
Is Love A Commandment?

Therefore claiming patriotic to the course of your race colour, ethnic or self and thereby inflicting harm to others in the other races is act of wickedness. What I mean is hating your fellow man because he is not of your own race or colour is barbaric and unprogressive. All humans are the same, their bodies and spirits passes through the same furnace or tunnels of life.

In countless ages, all earthily bodies and properties translate into other different forms under the principle of cycle of life. For instance man consumes animals and fruits as foods, and when the man passes on or drops his earthily body it is equally used to freed some animals and plants. The dropped human body can be transformed into sand, anthill, stones, ether, coal, water, oil or other properties because nature abhors vacuum or waste.

While the spirit body (THE REAL YOU) will transits into the spirit world whence he arranges for a rebirth or reincarnation through which you can transmigrate from one colour, race or nationality to another. Which means a person from family A can take another life in family B or C, likewise a white can take birth in black world and Blackman can equally take birth in white race because there is no boundary for spirits, colours exists only on outer bodies. Meaning that your family or race is decided by your mission or karma you are about to resolve. No person in this present age that has not changed birth for more than five hundred times.

And an oriental Guru by name Swami Prabhupada puts it in this way in his lecture called “YOU ARE NOT YOUR BODY,” “The life we are living today is not the only one. We have been through many. The spark or awareness within us has no beginning and no end. No knife can cut it, no fire can burn it and no wind can blow it away. But that spark of life keeps moving from one body to the next. At one time, you have the body of a baby, then you move on to a young persons body, then to middle age body and the body of an old person. Yet in all these bodies you fell yourself to be the same you, only your body has changed, so you and your body are different, you are not your body.

The final change of body is what we call death. But it’s not really final, it is only another translation. Just as you changed from childhood to youth to old age, at death you move on to go through the cycle again, with birth in another body”.

Then if the body and spirit of all persons be them of any colour or race passes through the same cycle why are we carried away by the euphoria that I am of this race or colour, therefore I am the most superior while the other man is inferior. Any soul can take a birth in any race hence that race has all the needed apparatus for the soul to accomplish his or her mission at the needed moment.

Likewise a soul that is today a king, president, governor can still come back as a beggar, maid or destitute based on his future missions or karma. The globe is like a stage, an actor that took the part as a richman in one drama, can be used as a pauper in another drama.

And the holy teachings of Prophet Yahmarabhi in his work known as Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) puts it in this way “Remember that man lives for ever, for life has no beginning and ending because one lives with the life of Yahweh, so there is no such thing as death, for when they say someone is dead, the one is really functioning in a higher dimensional body. Thus every life is a beginning, when life on this planet ends, a new life begins in the spiritual realm and with time the one will re-emerge on earth through rebirth”.

But the deluded preachers and their blindfolded followers will not agree with these great spiritual men and their revelations. It is certain that reincarnation exists and the MOST SPIRITUAL GRAND MASTER on earth YAHOSHEA MESHIYACH confirmed the existence of reincarnation when he accepted that the Eliyah of old has come back and people didn’t know him and they did to him what they like. He openly told his followers that John (Yohannah) the Baptists is the expected Eliyah. Remember, Eliyah on his days defeated the Baal Prophets and ordered them to be beheaded. But Jezebel the wife of Ahab swore to retaliate the killing or beheading of the Baal Prophets on Eliyah, and Eliyah ran away from Jezebel.

But as he came back as John the Baptist, the Jezebel came back as the mother of the girl that danced before the king. Then as the king demanded from the girl what he can offer to her, her mother demanded for the head of John the Baptists. That chapter of the scripture openly taught about reincarnation and karma. One lifespan is too short for a soul to learn and master all the needed experiences it desires in the earth.

You can doubt the truth but reality of any matter stands out to defend itself. Why do you hate or harm your fellow mortals? Don’t you know that you must reap it now or after now? Through your wrong attitudes of today, you are erecting or accumulating dangerous and problematic future for yourself.

Such acquisitions that led you into evil life is nothing than temporary profits which you will abandon shortly and to face its consequence in the future. For instance you kill your fellow human being either as a robber or ritualist and built a big castle with the proceed of the act. Then when you translate, you will see yourself abandoning the edifice or castle and to take another birth in a thatched house of a pauper, yet you are to face the accurate balance or justice for the soul you destroyed. Then are you at loss or gain?

Yahweh the Grand Creator is not responsible for posting of souls to their abodes during reincarnations but the works of men helps them to choose on the best place, family or race that will be convenient with their mission. The family, community or race you hate and wants to destroy may be your next place of existence after this life. You can be a richman, great politician or leader, a pious scholar or venerable one presently, but your actions as you occupy such honourable offices may lead you to a higher height or into retrogression during your next birth.

Therefore the only ladder to maintain your prosperity is by obeying the law of love to Yahweh and to your fellow mortals. Under natural law and rulership, all peoples are equal. You can be a president, governor, senator, minister, permanent secretary, mayor or councilor of today and you see yourself as powerful personality, you might aspire to sit tight, but one day you will be removed by death and all your works will be xrayed and accurate payment to be issued to you in your next birth


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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