attributes are omniscient, knowing all things, omnipresence, capable of being everywhere and omnipotent, all powerful. But looking at man of today, he does not even know who he is and as such his ignorance makes him to pray to God endlessly because of selfish reasons. For if man were not selfish why would man not look and understand the will of God and obey it? But Man due to his greed for power and self- motivated desires would want to command God and the Holy Spirit. Due to this misdemeanor, the minor God popularly called devil steps in and imprisons man with prosperity. Check out all those who have claimed the title of ‘child of God’, was it not the Devil that tempted them? Read your Holy Books and find out. Therefore when you pray for God to cause a change in your life, you have inadvertently played into the hands of the god of prosperity, the god of illusion that perpetually makes man to reincarnate into this world to come and reap what man has sowed.

So what is the way out?

The way out for man is the narrow way which is the non-directional prayer.

The non-directional prayer is that prayer that does not request anything from God. Rather, it seeks to know and understand the will of God so that man can then obey through surrender. The path of surrender is the path being taught by the Living Word, the Spiritual Coach. This path says ‘ God, Let thy will be done in my Life!’ Since God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, He knows all our needs and also our wants. If we know the will of God for us, it will always be the best for us.

So how do we know this will of God in every situation?

The first step for that serious individual who wants to know the will of God is to find a way to contact God. The easiest way is for the individual to call God by that name God has given us to reach HIM in our times of need. That name is known as the HU. This is why HU is a prefix to HU-man being so that man can always remember that he can be with God at all times.

The next step is for man to find a quiet place, sit on a chair and fix his attention in-between his two eyebrows. This is the gate to the heavens of God that all men have been searching for but cannot find. All those who say man must die before going to heaven do not know the way. It is thus easy to deceive man for when he dies he cannot return to confirm it. But when man sings the HU, the Holy and sacred name of God that spot between his eyebrows would open for man to experience the Light and Sound of God. The Light shows man the way to the heavens of God while the Sound shows man the direction to follow.

So when man sits with his attention fixed on the spiritual eye, he must close his physical eyes because he would not need them. He breathes in and out for about three times and on the outward breath, he sings the word HU like ‘youuuu’ in a long drawn out tone. He sings this secret word for about five to ten minutes and goes to sleep. For best results, man can sing HU as a last activity of the night so that God Almighty can reply through dreams. This is the way of communicating with a beginner. When the individual grows into a spiritual adult, then he can hear God speak to him directly anywhere and anytime. When man can hear God speak at all times, then man can know the will of God.

But it all begins with this statement: Man know thyself!



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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