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Politics Of Sharing Wrappers And Money In Nigeria

mapNigeria is a sovereign state and its sovereignty is not debatable. And as an independent nation politics should be played according to the tenets that guard it, which in turn will create a convivial atmosphere for total development of the nation. Politicians engage in various tactics to woo the electorate to vote for them irrespective of the political platform. The issue of sharing of materials became noticeable in the second republic of 1979 to 1983.

The political parties were seen dolling out bags of rice to unsuspected electorates in the name of support. The plot against the electorate that seemed to have fizzled out during the military era suddenly resurfaced in the 90’s. The third republic emerged, not even that the trend was modified with wearing of various styles of uniforms at each campaign ground. The politicians dress in gorgeous attires with array of colours depending on the buoyancy of the party and members respectively. It is a style predominantly adopted by African politicians to woo voters especially in Nigeria.

Indeed, not quite long, election was conducted in Israel, and the Politicians there were not seen in series of uniforms during electioneering activities. In Nigeria, buying of wrappers of low quality and assorted types has become a norm during election period. Unsustainable empowerment programmes are floated by the politicians to entice the electorates to vote for them. One wonders why such practice is not common in civilized world. The trend does not allow the voters to vote according to their conscience as money also exchanged hands during this period. The period of election is the time some electorates expect the sharing of looted largesse from the politicians. The unfortunate degrading sight is when some politicians throw money for adults to scramble for it. It has become a period to show class, the high and mighty in the land.

Indeed, it is sad to reason that it is only suitable for politicians to share cash and kind during election. After election “to your tent oh Israel” becomes the practice. It is a bad syndrome. And the electorates are not given enough opportunities to express their observations on national issues causing threats to their existence. It is worrisome to observe that politicians only come close to the electorates when they are canvassing for votes. The politicians should sustain the social contract beyond electioneering period.

Thus, the 2015 elections had witnessed a lot of sharing of wrappers to women and men. Bags of rice and money were also shared without limits. The manner in which the items are shared negates human dignity. And it has a social effect on infrastructural development. The notion is that they believe that they have finished their contract with the electorates for sharing wrappers, rice, sewing machine, tricycle (keke nappe) and money. The practice should be jettisoned if there is need for accountability and transparency in governance. That leads to biblical allusion, when Esau because of porridge sold his birthright as the first son to Jacob.

The wrappers and cash received by electorates during electioneering campaign have negative implications which weaken the electorates not to have gut to demand for accountability and purposeful development of the nation. It is a serious threat to Nigeria’s democracy. Because when politics is not practiced according to the real principles things will fall apart. It is a known fact that such is obtainable in Nigeria’s democratic experiment. And that does not guarantee a healthy political system.

Therefore, charitable character should not be exhibited only during election period. Sharing of wrappers and cash should be eradicated in Nigeria’s political system. The electorates should not bow to politicians who share goodies to them. The electioneering period should be devoid of wearing multiple colours of uniforms by politicians. This alone attracts much spending which in turn. promotes mal-administration and wasteful spending by those in government. Sharing of wrappers and cash should be stopped to give room to accountability. ###





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