
Agriculture And Nation Building

agriculturalAgriculture plays important role in the development of any given nation. In its simplest form agriculture can be defined as cultivation of crops of foods and rearing animals.

It is one important sector that sustains the citizenry of a country. Any nation that toils with its agriculture sector is bound to face food crisis, which is not healthy to the socio economic advancement of the country.

Beside the production of foods and rearing of animals, agriculture provides massive employment and increases foreign reserve.

In Nigeria before the discovery of the hydrocarbon, agriculture was the mainstay of the economy. There was massive production of groundnut in the North; the West had high cultivation of cocoa, while the East produces great qualities of palm oil.

Now agricultural activities have been left in the hands of old men and women in the rural communities. Moreso, young people who have indicated interest in agriculture are not encouraged by relevant agencies.

In the 21st century, Nigerian farmers are still using crude implements, while farming. Farmers are relegated to the background.

Government’s insensitivity to the agricultural sector is one of the banes of our national woes. For a nation to grow, it must give priority to agriculture. Government should come out with aggressive policy(ies) to tackle challenges facing the Nigeria’s agricultural sector in view of revamping it for effective productivity. ###


Damiete West


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