
Is There One True Religion?

Although the Divine name Yahweh received great hostility from ancient Hebrew scholars or leaders, yet the name survived that era to the modern age. For instance, “The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology” Volume 2, page 512 says that: – “Recent textual discoverings cast doubt on the idea that the compilers of Septuagint (New Testament) translated the tetragramaton written in Hebrew as YHWH to Krios. The oldest fragments of the New Testament now available to us have the tetragramaton (divine name) written in Hebrew characters in the Greek text. This custom was retained by later Hebrew translators of old testament in the first century AD”.

As the ancient translators erroneous changed Yahweh with Elohim, the modern translators are repeating the mistakes by replacing the same name with Jehovah. In the ancient Hebrew day to day affairs, the name Elohim was used and became more popular against the original form being Yahweh. Many names of persons bear the word El, the short form of Elohim instead of Yah which is equally the short form of Yahweh. For instance names as Daniel, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Samuel, Ezekiel, etc bore the name El, while names as Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Isaiah etc bears the short form of Yahweh.

As the ancient Hebrew scholar shelved the divine name by their superstition, the modern day scholars sees the name as a Hebrew name and since most scholars are anti-Hebrew, they equally hate and reject the name Yahweh. Inorder to achieve their evil plan, they replaced it with Jehovah and came out with JHVH as a source of Jehovah.

The original form of the name appeared as Yhwh, how did the form Jhvh appeared? Only translators can explain. How did Y became J and how did W became V? All this are works oF pervartions which the translators used complimentary language or sugar coated tongues to cover up their lies or falsehood.

The true religious sect must know the accurate name of the creator as Yahweh and must fight to restore it in its proper place in the scriptures. A scripture can only be inspired when it retains the original flavours or spices as revealed by Yahweh to the inspired prophets but if adulterated through any form of translation, it becomes uninspired and worths nothing for truth seekers.

Inspite of the efforts by the translators to eliminate the divine name Yahweh in the Holy scriptures, and the testament of Yahweh by replacing it with names coined by humans, Yahweh has reacted by sending His Holiness, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach to restore his name and that of his son Yahoshea Meshiyach in their proper places.

To achieve this divine set goal by Prophet Yahmarabhi, a new book was opened by the direction of Yahweh for the proper accounting of his dealings with mankind. The holy book known as Holy Originally Inspired Scripture (HOIS) is made to restore the holy name Yahweh and his son Yahoshea Meshiyach. The book explained that Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach is the appointed Comforter of mankind and that Yahcity in Niger Delta area of Nigeria is the new Yerusalem promised by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his followers.

The book treated or explained all the necessary laws with special focus on the vertical laws. And the Prophet has gathered the end time saints who are known as Yahosheas under the assemblage of Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach for the final war of restoration of all sacred things. Those who embraced the Prophet, his followers and his ministry and practice these simple laws are thereby counted as those for the one true religion that exist in the universe.

Let us then look into the second law of the Vertical Plate.

SECOND LAW:- “You shall not make a graven (molten) images, or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, or that is in earth beneath, or that is in water under the earth, you shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I Yahweh, your Grand Creator am uncompromising and I show mercy to thousand of them that love me and keep my commandments”.

He who comes to Yahweh must come with clean hands because Yahweh is equity. Equity is regulated by law because in its absence there will be chaos, unruly and anarchy. So, our question still remain, “Is There One True Religion”?

I have made it boldly known that without laws, there is no religion. So all those religions that condones lawlessness or hang around pervated laws cannot be true religion and their followers are inattentively worshipping in rebellious modes.

It is through obedience of all the laws of Yahweh that his chosen people are distinguished from other nations, because all the heathens contravenes the laws of Yahweh especially on all vertical grounds.

Let us investigate how the false religions guided by their leaders have poluted the second law of Yahweh.

The pervated law states as follows, “You shall not make yourself, a graven (molten) image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in water under the earth, you shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I God your LORD am a jealous God, VISITING THE INIQUITY OF THE FATHERS UPON THEIR CHILDREN TO THE THIRD AND THE FOURTH GENERATION OF THOSE WHO HATE ME, but showing mercy to thousands of them that love Me and keep my commandments”.

This law appears similar to the first correct and original law but spiritually it is filled of impure words which are abominations to Yahweh the Grand Creator of the universe.

As in the first law, the second pervated law changed the name of Yahweh to God, Lord, Jehovah or in various human languages. As there enumerate, it is abomination of the translators and those who trust their works.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarab

(+234) 7066195260


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