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Women Focus: Negative Effect Of The Mother’s Words On Children

Of all that was created by God, tongue is the most powerful tool, that why people (mothers) should be careful the way and manner in which they use this beautiful, but destructive instrument in moulding or marring the future (destiny) of their children. Tongue is therefore most powerful tool that can make thing to happen.

Mothers literally destroy the future (destiny) of their children by the words of the mouth.

If we take a look at the account of creation by God, we will see that God virtually created everything by the words of the mouth, so as human, we should be very careful the way and manner in which we use our tongues in the life of our children.

When God said, “Let there be light, there was light”. You create what you want out of your children lives by your words.

Words are food for the soul and our children are what we give them to eat spiritually.

Mothers who want healthy children are careful to choose quality food that will provide good nutrition, if mothers want healthy future in the lives of their children should be careful to choose the right words that will build up and increase good thing in the future of their children. If mothers want the future (destiny) of their children to be healthy, they should select the rightful food (words) to feed their future.

The words we speak are powerful, they are most powerful than anyone can imagine. Through my years of studying the Word of God, I have come to realize that words are a creative force.

Proverbs 18:21 teaches us that “Life and death is in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit”. This truth is seen in all of live. Kind words breed warmth relationship, while harsh words breed tension. True words build trust and confidence, lies break trust, doubt and suspicious replace confidence.

Negative words have a long lasting results on a child, it shorten progress and future of a child. It is like planting a seed and watered it with hot water every morning. Such plant will gradually shrink, wither and die within a short period of time even if the seed was a good one.

John Mason in his book titled “you’re born an original don’t die a copy “let us to know that words of the mouth can make you die a copy instead of the originality created by God.

Children who were brought in a household where sharp criticism and harmful remarks were the norms can tell you that words can hurt even more than body blows.

If mothers who are powerful and in charge of their children destiny think so little of their children, what will the children think of themselves? What you say to your children and how you said it, goes a long way in their lives. Everyone says negative things occasionally when tired or frustrated but be sure not to direct your comments at your child. Positive reinforcement and praise help your child self esteem. Think before you speak and remain calm when talking to your children. Don’t let your emotion get the best of you. You can’t take back the things you say and your may have hard time forgetting them.

Many mothers rely on criticism and negative language believing that will make their children responsible, this would rather destroy their self esteem.

Abusive and harmful words that mothers use affect all areas of their children lives. It affects the emotional, cognitive and social development. Mothers should be careful the kind of harmful and deformatory words or names they called their children in anger which can affect them in future or due course.

Some mothers called their children “idiot”, “monkey”, “Nama” (meaning cow) and hopeless being. As we all know that spoken words are like seeds planted for future purposes. The good the seed, the vibrant it becomes. The seed (words) you sow in the lives of your children is what you will reap tomorrow.

Mothers who called their children such names are invariably sowing the attitude and characteristics of those animals into the future of their wards which in turn will affect their entire destiny.

The question mothers should ask themselves is “is this how I want my children to be in the future? Is it the future of animal I want in the life of my children? Of course no good mother will want such in the life of her children.

Calling your children such names as indicated above you wish such in the life of your children. The words you use with your children can either build them up or destroy them.

It is important you think about the words (names) you use before you ruin the destiny of your children.

As a mother, your words have the ability to hurt, ruin and destroy the future of your children.

The II Timothy 2:6 teaches us that the husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits; mothers are the husbandman that will eat from the seed they have laboured for, either good or bad.

Your children are your future vineyards, your pension in time to come, don’t terminate their future prematurely by the words of your mouth.

Many children on the streets today are the product of what their mothers called them in anger yesterday. Today, they are on the streets manifesting the names (words) of their mothers, and such mothers are eating from it now because many mothers have ended in the land of the death.

I read the history of a renowned Minister in Nigeria where the words of his mother made him who and what he is today. His mother told him that he shall called one person and 20 persons will answer him at once, today it is happening.

According to parenting at more kids written by parent for parents say “use positive words when you discipline your child. Instead of using words that make them feel like failure, use words that let them know that they can do better.

Speak hope and better future into your child life. ###


Edith Nse Friday



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