
Is There One True Religion?

The second segment of errors in the second pervated law is the barbaric character that the Sanhedrims or religious scholars added that Yahweh visits the iniquity of fathers upon their children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate him. Of a fact, Yahweh does not visit a sin of a father unto his offsprings, rather each mortal reaps exactly what he sows. A father will reap according to his works while his children or third to fourth of his generation will individually reap according to their works.

Even on the physical world, the legal system does not punish children because of their father’s act. Non can be committed to prison because his father violated the laws of the nation.

Too many persons have receive severe sentences over their evils ranging from terrorism, murder, armed robbery, infanticide, homicide, genocide etc, but non of their sons have been arrested to pay the consequences along with their parents. A son will be involved if he is directly indicted of the crime committed by his father. So the thought that Yahweh visits the sins of fathers upon children is another scribal additions in the holy scriptures.

The law against the veneration and worship of molten images is randomly abused by all religions with exception of Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach. For instance, in Hindus as regard to veneration of images, a Hindu scholar, Tara C. Kathmander Nepal made the following remark, “In Hindu society, it is the religious custom, first thing is the washing or to bath in a nearby river or at home if no river or stream is at hand. People believe that it makes them holy. Then still without having eaten, they go to the local temple and make offerings of flowers and food to the local gods. Some will wash the idol and decorate it with red and yellow powder.” He continues “Nearly every home has a corner or even a room for worship of the family’s favourite god. A popular god in some localities is Ganesa, (the elephant God), people will especially pray to him for good fortune, as he is known as a remover of obstacles. In other places, Krishna, Rama Siva, Durga or some other deity might take first place of devotion”.

It is not only Hinduism that is covered by the worship of images in various animal forms. This is sporadic to all known and local religions on earth. And all claims same as an Indian writer. A Parthasarathy explains “The Hindus are no polytheistic. Hinduism speaks of one God…the different gods and goddesses of the Hindu pantheon are mere representatives of the powers and functions of the supreme God in the manifested world”.

This is equal way the African traditional religions view their molten images.

Every sinner have already made excuses that he presents at any moment. The history of religion is as old as human himself. All these religions were identified with one various form of carved image or the other. The New Encyclopedia Britannica supports that in this manner, “as far as scholars have discovered, there has never existed any people, anywhere, at any time, who were not in some form religious”.

Both archeological and anthropological discoveries have proven that even amongst the primitive age, there exists evidence of worship during their days. And there are evidences that all these religion are similar in doctrines, legends, rituals, ceremonies, institutions etc and these shows that all emerged from one source which can be summed as a true religion but due to various imputs by various people at various ages shaped their differences.

For instance, there are sticking similarities between Roman Catholic Church and Buddhism of Far East. These two similar religions goes by similar doctrines as using of candles, incense, holy water, rosary, images of saints and sign of cross.

Both have similar institutions of monks and nuns, practices celibacy of priests, special robes for priests, holy days etc. These two religious sects are known for veneration of molten images.

In Roman Catholic Church, the sin of veneration of molten images is wide one. Every church premises is a museum of images of Jesus Christ, Joseph, Mary and other acclaimed saints, the crosses, obelisks, towers etc. Yet these churches are led by priests in whose hands are the holy scriptures that commands that non should make for himself any molten image and worship it. What a great contradiction of faith?

The reason is that men love to forsake Yahweh, he loves deviating or abandoning the orders and ways of Yahweh by following or moving in his own made ways.

Have you now seen that the hood does not make the mood, the soutane of a reverend gentleman has disagreed with what he stand for, that is worshipping of Yahweh only in spirit. A Catholic priest are always identified with images of cross and those of acclaimed saints hanging on their necks.

By these wholesome errors in worship, the Roman Catholic Church removed the second law entirely from their Catechism or liturgy. They skipped the law because it is against any form of molten image which they are guilty of and used the third law to replace the second law. To enable it complete the ten laws, the last and tenth law was divided into two parts, one to represent law number nine while the rest becomes law number ten. What a great controversy.

The Roman Catholic Church and indeed other Christian folds are similar to the adulterated Hebrew religions where laws were set aside and sacrifices (guilt and sin offerings) became the assumed best way of appeasing Yahweh. The church after rejecting the laws of Yahweh resorted to doctrine of ransom sacrifice of Yahoshea as a means of purity. To a church priest, the ransom sacrifice of Yahoshea Meshiyach has set them free. So needles of teaching about laws of Yahweh. Then one may ask, what is ransom? The divine justice demands that “soul will be used to pay for soul,” “eye for eye,” “tooth for tooth”. In the place of this punishment, a ransom sometimes could be offered for a release.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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