
World Without End

The end of the world is a subject most people would not want to contemplate. But those who attempt to, do so out of either ignorance or the purpose of instilling fear in their followers. Various pseudo ‘men of God’ and self-styled prophets also join the fray in spreading this fear about the end of the world. What is baffling is that mankind has enough things to worry about rather than waste useful time on issues like the world coming to an end. Most people who predicted the end of the world actually predicted the end of their own world or the end of their lives. For what they have succeeded in doing actually is placing a curse upon themselves. What man should be concerned about is how to find a way to go back home to God and also look for someone that knows the way.

As many religions would readily agree, God concluded creation in seven days after which God Almighty rested. We were not told when this world was supposed to end. In fact most religions agree with the principle of eternity for the world could not have been created at a certain time because of this principle of eternity. For anything that has a beginning, has an end. Thus the world and the eternity of God existed before the creation of time and space including earth, in the lower world. As such though the lower worlds and heavens of God (from one to the fourth heaven) are created in the worlds of time and space, the pure heavens of God (from five to about fourteen) are actually beyond the characteristics of time and space and thus is never ending because like God, they are eternal and not subject to time and space.

The concept of the world ending is a limitation in the understanding of the purpose of life on earth. Since most religions were based on the understanding of man more than two thousand years ago (one of the oldest being the Hindu Religion and Judaism, the official religion of Israel), those who are the adherents of these religions are limited by the thoughts and reasoning of man of that age. Since the understanding of man and God was limited at that time, trying to apply the limited reasoning of that era to todays reasoning is like the man who decides to ride a donkey to London from Port Harcourt and the man who chose to fly at supersonic speed to the same destination. The span of reasoning between the two are actually span of light years apart. This is the very reason why man of today cannot understand the meaning of his problems nor does he understand who he actually is. This is the very reason why most religions of today cannot solve man’s problems comprehensively simply because man does not know the spiritual history of his problems and therefore cannot solve them. Only a religion with a God appointed Living Master that can teach man about spiritual education from age to age, can preserve the wisdom of old and apply them to the problems of man in the twenty-first century.

Look around most religions today. What do they offer? Prosperity, prosperity and prosperity! This is because they do not know what spiritual prosperity is all about. If an individual cannot understand the owner of prosperity, God Almighty, that individual is actually stealing from the house of God. For instance if a man enters a compound filled with fruits and decides to pluck without knowing the owner of the compound, such individual is a thief. But if the individual seeks to ask and know the owners then he has the permission to enjoy the fruits in the compound. Thus it is written, man should seek God first and all other benefits would be given to the individual especially spiritual benefits not the mundane things of life like prosperity. In fact, when the individual keeps his attention on God, all his needs are provided by God and his affairs are run smoothly by God.

But man is afraid to let go because of greed and ignorance. For man believes he can reap where he did not sow and there are so many ‘men of God’ who will promise him all sorts of things from ‘instant marriage to miracles and instant prosperity’. All these are the works of charlatans who can never have the opportunity of entering the secret kingdom of God. The gate of this secret entrance to the kingdom of God is located at the forehead of man but can never be opened by prosperity but by the Living Godman, the Spiritual Coach. That is why it has been written by so many religions that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for the materialistic man to visit the kingdom of God. He must reincarnate back to the physical world to come and claim his material prosperity

Why is this so, someone may ask. This is because, the god in charge of prosperity is actually known as Kal but commonly referred to as ‘devil’ or ‘satan’ by man. He actually works for the spiritual hierarchy and he does his job very well. What is his job? To ensure that no impurities gain access into the pure heavens of God; To tempt man in any way possible especially through the five passions of the mind and deny man access into the kingdom of God. For only the purest in heart can pass this temptation. These passions are lust, anger, greed, attachment and vanity. Go through any religious books and check those who have been tempted by this god. Moses and Job are clear examples of those tested by this god. For if this god were not working for God Almighty and the spiritual hierarchy why would God ask him to test spiritual giants? For any individual to enter the kingdom of God, he must be tested by this minor god. Most have fallen because of prosperity and most ‘men of God’ today will definitely fall to his temptation. Recent happenings in Nigeria about those who claim to be ‘men of God’ will guide the individual who wishes to know truth.

The purpose of Soul, a spark of God, is really to come down into the lower worlds to learn how to give and receive the divine love of God in all circumstances. These lower worlds were thus created by God Almighty to serve as a training center for Souls who have qualified to enter into these schools. You can see that life on earth is a blessing. This is because many Souls are waiting to have their turn to come down here to learn. This can be compared with students waiting to write JAMB every year and are denied the opportunity of entering into a university. Souls are also waiting to have the opportunity to come and learn in the university of life and have the opportunity of becoming a co-worker with God. This is the total purpose of our journey here on earth. If an individual fails to learn (especially those seeking prosperity), they must repeat the class. This is the basis of karma and reincarnation. If an individual does not understand why he is here he must come back and suffer the same faith. This is why pain makes an individual learn fast. Those who are complaining of their life being so hard are clear examples of those who have refused to learn. Obey God or suffer! The individual has a choice to make.

So when man has qualified to visit this university of life either on Earth, Venus, Moon and other places of learning, this minor god spoken of earlier provides man with a HU-man body or any other bodies that serve as uniform on that plane. All his interactions with fellow students then form the basis of learning. When he has spent seventy years of learning or following prosperity, he drops the uniform (Hu-man body) in a process known as death, goes to the first heaven where his activities at school would be reviewed by panelists (Lords of Karma, the Judge of the dead) and after a while he is sent back here based on his level of progress towards the objective of learning which is actually love.

When he comes back, his memory is blotted out and he is given an opportunity to return and learn. Some of us have been coming and going for more than 35 Million years! Yes, 35 Million years repeating the same mistakes. Carbonated dating has shown that this earth has been in existence for more than 35 Million years. Any serious student of science knows this but this is easily verifiable by the spiritual student.

In this training of God, there is no hurry. The spiritual education is so perfect that God does not interfere when Nigeria and South Africa are playing football despite the fact that most Nigerians would be beseeching God with unnecessary ‘powerful prayers’. Man expects God to come and aid him in a game of football. This is why man has refused to learn. But learn he will when he has gone through enough pain and he would ask ‘God why me?’

So what is the way out? Someone may ask. For those who would like to step out from this wheel of life, the wheel of the 84, the wheel of karma and reincarnation and go back home to God, these individuals must look out for the one who knows the way and has been appointed by God to lead man back home to God. This is the Living Godman, the Spiritual Coach, the Spiritual Traveler. He is the one God has appointed to lead man back home. It is because I have visited these pure heavens of God while alive that I am able to write this article. The Living word is very practical for He has the ability to take you to those heavens some people are waiting to die to reach. The Living Word says man does not need to die to visit heaven. You can visit heaven as many times as possible and come back with wisdom on how to run your life better instead of listening to the whispering of prosperity agents and gods who are all agents of the ‘satan’ himself. For he is the father of prosperity which is the golden chain that he uses to tie man to this world of pain.

How can man meet the Living Word? Sing HU and the Living Word will come to you spiritually. This is because other charlatans cannot have this access. Though the Living word lives physically in America, has a family and lives a simple life, He has the special ability to come and assist those who are ready to go back home to God. You may not need to go to America to meet Him. For he is the only Man of God who will come to you rather than you book appointment to see Him.

Start by singing HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God.

The HU, can be sung like this. The individual should find a quiet room where he will not be disturbed for about twenty minutes, sit on a chair with attention placed on the third eye located in-between the two eye brows (the gates to heavens of God) and breath in and on the outward breadth, sing HU like this ‘Huuuuuueee!. This is like singing the word ‘you’ in a long drawn out tone. This should be repeated for about ten to twenty minutes, with eyes closed to avoid distraction. The individual could experience the Light or Sound of God and therefore should not be afraid. For only the bold can find God. This activity must be performed with love for love is the key man needs to present at this gateway to the Kingdom of God. The Spiritual Coach will then come to you in your dreams and teach you the reality of God already in your heart.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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