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The Journey Of Soul From Heaven To Earth And Back To God (2)-the Return Journey

Thus the life of each of us continues, lifetimes upon lifetimes giving and receiving love and energy from old acquaintances called brothers and sisters or family members whom we are either owing or receiving from. People therefore reincarnate in the same family units to give and receive what they owe. Look around your family, how come some family members love each other more while others dislike each other with the same intensity?

The journey of Soul therefore continues for so many lifetimes of going and coming until Soul begins to go outside orthodox religion to start searching for a deeper meaning to life. This search begins the second aspect of our journey home. This is the outward journey to experience life. However these lifetimes are under the influence of Karma and reincarnation and the numerous lives of the individual are dictated by the Lords of Karma. This action is normally referred to as destiny. This is why no matter what the individual tries whether he or she fasts for 100 years or not, whether the individual prays from today till he dies, the life of the individual cannot change much from what the Lords of Karma or destiny has planned for his life. When the individual has jumped from one religion to another, from one denomination to another and cannot find solace from any quarter, even from herbalists and ‘juju men’ scattered all over the world from India to Nigeria, then the individual realizes that there are forces greater than his prayers, then he starts to look for God. Then the individual becomes the seeker, the seeker of what he does know. This is the beginning of the journey back home to God.

At this stage the individual starts searching for what controls his life. Religion makes no meaning for him again at this stage. He would have asked the following questions:

If some religions promise heaven after death, then why are ‘men of God’ afraid to die?

If God is a God of Love why would God throw his own beloved children into hellfire to burn forever and ever for offending Him?

If God is a God of perfection, how come we have individuals born crippled?

If God is ominipresent will God not be present in hell if there is one?

If God is omniscient, knows all, why does His children keep commanding Him to do their will?

The seeker has now arrived at that point where every individual that desires God knows that he cannot get God except if God chooses the individual. This is because only love can lead the individual to God. So what we call the good karma of the individual is the only thing that can lead the individual to the Living Godman, the representative of God who can then connect the individual to the Voice of God commonly called the Holy Spirit. The Living Godman is the only one who can lead the individual back home to God when and if the individual is ready for the return journey home.

How do you know when the individual is ready?

The individual is ready when he has been able to discover that the religions of today especially the orthodox religions cannot lead him back home to heaven. This is because the so called ‘men of God’ do not know the way to God. For because they do not know the way to God, they tell the individual that he can only visit the heavens of God after he dies. But this is not true.

The individual begins to search for God. But since he does not know that the way to God is within him, through his forehead, he begins to wander about from place to place until he stumbles on the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God.

For those who have not been able to make contact with God directly, such individual should begin to sing the HU. This is because the HU is the name God has given to Himself so that those who need God can contact God directly without any intermediaries. So the return journey begins with contacting God by singing the HU. The HU does not belong to any religion but no religion can survive without the HU. It is the all purpose elixir.

When the individual sings the HU, he has made contact with the garment of God. By singing HU, which is actually the sound of God within the individual, God will send the Agent of God known as the Spiritual Coach to come to the aid of the individual. The Spiritual Coach is the ‘Word made flesh that dwelleth amongst men’. For He lives in a Human body with his family but has the special ability to appear spiritually and assist anyone who needs God sincerely. This is the assignment God has given to the Living Godman. No other Human in all the universes of God can perform this rite of connecting an individual to the Holy Spirit. All the individual needs do is sing HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God. Singing HU is an indication of that individual who wishes to know God more, know himself as Soul so as to begin his journey back home to God.

How does the individual meet with the Spiritual Coach, the special Agent of God?

The individual after singing the HU diligently for about 10 to 15 minutes every night before going to bed can have contact with the Living Godman only in the dream state. When the individual sings the HU, he or she can ask God about any issues that may be bothering the individual and God will definitely answer the individual through the dream state. For God communicates to us through many ways but the dream state is the most common area where we can obtain feedback from God. When the individual has studied his dreams for about two years under the tutelage of the Living Word, the Spiritual Coach and the individual is able interpret his dreams, he then graduates from being the seeker to become the knower. He now becomes the God directed individual. He is now guided from the dream state in all his worldly affairs. The individual throughout this period would have learnt the following:

The individual would have learnt that he is Soul, created in the image and likeness of God and as such, he can never die. He would also discover that no matter who he is or what he has done, God loves Soul without any pre-conditions. For Soul exists because God loves it. The only thing that dies is the covering-the HU-man body of man, but in the Soul body, Soul lives forever.

The second law is that whatever a man seweth, that shall he reap. This is the law of Karma that regulates and control all our thoughts, words and actions including our feelings and therefore, there is no escape from our actions. We must therefore control all our thoughts, words and actions if we do not want to reincarnate back to pay for our deeds. This is the spiritual law. If we sew hatred, we reap hatred. If we sew love, we reap love. Once the individual is aware of this law and starts sewing love, the upward journey to heaven becomes easier to attain. For through the force of love, the individual begins his journey towards the heavens of God within the road inside himself. For the individual cannot travel to God through the skies.

The third aspect the individual will come to realize is that the individual does not need to die before visiting the heavens of God. Anybody who says the individual needs to die before going to heaven does not know the way. For when man was sent down to earth, provision was made for man to visit heaven at will. This provision is for the individual who has learnt the art of ‘out of body techniques’ from the Spiritual Coach so that he can visit heaven and transfer knowledge obtained to better lives on earth. The Spiritual Coach therefore teaches the individual how to access the heavens of God on a daily basis. This visit to the heavens of God then makes God a Living Reality. God is no longer far away.

When the individual has perfected this art of visiting heaven daily he then graduates to become a Co-worker with God Almighty and therefore finds out his Spiritual destiny and fulfils it before leaving the physical worlds finally. Of course, most of us are not aware of this universal plan of God for man. Therefore man continues to live life as if prosperity is the only consideration. But of course, after coming back to earth several times coupled with many unpleasant situations and experiences, man must one day find his way back to the heavens of God again.

This is the Spiritual Destiny of man!



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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