
Mankind Search For Yahosheanism

Many of their literal works were distorted, banished or burned to the flames while their established stations were turned into worship of Greek deities or those of the natives that hosts them. This gave the impetus to Roman converts to exercise control through establishment of the “primacy of Rome” and the “pontiff” that turned all traditions of the twelve apostles into Roman pagan forms that is presently observed as Catholicism of the Christian tradition.



The years of Yahoshea Meshiyach’s as union till the death of the last of his first hand disciples was termed the “Yahoshean’s Apostolic Age”.

This age marked the period of apostolic activities after the impalement of Yahoshea Meshiyach. This period came into effect on the day of “feast of first fruits” of Hebrew religious practices when the apostles assembled at the upper floor-hall that is presently called the “Cenacle” on Mount Zion to celebrate the festival.

The Cenacle is equally the same building that Yahoshea Meshiyach took the last supper (Passover) with his disciples before his arrest and impalement.

The Assembly of Yahoshea during the festival attracted spirit-presence and such prompted them to wake from the fear that gripped them from the execution of their master. By the power of the spirit, they boldly preached of the executed Yahoshea and they equally spoke in different hearable tongues to different peoples.

The spirit visitation empowered the Yahosheans to continue with the works of their master. That was equally the day the Bible called the “Day of Pentecost”. Truly, the term “Pentecost” was never religious or spiritual connoted rather it meant “fifty” in Greek numerical numbers.

The Feast of First Fruit was a Hebrew religious observation that falls on the fiftieth day counting from the day of Passover Feast. So when the Gentiles became part of Yahosheanism, they changed the term from the “feast of the First-Ingathering” to the “Fiftieth Day” which is pronounced as the “Pentecost Day”.

The spirit presence that filled the Yahosheans present in the festival became the point of the establishment of the apostolic congregation of Yahosheanism.

Based on this, Yahosheans bursted into the cities with preaching of the goodness of Yahoshea Meshiyach, performed miracles and wonders and made converts of members.

This equally marked the beginning of the “acts of Apostles of Yahoshea” which attracted persecution from the Hebrew traditional or religious authority.

The persecution left some Yahosheans dead and such caused the disparsion of Yahosheans to many cities outside the Hebrew nation.

Dispersal of Yahosheans led to conversion and baptism of people like Simon Magus of Samaria and the Ethiopian Eunuch. This equally led to the establishment of the assembly stations outside the Hebrew territory.

Conversions were extended to “Non-Hebrew Citizens” and the first record was the baptism of the Roman Centurion Cornelius. The first station outside the Hebrew land was at Antioch and that was the city that Yahosheans were firstly named Christians.



Yahosheanism is a continuation to Yahudaism which is presently identified as “Judaism” by modern scholars. The term, “Yahudaism is taken from “Yahuda” who was one of the sons of Yacob. The modern scholars or theologians turned the name into “Judah” from which Judaism emerge.

Yahudaism is one of the major religious tradition in the universe as it served as a feeder to many numerous minor religious movements. Yahudaism means the “belief of people of the tribe of Yahuda”. Yahuda as a tribe descended from ancient Hebrew speaking stock of the Semitic race.

The history of the Hebrew nation boiled down to twenty centuries before the saviour’s era when Abraham who was the patriarch of the nation had covenant with Yahweh. The covenant pass unto his son called Yazak who passed the covenant to Yacob who begot twelve sons in which Yahuda was one of them.

When the covenanted Hebrew people settled at the land of Canaan as Yahweh promised to Abraham, they instituted a government prescribed by Yahweh that was ran by priests, prophets and kings. As the Hebrew nation left Egypt and retuned to the land of Cannan, they established their rulership at a national center called Yerusalem. This was effected by King Dawid who was of the tribe of Yahuda.

During his reign, the worship of Yahweh as carried in the covenant with Abraham and established through prophet Moshe became a national rite or obligation. Yahweh in his appreciation promised King Dawid that the rulership scepter of the Hebrew nation must never be taken away from his lineage. After the death of king Dawid, he was succeeded by one of his sons called King Solomon who built a magnificent temple in the city of Yerusalem for worship of Yahweh.

King Solomon was succeeded by king Yeruboam in whose era the ten tribes of Hebrew nation separated from the tribe of Yahuda and formed an alliance adopting Sameria as their national centre. By this development, the people of the tribe of Yahuda kept faith with the covenant of Yahweh while the government of the Northern Hebrew nation of Samaria swiftly plunged its people into idol worship.

Also, this separation brought a clear indication of the people of Yahuda as the true lineage of Dawid and that of their religious traditions brought forth to the “Yahudaism” which was lately termed as “Judaism”.

To maintain the covenant relationship with Yahweh, many prophets emerged among the people of Yahuda to educate them on their deviations and equally encouraged them to keep firm with their faith to Yahweh. Some of these major prophets disclosed that at a fullness of time, Yahweh will sent a “Meshiyach” (Anointed-one) who will institute perfect rulership that is approved from Yahweh.

As a covenanted people to Yahweh, the tribe was ruled by prescriptions of Yahweh with regard to his commandments and conducts. Whenever they live by


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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