
Is There One True Religion?

Yahweh is a person and he commanded in his first law that “He is Yahweh”. This means that he has a pronounceable name. For clarity, let us look into the theological book called “The Illustrated Bible Dictionary Volume 1, page 572). It states as follows “A study of the word “NAME” in the Old Testament reveals how much it means in Hebrew. The name is no mere label, but is significant of the real personality of him to whom it belongs”. Truly name is too important to Yahweh and man whom he created in his image and likeness. That is the reason or need in man to identify people and things by means of names. Yahweh knows each of the stars through their personal names. Then could it be truthful that such person will not have his own name.

For support, “The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology” (Volume 2, page 649) says: – one of the most fundamental and essential features of the Biblical revelation is the fact that Yahweh is not without a name, by which he can, and is to be invoked”.

The name Yahweh as commanded in the first law to his people received lots of hostility from the ancient Hebrew copyists or translators who were guided by their made superstition that the name was too sacred to be pronounced, therefore they supplanted it with name as Elohim and Adnoai. The modern translators followed the footsteps of the ancient misguided scholars to change the name into what is presently known as JEHOVAH.

For instance, a German Professor Freidrich Oehler in his book called, “Theology of the Old Testament, second edition page 143, 1882” says: – From this point onward I use the word JEHOVAH, because as a matter of fact, this name has now become more naturalized (popular) in our vocabulary”. Again in his own work, “Grammer of Biblical Hebrew, 1923 edition” Jesuit Scholar Paul Jolion states as follows “in our translations, instead of the hypothetical form YAHWEH, we have used the form JEHOVAH… which is the conversionary literary form used in French”.

The name JEHOAVH was invented by a French scholars, Petros Galitenus by 16th century AD. It is therefore a medieval name which does not represent the pronunciations of the divine name in the ancient past and the argument for substituting the true divine name Yahweh with this modern invented name are always baseless and unreasonable. That Jehovah is popular in modern vocabularies is because the modern scholars has chosen to propagate the name through their works and such situation does not turn it to be equal to the original form being Yahweh.

Likewise the modern translators twisted the name of the Saviour from original form Yahoshea Meshiyach into the modern invented form Jesus Christ. The name Jesus Christ emerged from the Greek word or name IHSOUS or Zeus which was used to substitute Yahoshea by the Greek scholars. All these are acts of perjury and pervations.

For instance in the preface to the popular Revised Standard version, we read:- “For two reasons the committee has return to the more familiar usage of the King James Version (that is omitting the Divine name of Yahweh) (1) the word Jehovah does not accurately represent any form of the name ever used in Hebrew and (2) the use of any proper name for the one and only God, as though there were other gods from whom he had to be distinguished, was discontinued in Judaism before the Christian era and is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian church”.

Again the footnote of the translation by J. M. Powis Smith and Edgar Goodspeed covered their erroneous substitution of Yahweh’s true name in this form, “In this translation, we have followed the Orthodox Jewish tradition and substituted “the LORD for the name, YAHWEH. In all cases where LORD or GOD represent an original “YAHWEH”, capitals are employed… Anyone, therefore who desire to retain the flavour of the original text has but to read Yahweh wherever he sees LORD and GOD.

Have you seen the sort of flimsy excuses rendered by translators to deceive mankind with their substitute to form of names that does not bear currents of salvation. They know that the Orthodox Jewish scholars were erroneous by their superstition and subsequent change, they equally followed their path of error, they know that the original name Yahweh alone bears the true flavour yet they twisted it into Jehovah, LORD, GOD, ELOHIM ETC. therefore by this great errors of the translators, the entire scriptures from them are deluding because it has deprived seekers the true name of the testator Yahweh and that of his son Yahoshea Meshiyach. May Yahweh forgive them for these deadly abominations and help the deceived followers to open their eyes and behold their detractors who are clothed in the garments of holiness.

Often, one falsehood leads to another, the urge to change the true faith to suit the spirit of the age has a long history in religion. All prophets of old encountered such obstacles and frowned against the perpetrators of such unholy acts.

Speaking to the Hebrew religious leaders in his day, Yahoshea Meshiyach said that they worship in vain, because they replace the truth with the traditions of men. Yahoshea Meshiyach the eternal redeemer handle that situation by stripping all falsehoods that were planted into the scriptures and worship and spoke the eternal truth whether it was popular or not. He relied only on the accurate word of Yahweh as his authority.

History equally accounted that soon after the ascension of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his immediate disciples, the official face of his ministry began to change. This progressed to the era of church versus state marriage which the Encyclopedia called “Great Ages of man” defines as, “by AD 385 only 80 years after the last great wave of persecution of the saviours fold, the newly formed church itself was beginning to execute heretics and its clerics were welding power almost equivalent to that of the emperors”. This began an era where-in the sword eclipsed


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi


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