
Is There One True Religion?

In the absence of a master, there is no knowledge. Again, when prophets are born, disciples are made. Prophets by their divine nature are moulded with higher intelligence more than those of human wisdom. They posses the capability to dictate, querry and disapprove all aspects of unsound doctrines which were planted by the pervators of sacred things.

By simple fact, non can approach or know Yahweh but Yahweh appears by his own accord through his bonafide representatives. All efforts of the empiric philosophers and prudent scholars cannot aid the humanity to reach to Yahweh because he cannot be found by our poor fund of knowledge.

Some scholars speculate that the only path to reach Yahweh is by constantly having an intensive search in the holy scriptures, but this golden assumption is always frustrated or choked by the barbaric efforts of the pervators of those sacred scriptures – a pervation is a virus that has destroyed almost the fabrics of all sacred scriptures of mainstream religions.

Our topic is, “IS THERE ONE TRUE RELIGION?”. The idea that Yahweh deals with mankind through only one religion may seem extreme and unpalatable to majority of religious men. That is the conclusion of the holy originally inspired scriptures. People querry, if there is only one approved religion in the midst of countless existing religion in the universe, how can an earnest seeker identify the true one? Today how can a Hindu, Bhuddist, Sikhist, Muslim, Christian, Zoroasterian, Jainnist identify the true path and abandon his inherited religion inorder to follow the true path?

Truthfully, Yahweh dealt with his people or the entire humanity through one system of faith. Early record of mankind’s history bore that Yahweh used patriarchs, prophets or Annointed ones as his representatives. Prominent among them were Enoch, Lemech, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Eliyah etc.

As men grew in population, they developed many languages and in this languages or tribes emerges various religions, all professing to the accurate truth and way to reach Yahweh. Yahweh, the Grand Creator of the entire human race seeing the multiplications and proliferations of religions which led to the lost of his approved system of faith, choose Noah as prophet whom he used to preach to other peoples for the duration of one hundred and twenty years. Since each persons holds to his own understanding, they rejected the approved doctrines from Noah who invoked rain that flooded and consumed all the unbelievers of his days.

Noah and his family, survive the flood and thereby became the founding family for another generation. But the pervation didn’t end with the flood but continued after the death of Noah. This led Yahweh to appoint prophets from time to time inorder to bring his approved system of faith to the knowledge of all mankind.

At a particular dispensation, he choosed Abraham and his linage as the chosen tribe who is to practice the true religion.

Significantly, by the choice of the children of Yacob, all other forms of worship practiced by people in all other nations were not approved by Yahweh. By this divine arrangement all other peoples of other nations who wants to worship the true Yahweh needed first abandon their false worship and thereby join the children of Yacob in the worship of Yahweh. And when the children of Yacob deviates from the true worship, they are exposed to punishments or slavery by other nations.

A true seeker will love to know the true ingredients that made the faith or worship of Hebrews to be the divinely approved. The scriptural account bore how the twelves sons Yacob entered into Egyptian Bondage and how Yahweh raised Prophet Moses to release them from the captivity.

As they arrived at Mount Sinai, Yahweh took Prophet Moses to the pinnacle of the mount and gave him what is known today as the Ten Commandments. These commandments were written by Yahweh on two separate plates. While the first to the fourth commandments were written in one plate, the rest six laws were written on the other next plate.

The first set of laws are known as the vertical laws while the next set is called the Horizontal laws. While all religions practices all the laws in the horizontal, they all differ on the practices of the vertical sets of laws. It is therefore the vertical laws that differentiate the Hebrew worship with those of other nations. And it is on this vertical set of laws that the pervator of scriptures attacks the more.

So for clearer understanding, let us look into the vertical laws as carried by the holy scriptures:

1st LAW:- “I am Yahweh your Grand Creator who has brought you out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, you shall not have any other God before me”. The pervators of the scriptures turned the law as follows; “I am God thy Lord, who has brought you out of the land of Egyptian, out of the house of bondage, you shall have no other God before me”.

The significant difference on this two laws is that the first and original law bear the true name of the Creator of the universe as Yahweh while the second and adulterated form changed the name to God thy Lord. The pervated law present two types of Gods, one started with capital letter while the last God started with small letter.

But the truth is that whether small or capital letter, god is god. Some argue that the other nations gods are identified as gods as they fall into plural but whence there are two deities, they will be identified as gods (plural) for instance, God and Lord are gods. God and Baal are gods, Jehovah and Osiris are gods, because they are more than one (single) since there are many Gods and Lords, Yahweh identified himself with his personal name Yahweh. Some teach that it does not matter what one chooses to call or address the creator, he can be addressed in any name in any language, all those thought originated amongst heathens who have no accurate knowledge of the grand creator.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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