
Mankind Search For Yahosheanism


The earth is a box of mystery with little explanation to the actors of its events, one of the great subjects in human-fold is the issue of religion and its practices.

History holds that religion is as old as the beginning of mankind. The New Encyclopedia Britannica says that “as far as scholars have discovered, there has never existed any people, anywhere, at any time, who were not in some sense religious.

One of the interesting views in all religious movements or traditions is their variety of thoughts while professing to a single root or origin. A religious tradition will claim of its origin from its founder and after passage of times and growths of history, the fundamental issues raised by the founder will be diversified, fragmented and distorted to appear in many forms of understandings and denominations.

With passage of times, many schisms and factions will be evidenced among the acclaimed followers of the same originator of the movement. By these unfortunate development, the followers will abandon the teachings of the originator of the faith and introduce some new ways of their own makings and the real value of the teachings of the founder will be distorted or totally been eliminated.

This negative trend is obtainable in all major and minor religious traditions that have existed in the universe. One of the major affected religious traditions was the movement founded by the Hebrew Messiah.

Traditionally, the Hebrew Messiah instituted his religious movement by the 1st century C.E. on the basis of uncompromising teachings that were drawn from revelation he received from Yahweh that he addressed as his father as well as facts of old scriptures that predate his existence. The movement of the Hebrew messiah was ordained for continuous and unending growth.

These religious principles later degenerated into the wide and easy going path of compromise of pagan world and its system of things. The local overseers began to depart form the foundation of the messiah and held to their personal vision and passions.

With passage of few centuries, the religious tradition established by the Hebrew Messiah was trapped by the pagan Roman ideas and Greek Philosophies. This evil development changed the true chemistry of the movement and it took another garb and title imbued with paganism drawn from various ancient civilizations.

The fragmentation of the ideal of the Hebrew messiah and proliferation of his movement was noticeable within a few decades of the death of his immediate apostles. For instance, Celsius – a second century opponent of the fold of the Hebrew messiah asserted that the saviour’s fold had split into ever so many factions and each individual desiring to have his own party.

About 187Ad, Irenaeus listed twenty varieties of movement with claims of being rooted to the assembly of the Hebrew messiah. About 304Ad, Epiphanies counted about eighty of such movement. Today, we are having millions of such religious movements claiming to have originated from the same Hebrew messiah.

Presently, there are varieties of claims by various bodies or movements over various practices that includes the proliferation of the actual name of the Hebrew Messiah and the fold he founded.

These claims have produced many distinct and opposing movements under what is generally termed as the Christian theology or tradition. These movements hold to some major central belief that include the teaching that the accurate name of the saviour is Jesus Christ and that the true name of the fold he established was Christianity.

Majority of these movement hold to the Biblical inerrancy as their final authority that defines their belief or practices. Though, there are minority groups that suggest or argue about the authenticity of the Bible and such conviction are reflected in their religious practices even when they profess to the Christian tradition.

Truly, during the first century C.E, The Hebrew Meshiyach was born through immaculate conception by virgin named Mirriam of the land of Bethlehem of Yahuda.

Presently, close to the half of the earthily population of humanity profess to know him in one form or the other and the events of his birth, growth, ministry and translation has clearly been told more often than any other human figure.

The result of his existence has been more momentous even from a strict secular point than the acts of any other character in history. The enormous strength of his personage prompted a registration of the new era of humanity’s existence dated from his birth.

Too many scholars historically acknowledge the fact that majority of records of his existence penned down by his followers or critics have passed through monumental corruption, yet, the little fragments of his account that survived the pervasions are still facts of celebration and final hope for the great percentage of humanity.

Historians agree that he has been the single most populous and powerful figure not merely in these two millennium but in all human history. The records of his life and existence has attracted the wildest varieties of beliefs and arguments.

Over many past centuries, scholars have employed complex arrays of anthropological, sociological and literal methods as they have attempted to formulate answers of whom the saviour was. Many came out with the submission that he was a Hebrew prophet who preached for repentance, a man who through his exemplary life and teachings inspired several faithful that eventual composed into a religious sect.

Others are uncomfortable by the scriptural accounts of his heavenly-origin, his Meshiyachship, his claim of being son of Yahweh or redeemer of mankind, his resurrection and ascension and they attack such accounts of his life.

Various people view the man of Bethlehem in various forms and such can be supported in the presentation of a book called “Theology Today” – “Some see the Saviour as cynic, a wondering sage, a peasant mystic, a community organizer, a poet jabbing at the establishment, or a strict smart provocateur who raps his way through the seething, impoverished socially volatile village of backwater Palestine”.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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