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Collapse Of Family Institution In The Contemporary Nigerian Society

BuhariBlackJungleCap_0Sociological speaking family is the smallest unit in the society. Its origin is difficult to trace, but the Holy Bible draws our attention to what occurred in the Garden of Eden millions of years ago. As a Christian and the teacher of the Gospel that believe on the sound teachings of the Holy Bible I strongly hold the view that family institution began in the Garden of Eden, where God Almighty contracted the first marriage between Adam and Eve. Family institution is indispensable in any given society because of important roles it plays. Thus the essence of family institution cannot be over-emphasized.

The family institution ensures procreation, brings socialization, provides the basic needs of the members of the family, proffers security amongst others.

It is interesting to note that every individual or human being come from a family. What actually baffle me is that even the number one citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari also belongs to a family. The family institution has the authority to disciple its members. If this is the case a notorious criminal can be called to order by the members of his family. Every family has a head in the case of a nuclear family, the father is the head, while the oldest man heads the extended family.

Therefore, the increasing wave of societal problems such as kidnapping, armed robbery, sea piracy, corruption, amongst other social vices should be attributed to the collapse or the ineffectiveness of the family institution.

In view of this no amount of laws that emanating from the government circle that will curb societal problems except a strong family institution that can instill the desired discipline amongst its members.

Let families wake up to take up their responsibilities in the sanitization of the society. Hence, the family members have important role to play in the sustainable of Nigerian democracy and economy.   ###


Damiete West



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