
Mankind Search For Yahosheanism

The promise of transference of kingdom of Yahweh was another pronouncement of Yahoshea Meshiyach that was based on the sturboness of the Hebrew religious and political leaders. This sturboness was based on rejection and maltreatment of prophets that Yahweh sent to them.

This promise was fulfilled on the “acts of the comforter” who on 1993 Ad acquired a vast parcel of land he named “Yahcity” at Buguma City of Asari Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State of Nigeria.

The account relating to acquisition of the holy land was recorded in the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures and other works of disciples of Prophet Yahmarabhi. Yahcty is taken as the new Yerusalem as promised by Yahoshea Mshiyach.



These are eschatological issues that were recorded on scriptures of Old and New Testaments that became fulfilled during the era of the comforter and promises or prophecies that were pronounced by the comforter and his disciples.

The major pronouncement of Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Comforter is the “second coming of Yahoshea Meshiyach”. This promise was proclaimed by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostles as recorded in the New Testament Scriptures.

The “Second coming of Yahoshea” as carried in the Yahoshean eschatology is opposed to the prescription of the “Christian eschatology” over the same issue.

Yahosheanism hold that the second coming of Yahoshea Meshiyach was not for fulfillment of acclaimed religious subjects as “the judgment day”, the “Rapture”, the “Armageddon war” “Hell-fire”, the “destruction of Satan” as held by Christian eschatology.

Yahosheanism hold that before the second coming of Yahoshea Meshiyach, the good news of the kingdom of Yahweh on earth as was brought by the revealed comforter must be proclaimed to all peoples of all nations and been accepted as there will be no loss in spirit. Every soul are candidates to eternal salvation.

Yahosheanism hold that as the entire globe is set for the second coming of the Yahoshea Meshiyach, all people have accepted the truth of the glad-news, then Yahoshea will descend with the “all perfected souls” that have attained to fourth spiritual heavens and above.

Yahosheanism hold that at this stage, all “dead ones” will resurrect while the “living ones” will raise up a little and golden latrite will be poured on the surface of the earth to renew it.

The tradition hold that after the stage, the saviour – Yahoshea Meshiyach will descend to initiate the “Comforter’s Earthly Kingdom (CEK)”.

The Yahoshean tradition hold that Yahweh will rule mankind from Yahcity through the comforter hence Yahoshea Meshiyach will return to his spiritual abode where he belong.

Yahoshean eschatology hold that perfect rulership of the earth will be shouldered upon the comforter and his elects and the rulership that they will enforce is known as the “Yahcracy” which means “the rulership of Yahweh” upon mankind.

The government of the comforter will enforce all holy commandments and covenants upon all inhabitants of the earth thereby bringing peace, love and justice here on earth.

In Yahosheanism, all souls are from Yahweh and all of them must migrate back to Yahweh meaning that there will be no loss in spirit. No soul will be left to an opposite personage or force as Christians believe that during the “great separation” in which sinners will be handed to Satan and hosts as both will be destroyed in Hell fire.

At the last days, there will be no separation of “good versus evil people” rather all souls must use the wonderful opportunity provided by Yahweh to abide by the glad-news of the comforter and transform to righteousness which will make each person fit to inhabit in the Comforter’s Earthly Kingdom (CEK).



Before the establishment of Yahosheanism, there was an anti-religious sentiment against the religious principles or practices of the Hebrew nation. During the days of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostles, this hatred was defined as the “Anti-Yahudism” which can be viewed as a total or partial opposition to Yahudaism and its faithfuls.

The wider society that were controlled by Greek and Roman empires saw Yahudaists as inferior and this had great contribution to “Anti-Semitism” which meant racial or ethnic prejudice against the people of Hebrew.

One of the major reasons of the rejection and opposition of Yahudean religious tradition by Roman empire was based on the former position of uncompromising to paganism while the later depend on pagan practices and polytheism in which even some emperors were proclaimed gods on earth and are meant to be worshipped.

As Hebrew religious tradition was based on monotheistic system of faith where-upon only Yahweh must be worshiped as carried by their scriptures, this became a great matter that differentiate it with its Roman Counterpart.

Since Yahosheanism took the religious garb of Yahudaism, it had to counter with Roman people and even those that have taken conversion into it. Yahosheanism and Yahudaism were part of one complex religious family and it was very difficult for an outsider to distinguish between worshipers of both systems of faith.

When Yahosheanism was established, the Gentile nations viewed it as one of the appendages of Yahudaism and gave both systems of faith with same treatment.

Though there were persecutions of the Yahosheans by Yahudaist and the well noted council of Yamnia in 85 that condemned all who claimed that the Hebrew Messiah had already come, a law that was primarily targeted at Yahosheans. Even the edict of “Fiscus Judaicus” of Emperor Domitian that imposed an annual tax upon people of Yahuda did not distinguish between Yahudeans and Yahosheans.

The difference was noted when Yahosheans later petitioned Emperor Nerva in 98AD for exemption from payment of the tax since it identified itself as a separate movement from Yudaism.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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