
Mankind Search For Yahosheanism

Major Yahoshean eschatological events include the prophecy of the coming of Yahoshea Meshiyach that was fulfilled on 2nd day of seventh month (Oct) 3996 FC when Yahoshea Meshiyach was born in a cave at Bethlehem of Yahudea.

This marked the fulfillment of the early prophecy of the “coming of the Meshiyach” amongst the people of Yahuda. All events that include of Yahoshea’s birth, ministry, death, resurrection and ascension are classified under the “prophecy of the coming of the Meshiyach” as been carried in old covenant scriptures.



Those were range of prophetic revelations that were either pronounced by Yahoshea Meshiyach or his apostles during the 1st century of Yahoshea’s birth and ministration. Some of those revelations include the “Desolution of the city of Yerusalem”.

This prophecy was brought in place due to sturboness of the religious leaders of Yahudaism who frequently reject prophets sent to them by Yahweh instead subjecting them to torture, persecution and death siege.

This prophecy was fulfilled by the seize and destruction of the land of Yahudea by the Roman empire in 70Ad.

Another major prophecy of Yahoshea was that “the temple must be brought to ruin that no block will be on top of another”. This pronouncement of Yahoshea Meshiyach was based on the over-bearing of the custodians of Hebrew religious tradition who use the temple-worship to perpetuate their stronghold to false worship.

This prophecy also became fulfilled during the Yahudean –Roman was of 70Ad when soldiers of Rome destroyed the temple of Yerusalem. This marked the end of the “second Temple Yehudaism”

Next prophecy of Yahoshea Meshiyach was the symbolic statement that “there will be great-tribulation that will be directed upon Yahosheans”. This tribulation was already at work in his days as he was a victim of it.

The tribulation extended to the apostolic ministry of the Hebrew Yahosheanism. The Hebrew Yahosheanism was seriously placed under severe persecution that caused of its deportation to Pella (beside River Jordan) during the Yahudean-Roman war in 70Ad and equally persecuted by the Bar Kochba revolt of 135Ad.

The weakening of the Hebrew Yahosheanism gave rise to Gentile or Pauline Yahosheanity that later resulted to Christendom. This era was made of Hebrew and Roman persecution upon the Hebrew Yahosheans. The persecution later turned between Pauline Yahosheans against Yahudeans and Roman authorities.

Gentile Yahosheanism gained prominence in the fourth century AD when it became the Roman state religion but with Christianity as its identification.

Christianity as Roman religious movement took over the powers of emperors through the pontiff (pope) who continued the great tribulation upon adherents that ought to restore the true worship as was instituted by Yahoshea Meshiyach and observed by the Hebrew Yahosheans.

For many centuries, the Pope of Roman Catholic Church became the acclaimed representative of Yahoshea and through that office, it made war against true believers, people, tribe or nations that refused to conform with Catholicism.

The primacy of Pope fulfilled the revelations of the “coming of Anti-Yahoshea” who will seat at the temple of Yahweh as the representative of Yahoshea but there of change all doctrinal practices of the Yahosheanism.

The revelation as pronounced by apostles of Yahoshea bore that the “Anti-Yahoshea will bear a numerical number 666 of his name”. the prophecy bore that the Anti Yahoshea will try to change the laws of Yahweh and times.

This prophecy was fulfilled by the institution of the “Pope” of Roman Catholic Church that bear “Vicarius Fili Dei” as one of his numerous titles. The title is inscribed at the fore of his third cap. The title has been turned into the Roman, Greek and Hebrew numerical figures and in each give a sounding “666” as prophesized of him by the early apostles.

The Yahoshean eschatology hold that Pope of Roman Catholic Church is befitting to the description of the “Anti-Yahoshea” that bear a number of his name as “666”.

This is not mere symbolic because through the office of the Papacy, the laws of Yahweh as was held by the Hebrew nation and observed by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostles were shelved aside and replaced by pagan practices of Roman empire as Christian theology.


The next prophecy of the New Covenant era was pronounced by Yahoshea that “I will ask my father to send you another comforter”. This pronouncement affirm that when the comforter comes, he will teach the adherents of all things he taught them and those he could not teach at the period.

The revelation bore that the comforter when revealed will convince the world about sin, righteousness and condemnation. Through pronouncement of Yahoshea over the coming comforter, such office must operate at the capacity of his successor.

Through the comforter, the world will be convinced of Yahoshea and his movement.

The “Continuing Yahoshean eschatology” hold that this pronouncement was fulfilled on 28th of seventh month (October) 1930 Ad through the birth of Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach at Oloibiri in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayslea State in Nigeria.

The continuing Yahosheanism hold that the “Covenant of the comforter” with Yahweh was sealed on 28th of Seventh month (October) 1985 Ad, a day Yahweh firmly reveal that he has chosen Prophet Yahmarabhi wholeheartedly to occupy the office of the comforter of mankind.

This covenant and other revelations of Yahweh are recorded in the “Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures” by prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach and such serves as the scriptural authority to Yahosheanism.

Another prophecy of Yahoshea Meshiyach was that “Yahweh will transfer his kingdom from Yerusalem to a land far off of people that do not know his name but will produce the fruits of the kingdom.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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