
Mankind Search For Yahosheanism

Truly, Yahoshea Meshiyach was a continuation of the Yahudaism as laid by prophet Moshe but the anticipation for a worldly soldier to free them from Roman bondage was never part of Yahoshea’s mandate or calling. He came to teach the truth about Yahweh which will facilitate the removal of the external bondage when believed and practiced.



One of the strong religious tradition of Yahosheanism is its hold to continuing covenants and revelations in various dispensations. Majority of modern Christian theologians start their progressive revelations in the New Testament of the Bible and refer this revelation back into the Old Testament but Yahosheanism holds its progressive revelation in the acts of old covenants and pass forward in a historic form.

Yahosheanism hold to scriptural unity that emphasis all “divine covenants” tied to each other as spread through many dispensations. The movement believe that all past major and minor prophets that were sent to earth by Yahweh were united on their central views, traditions and doctrines. Beginning from the “Garden of Eden”, our Patriarchs enjoyed same spiritual revelations from Yahweh and such were passed to their succeeding generations and that was a starting point of dispensations. The next major dispensation includes the eras of Enoch, Lemech, Noah, Melshezedek, Abraham, Yazak, Yacob, Moses, David, Rehoboam, Yerimiah, Nehemiah, Yahoshea Meshiyach, Apostle, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi and his disciples.

The covenants of Yahweh commenced with “Adama” and other prophets that held the entire universe as their constituency. This method changed by the covenant of Abraham and his descendants who held to “Hebrew stock” as their constituency. The Hebrew stock was later narrowed down to the “stock of Yahuda” based on the covenant of Yahweh with King David.

The “Covenant of Yahoshea Meshiyach” held to all central doctrines of the Yahudean Assembly but had the universe as its constituency through his “Great Commission” which targets at all mortals on the surface of the earth.

Yahosheanism hold to the “covenant tradition” that emphasis that Yahweh through his covenant with Abraham established the Hebrew stock as his chosen nation. The promise was expanded and extended to all peoples of the earth through the covenant and ministry of Yahoshea Meshiyach.

Yahosheanism do not agree with the Christian form of “Replacement Theology” or “Supercesionism ” that hold that the “church” has replaced the “Yahudaism”. Rather Yahosheanism is a continuation of the practices of the brethren at Yahuda.

Yahosheanism arose from the promises made to the tribe of Yahuda that a “Meshiyach” will be sent amongst them to redirect the people on the true tradition. The coming of Yahoshea Meshiyach by 3996 Fc was the fulfillment of the promise as he challenged the sects of Pharasses, Saduccess and Zealots that held to the adulterated practices of the Yahudean religious tradition.

Yahosehea Meshiyach officially separated from the second Temple Yahudaism on the Passover night that he took his last supper with his disciples at the Upper-floor-hall.

By officiating a separate Passover feast to his followers marks his separation from the rest of Yahudean sects that were at the same time celebrating the same festival at the temple of Yerusalem.

The separation did not hinder the followers from participation of Yahudean worship, rituals and liturgies along other temple worshippers in various synagogues. The separation did not abolish the practice of all divine ordinances that were originally held by Yahudean brethren by the Yahosheans

The separation neither disengaged Yahosheans from observing all laws of Yahweh that were written in the old scriptures. The movement continued the usage of the Hebrew Scriptures in their devotions but later developed their own made scriptures that is presently identified as the New Testament by the Christians theology.

Yahosheanism held in its eschatology that the comforter of mankind will be revealed to direct men in the way of Yahoshea Meshiyach. The comforter when revealed will continue or operate by covenant and revelations of Yahweh as done by the ancient prophets, Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples.

Yahosheanism do not agree with the concept of the “Grace Covenant” of the Christian Theology. The “Grace movement” hold that the church commenced on the “day of Pentecost” as held by the Bible. By this Christian concept, the church claim its origin from the power of gifts of the tongues, forecasting and healing that was associated with the Biblical account of the day of Pentecost. The “Further Grace Preachers” claim to the conversion of Paul as the origin of the Grace movement as they held Paul as the “Apostle of the Gentiles”.

The Grace Movement of Later days and early Roman Catholic Church base their concept of the “era of grace” as replacement to the “era of the law” on the tradition of Pauline Yahosheanism.

To Yahosheans of Hebrew stock, the law of Yahweh is a compulsory observation while grace is an unmerited condition granted to a believer who transgress the law.

Yahosheanism hold that covenants of Yahweh at various dispensation were carried out by mortal beings who continued the acts of Yahweh’s people. Based on this tradition, the Yahosheanism do not accept the concept of “Holy Ghost” been taken as the promised comforter. Although, the movement accept that the “gifts of Yahweh” have continued through all dispensations to the present era but is not poured upon adherents or congregations. The leadership of every dispensation is administered by a “call out”, “chosen one” or “prophet” who operate with a covenantal union with Yahweh.

The prophet or chosen one will have the authority to anoint and ordain other adherent who will live by his act or legacy. Based on this view, Yahosheans hold that the continued covenants and revelation of this era is to be headed by the comforter who must be of human form as seen in the past covenant

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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