
Is Love A Commandment?

The word UNIVERSE means ONE VERSE and all humans must come to the awareness that we are caught in an inescapable nature of mutuality, tied in one garment of destiny, what directly touches one touches others. And that is the doctrinal motto of Yahosheans “ALL FOR EACH AND EACH FOR ALL”.

No matter our various schools of thoughts, there is one thesis that is central amongst all speculations -THE HARMONY IN CREATION. This harmony is the expression of love in all entities. All earthily bodies and properties are arranged in symmetries and researchers and scientist drives their points of search from there. There exists a cosmic stillness or harmony which operates under a well arranged balance, and any attempt to disrupt the harmony brings untold hardship to the beings consciously or unconsciously. For humans, love is the recognized virtue for the maintenance of the harmony in all beings. The focus or observations on the naturally arranged harmony is the inspirational power of ancient and modern scholars and their discoveries.

Therefore love is the greatest instrument for the maintenance of the earth. And the dictionary defines love as “warm, kind feeling, fondness, affectionate and tender devotion” and one of the great thinkers – Richard Ingersol puts love as this “love is a magician, an enchanter that changes worthless to joy, and makes right royal kings and queens of common clay into perfume of wondrous flowers, heart without it (sacred passion) is less a beast, but with it earth is a paradise and we are all Yahweh”. Yes, love means regarding of others as serious or important that whatever that affects them will be given prior attention.

But the questions are – do men love others like themselves or can they love others more than they love themselves? Remember love is cosmic but not cosmetic; it is comic but not comedic as great percentage of humanity thinks. It is law but not optional. All the horizontal laws of the Ten Commandments by Yahweh, which was, summed up by Yahoshea Meshiyach as love your fellow mortals more than your self are laws of LOVE. And mortals although possesses the capacity of freewill to choose but its obedience will maintain our balance with the cosmic stillness or harmony.

Yahweh demonstrated love by sending of his only begotten son to humanity to lay down his life as a sacrifice for the redemption of the entire human race. Yahoshea Meshiyach himself demonstrated love by his enduring torture at the stake of Calvary where he prayed for his father to forgive those who have hands in his humiliation.

Likewise many mortals have been cited for practicing capital love from time to time. Love is a sacrifice and can only be carried out through courage. And one wise man puts courage in this way “there is no finer flower in this green earth than courage, it is indeed one of the redemptive features in humanity’s life, which are constantly producing surprises, opening sudden vistas and easing the burden of mankind. It is that act of standing bold and unrepentant against the aggressions or the swords of ones detractors”.

But the question is, are mortals practicing love? Yes some do so with reasons and very many great souls have attempted to practice love at different point or degrees which are today seen as acts of adventurism. To such great souls, their personal or selfish life was not paramount than those of their other fellows. Therefore, if such men can achieve those points, it means that all humanity can endeavour to live in such heroic standards which will turn the globe into paradise. For instance, a certain woman could not withhold herself from seeing her only begotten son crying inside a burning vehicle, when the woman has escaped from the burning vehicle, has to jump back into the fire in order to rescue her only son, unfortunately, the inferno consumed both of them. Have you seen such love? She considered the life of her son to be more important than hers and she paid with her own life.

At heart, all men and women are romantic and adventurous. Another example of courage love was demonstrated by a Nationalist leader in Accasser in Spain in 1930’s. When there was a battle for control of the city by Nationalists against loyalists group. While the Nationalist was in control, one morning, the phone in the office of the Nationalistic leader rang and as he picked the phone, he heard the voice of his only son with a sad news that the loyalists has kidnapped him and the only condition for his release is for his father to surrender the city to the loyalists. The Nationalist leader paused for a while and phoned his son back to rather die like a man because he cannot afford to release the city to his enemies. The love of the ideology of the Nationalists led this patriotic man to lose his only son to his enemy.

What I am saying is that there is spirit of daring in men that make constant protest against easy, complacency and sloth. Again, after successfully leading the 24th February revolution which ousted Nkuruma in Ghana in 1960, Brigadier A. A. Afrifa while reviewing his three and half years in office and in his preparation for handing over peacefully to civilian Dr K. A. Busia made this heroic statement “three and half years ago, when we took up arms against the tyrannical government, we were not doing it as mere adventurers but as men with a purpose… we marched against Flagstaff House, the Citadel of oppression and despotism in the early hours of 24th January 1966. The risks were great, for failure meant instant and ignominious death. But our love for Ghana was greater than the risk and we succeeded”.

Again a certain great medical doctor lost his only son through a gruesome murder by a rude or cult boy whose parents are highly connected, all efforts of the medical doctor to receive accurate justice and redress was frustrated by the father of the criminal. But to the surprise of all, a certain mysterious ailment came upon the rude boy and it was discovered that it is only that medical doctor whom he murdered his only son can handle the operation and save his life. Within the stipulated time, when the doctor was contacted, he wrestled over the expedition but came out with a positive thought to help the rude boy no matter the injury he has afflicted upon his life. These are the type of sacrificial love we are talking about. Love or rescue to your enemy when you have all opportunity to pay him back.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi


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