
Is Love A Commandment?

Non amongst us can grow above such portrait and its unbending rulership. Every creature is under the inescapable force of balance, when we die, our bodies become food for the grasses and that is the way of cycle of life.

The earthily laws respects the rich and the powerful men but grinds the poor and the weaklings, but to the natural law (karma) all are treated equally according to your works be you a tyrant or a monk. Is love a command or is it an optional virtue? Why do we respect all earthily cautious signs before us but only to defy the spiritual cautious signs? No one dare defy the boundary set for electricity or powerhouse. When we see cautious signs bearing DANGER, we respect them. No one climbs to the top of mountain and jumps down from there. But we are ever ready to break the commandments of Yahweh and that is the reason for our frustrations.

Do you know that some of the people you hate bear in their hands your torch of success and happiness? Do you know that your wife or husband whom you hate or want to divorce presently is your karmic partner, the only one invested with the power to establish you unto glory? Meaning that without him or her, you cannot achieve your rightful ends in life. Do you think that divorcing her or him is the best way to have relief? But I am advising you that you are only postponing your evil days. The same applies to the parent who denounces ownership to their wayward children. Remember that what you are reaping now is the exact seed you have sown may be in your past worlds. So why complain? Why not counter the offensives with love? If our eyes will be opened to behold the consequence of a single hatred, we will certainly conclude that hatred is distasteful. We ignorantly go about searching for friends while we ignore our real friends (who are our karmic partners) whom we sometimes treat as our enemies. Behold, the only enemy we have is our negative thoughts. Our karmic partners are our real friends, they may appear troublesome and unfriendly yet they are our real possession in tune with our karma and such people are those that will aid us to climb the hills of life.

Do you know that as husbands and wives are paired, so the families, compounds, kindred’s, villages, towns, states and countries are also paid? If any of these level goes into bitterness with its spiritual pair, they will experience untold hardship, great calamities and backwardness as a people. Many people discusses on family or community deliverance without putting in consideration the effects of hatred. Hatred is a source of captivity. Therefore it is not only the removal of charms and amulets that will liberate our families or communities but also included is a genuine reconciliation within and without and when such is successfully carried out, an eternal light of deliverance will be ushered into the communities and all things will start progressing.

In the light of this, love will usher in progress to ones or people’s lives if they obey the commandment that we should love our fellow mortals more than we love ourselves. Love is attainable through painstaking and long suffering, it can be attained through well developed generous spirit within self, where one expects no immediate reward or refund from the person the act is done to. And that is what present day Yahosheans learnt from Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach. The prophet gives out liberally without reserve for himself. This he does not only to those he know and love but to those he doesn’t know and even those that hates him.

You are expected to show love always because the globe hangs on love, sustained by love because Yahweh himself is love. And anytime there is deviation from love, the earth fabrics is shaken and all are worried. As one wise man puts it “when the evil men strikes, the heart of the innocents are wounded, those that destroys others in order to achieve success, will have destruction placed right at their doors when they have succeeded”.

People refuse giving alms to the needy because of the superstition that they will be tied spiritually through the proceeds of their gifts, but that is a wrong notion, rather you will be tied when you refuse to help others when necessary. You can only be tied through the energy of your record or karma. It is a very healthy spiritual exercise when spiritualists direct their clients to engage on generous or charitable works, alms giving to beggars and needy ones, engaging in community progressive projects, cooking of general food for children or community can go some heights to relieve our life burden.

Love is a healer, with it we can excel above our bounds and limits. When one is surrounded by enemies, when one’s ways are full of obstacles and high bumps, the one is expected to heal his world with demonstration of love. Hatred begets bitterness, and bitterness begets fear and the only way to get rid of fear is through love of others.

So when we change our environment with love all those evil objects around us will give way for cooperation and unity. Some find it difficult to forgive others because they don’t know the price for such negative expedition; offence and punishment are inseparable twins. While offenders can never go unpunished, if the offended didn’t forgive, he becomes the partaker of the offence because he will reap unforgiveness, but once he forgives he will be cleared from the offence.

Therefore believers should see trials, offences, persecutions, afflictions, torture or obstacles as instruments to the crown because behind any temptation there is promotion. As believers, our wholesome forgiveness will defuse or swallow the irrational flaying thoughts of our detractors and keeps the environment in perpetual harmony.

Conscience is an open wound, only the truth can heal it. The truth of any matter remains absolute, it is only the perception of men that are flawed.

The entire humanity is one in essence but separates in form. Whatever that touches one certainly touches others because each man is a microcosm in the macrocosm. We originated from the same spark or breath of life that was infused into Adam and Eve which made them to be living beings. Therefore differences in colour, race, ethnic, nations or communities are only noticeable on the earthily man and such demarcations are transient.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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