
The Holiest Book

bookMost religions in the world today have Holy Books, which is actually a recording of experiences of early practitioners of such religious groups. In other words, the experiences of the proponents of these religious organizations are contained in these Holy Books but they do not teach an individual a step-by-step approach in having the same spiritual experiences these spiritual giants had thousands of years ago. Thus the religious man of today only quotes and quotes from these Holy Books to buttress his arguments without any personal experiences with God or the voice of God commonly referred to as the Holy Spirit.

The most populous religions in the world today are Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism, Christianity and Eckankar. All these religions have their Holy Books as a source of reference. A cursory glance at these Holy Books will reveal to the investigator how certain individuals have had experiences with the Voice of God known as the Holy Spirit. If we check most of these Holy Books, one will find that some of the spiritual giants actually had experiences about God during their own times on earth and such experiences are recorded to motivate the man of today to have his own experiences.

But how come the man of today keeps referring to past experiences of the spiritual giants? Is it because they do not know how to have the same experiences? Could it be that they do not possess the spiritual requirements needed to have these experiences? Or could it be attributed to plain ignorance about the ways of God, the ways of the Holy Spirit?

Any individual who quotes from any book no matter how Holy does not know God!

This is because the knowledge of God stems out of experiences the individual has about God. So the first and simple indication of any man who has not experienced God is the man who quotes from another man’s experience about God. For if a man knows God, he would refer to his own personal encounter with God and share this knowledge about God to any congregation instead of quoting from any Holy Book.

Thus the greatest Holy Book ever written and that would ever be written is the Human Being. Man despite his ignorance is the greatest Holy Book ever to be written by God Almighty. This is because more than a million books can be written out of the experiences of man with the Holy Spirit. For within man lies the fountain of love and knowledge so vast that man would spend his whole lifetime in studying without completing it. It is pertinent to note that all Holy Books are written by men (some say inspired!) but only one Holy Book is written by God Almighty and that Holy Book is man.

Why is man the greatest Holy Book?

Man is the greatest Holy Book simply because within the core of man is Soul, created in the image and likeness of God. For understanding this Soul could lead to the understanding of God. Why? This is because once the individual can fathom the composition of Soul, the individual automatically understand the mystery of God Almighty. For whatever is the outer manifestation in the life of man is actually a reflection of what is within. If the individual experiences disorderliness in his outer life, let him be aware that it is a reflection of his state of conscious inside. In other words man is simply reflecting the state of awareness within himself on the outside. Out of ignorance man would kneel down and beg God for what he has caused in the first place, thinking that he can change his condition from the outside. But this is not possible and after a while, he soon realizes this. In other words, the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of the individual are what is manifested in his outer life. If the individual does not like what he sees, all he has to do his to change his thoughts, words and actions including his attitude to life.

Secondly, the gateway to the Kingdom of Heaven lies within the forehead of man. All the heavens of God from the first to beyond the fifth are replicated within the body of man and even within the body of the tiniest ant. But man cannot pass through this gate because it is very narrow indeed. The baggage of prosperity and materialism that man carries on his shoulder would not allow him to pass. For man to even know that the pathway to the kingdom of heaven lies within his forehead is actually a mystery. This is why man points towards the sky when he is asked about God Almighty. But God does not reside in the sky nor does God reside at the bottom of the ocean. But God resides within the hearts of men and the way to this secret kingdom lies on the forehead of man.

For man to understand this pathway, he needs to study this Holy Book called man. This book is holier than any other book written by any inspired man. But man has refused to study this book called man but prefers to study books that are more than a thousand years old containing outdated information about God. About five thousand years ago, the intelligence of man can be likened to that of individuals who rode on the back of camels for long journeys. But the supersonic man of today flies jets around and has enough intelligence to travel both to the Moon and Mars yet when he comes to spirituality, he is rooted and

depends solely on experiences man had more than two thousand years ago. Do you need to find out why there is so much chaos in the world today despite many places of religious worship?

Man has continued to look in the wrong places for God when actually God can be found within the hearts of man.

So, how can man study this Holy Book known as the Human Body?

Just as a student in school needs a teacher so also does a spiritual student require a Spiritual Coach to help man understand himself. This is because the Spiritual Coach has been appointed by God to help those who have decided to know who they are, know and understand God and are ready to find their way back home to God. It is the responsibility of the Spiritual Coach to let man understand himself and have the experience of God and then eventually know God.

How can man make contact with the Spiritual Coach?

Any serious minded seeker who wants to meet with the Spiritual Coach should sing the Holy and Sacred name of God HU. Singing this HU, a two letter word will enable the spiritual seekers obtain a response from God Almighty like never before. If the individual has been having difficulty contacting God, he should sing HU before bedtime and God shall give him feedback in his dreams. This is the early and elementary means of communicating with man. For when the mind of man is settled from his materialistic pursuits and has clamed down during sleep, then the Voice of God can come through in the form of dreams. But when the individual becomes a spiritual adult, he can then hear God speak as he moves about on the street anywhere in the world.

So how can man sing the HU?

Find a comfortable place in your home. Sit relaxed on a straight- backed chair and relax your mind and thoughts by remembering things you love. Close your eyes and put your attention in between your eyebrows. This is your spiritual eye, which is the seat of Soul within your body. Close your eyes and keep your attention there as you breathe in and out gently. On your outward breath, sing the word HU like is sung in ‘yoouuuuh’ in a long drawn out manner. Breathe in again and on the outwards breath, sing HU again. Repeat this process for about five to ten minutes. Singing the Holy and Sacred name of God will make you get a response from God. You are a child of God; as such you do not need to beg your Father God for anything. Those who pray and beg God do not know God. This is why they beg; roll on the ground and fast for several days and nights. But you as a child of God must claim you spiritual inheritance in the kingdom of your Father. The starting point is singing the HU and you will start reading the Holiest Book of all, you!

When you practice this before bedtime, God will send the Spiritual Coach, the Living Godman to come into your dreams to teach you about the love of God. Be not afraid, for only the bold and adventurous can find God while the meek and gentle shall inherit the earth.

The Living Godman is the special Agent of God. Since God is Spirit, It manifests as Light and Sound and sometimes this Light could blind some individuals (check your Holy Books!). This is why God manifests as the Living Godman, the Word of God made flesh, that dwelleth amongst men. He shall come into your dreams and teach and show you the love of God like you have never seen nor experienced.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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