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  • The Journey of Soul from Heaven To Earth And Back To God

The Journey of Soul from Heaven To Earth And Back To God

The journey of Soul began in the abode of God eons of time ago where Souls where sent down from the pure heavens of God to the lower heavens common referred to as the lower worlds. These lower worlds consist of the physical universes (earth and other planets), the first, second, third and fourth heavens where Soul is given a body suitable for the predominant vibrations on such heavens. The purpose of this journey downwards is for Soul to learn the catechism of life and then return back home to serve God Almighty as a mature student or graduate of the lower worlds. This is the reason for each of us having our being in the lower worlds.

For a better understanding of this spiritual training program, let us begin from the pure heavens of God and the lower heavens. The pure heavens of God is a state of consciousness but can be accessed only by that Soul that has realized Itself having completed the required training in the lower heavens. It is a place where there are no material manifestations for those of us who can still remember how home looks like. It is a place of no- thing. It consists of pure spirit and only God and souls reside here. There is nothing else to say about this. It can only be experienced by those who are ready and willing. Religion cannot take you here. Only the Living Godman, the Spiritual Coach, can take Soul to experience this place of indescribable beauty.

However, below these pure heavens of God, we have heavens with different proportions of materiality in them culminating in the coarsest material plane known as the physical universe comprising of different planets that our scientists are still exploring for life today. Among these are Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, etc. They could not find any life in these places because they want to use our physical equipment, human eyes to analyze a higher vibratory environment. This is why they have not been able to detect life in some of these planets. But when man travels through the inner worlds, going through the spiritual gates within the Human body, then our scientist will be able to perceive life on these planes.

I remember when my Spiritual Guide took me on a visit to the moon worlds. We arrived in a space station in our spiritual bodies in one of the numerous boarding points on the earth plane. This space craft looked like a rocket that took us straight to the moon. I was amazed when we arrived for the environment was not different from our physical plane. I could see HU –man forms in the same spiritual bodies moving about their different activities.

Back to the training program. Souls are generally sent down from the pure heavens down to earth for their spiritual education. Soul is made in the image and likeness of God. It is made of pure Light and Sound, the two main properties of the Holy Spirit. This is why Soul is the Holy Spirit individualized having the same attributes with the Holy Spirit. But when It takes on the HU-man body, either male or female and partakes of life in the lower worlds, the memory of the individual is blotted out to enable the individual begin life of learning how to receive and give love to all life. Soul- in -form called man therefore loses any memory of the heavenly worlds that he came from except through dreams where he gets glimpses of heaven every night during sleep. Thus the Journey in the lower worlds commences for every soul- in -form on the earth plane.

After so many life cycles of birth, growth, decay and death, Souls keep reincarnating in both male and female bodies alternatively under the law of karma and reincarnation. Some souls take close to 8.4 million years to learn and go back home to God. Under the law of karma, soul is either born as a man, woman, white or black, poor or rich, etc, in whatever state It will learn the lessons of love and graduate to become a co-worker with God.

This is why I have written so many times that whatever situations we find ourselves are caused by the individuals involved. Thus our fortunes are largely dictated by our thoughts, words actions and feelings. Our thoughts, words and actions generate karma that makes us to re-incarnate back to earth to pay for our thoughts words and actions. Anyone who believes that they can commit a transgression and are forgiven are living in self -delusion. Energy is energy. It can be transformed from one state into another but it cannot be destroyed. So if a man steals N5 from another and he goes to pray then is forgiven, how will the individual who is deprived of N5 be paid back?. Common sense dictates that the energy form called N5 would have to be repaid in the same coin! This is the law of Karma in action.

This is why individuals have problems they cannot resolve and they point fingers in another direction. There is no coincidence in whatever happens to us. Any situations we find ourselves have been made manifest by our thoughts, words and actions. The only difficulty is that most of us cannot see the spiritual history of our problems to know the cause and we keep jumping from one prayer house to another, jumping from one religion to another looking for superficial solutions to our historical problems.

Thus the life of each of us continues, lifetimes upon lifetimes giving and receiving love and energy from old acquaintances called brothers and sisters or family members whom we are either owing or receiving from.

The journey of Soul therefore continues for so many lifetimes of going and coming until Soul begins to go outside orthodox religion to start searching for a deeper meaning to life. This search begins the second aspect of our journey home. This is the outward journey to experience life.


To be continued.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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