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The Living Word in the Year of Spiritual Healing

I relaxed in the big plane, an Airbus 380, as we sped for take off on our way to Amsterdam before connecting to the United States. About an hour ago the fortunes of Nigerians were supposedly being decided by politicians who were contesting eagerly for both the presidential, federal assembly and the governorship elections. The politicians usually believe they are always in charge but for the spiritual student, you know that the spiritual travelers decide the fortunes of mankind because they are Special Agents of God and their only aim is to find Souls who are ready to go back home to God. They also balance the conditions of countries, nations, tribes, people and continents in terms of the resources and the conditions under which Souls learn their lessons. Most of these are usually administered by the Lords of Karma. But trust Soul in HU-man skin, they forget the lessons of history.

If any individual cares to go through the history of Nigeria for the past 55years, is it difficult for anyone to see that history repeats itself in cycles? Since Souls here have a primary purpose of learning the lessons of life, is it possible to learn these lessons under turbulence or under a peaceful atmosphere? But if these turbulent periods were kind of regulated for Souls to learn some spiritual lessons, would they be able to understand that these conditions simply repeat themselves within a particular timeframe in a graduated form that enables Soul to be polished and shine for God? Are people only interested in who grabs power and utilize it for the distribution of resources to loyalists and cronies?

I relaxed as I sang the HU, the Holy and Sacred name for God to merge with the sound of the HU, coming out from the plane. I have written about the HU-severally in this column simply because your entire spiritual endeavor begins and ends with the HU, the name that God Almighty gave to Himself (permit me to use the masculine form here but God is neither male nor female, but God is!). The HU does not belong to any religion but all religion cannot exist without the HU. For it is the sound of God, the fountain of life Itself. If any individual has been searching for God before now without any proof about the reality of God, such individual should sing the HU before bedtime for about twenty minutes and then watch his dreams. The HU is sung by finding a quiet place in your room, fill your heart with love or try to recollect a period of happiness. Then taken in a couple of deep breaths and on the outward breath, with eyes fixed in-between the two eyebrow, the individual should sing HU as in Huuueeu! in an outward breath. The individual will never need any intermediary, prophet or pastor to help communicate with God. But how would HU-mans learn without suffering? Most people only learn through pain and relentlessly until some incident forces them to ask the question, ‘God, why me?’

I relaxed further when I noticed the presence of my Guide, the Holy Spirit in Form, who is capable of being with all his followers simultaneously in all the universes of God be it material, psychic or purely spiritual worlds. For when man sings the HU, God responds directly either through Its Voice, the Holy Spirit, the Light and Sound of God, or through the Living Word, who is the Holy Spirit in Form, the Spiritual Coach. So as I sang HU, I could see the Blue Star, the Light of God, showing me the presence of the Living Word, the Spiritual Coach. He had come to assure me that everything was ok.

When I put my attention on the events in Nigeria, He simply said ‘wait and see!’. Who am I to look further than the will of God in all circumstances? I remember in 1996, I had supported a popular candidate and was very busy arguing about who was to become the president of Nigeria when those in charge of the Spiritual Destiny of Nigeria had come to me with the map of Nigeria. They then went further to drop an individual who was spotting the Yoruba hat popularly known as ‘Faleti’ on the center of the map of Nigeria. I later recognized the individual as Earnest Shonekan. That was about 20 years ago. Then the individual in the spiritual worlds told me point blank ‘ We are in charge of Nigeria!’. I have grown up never to doubt his authority. This time around, I did not want to know. But it is pertinent to realize that the events in Nigeria this period had some spiritual connotation.

It is all about learning spiritual lessons for Soul.

After about 7 hours, the pilot announced that we were landing shortly in Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. For sometime now, I had been going through Paris Charles de Gaul. But this time around, I had chosen to fly through the Schipol Airport in Amsterdam. The airport had always held a fascination for me for its simplicity when a visitor lands here. Beautiful shops laden with fresh fruits of all kinds. Water was unusually expensive though. But can we compare this beauty to the beauty of the inner worlds, the heavens of God? Since people hardly can access these heavens, they shut out their ears about stories of those who have been able to journey into these beautiful heavens of God. When compared to some airports in Africa, this looks heavenly though. But all beautiful physical structures have their replica in heaven before being built here.      As above, so below! As within, so without!

I moved around through the familiar airport and virtually spent the three hours meant for our connecting flight to Minneapolis MSP. We were asked to board and being a frequent flier, I also enjoy the privilege of boarding first and settling down before the place became rowdy. I quickly did my spiritual exercises to align myself spiritually. As usual, my Spiritual Guide indicated His eternal presence quietly at my side. I had brought out one of the books to read but intermittently I journeyed into the heavenly worlds to mingle with other beings that you cannot perceive their existence or see with the physical eyes. But they do exist. It is a matter of vibration.

We settled down for the flight that would take about 9 hours to MSP. Boredom was not an issue here as many laid their hands on movies, books and other attention seeking matters. Bu who wants to watch a movie when one can enjoy the bliss of heaven? I slipped in and out through dream travel and was duly woken up by my Guide when meals were being served.. From my vantage position, I could see what was going on inside the plane. I needed physical as well as spiritual food.


To be continued

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