
Your Questions Answered

I am dedicating this article to our numerous readers and followers who are bold enough to challenge the status quo on orthodox beliefs and religion that has enslaved man in the name of social consciousness. Only the bold anyway can see and experience God while the meek and gentle shall continue to read other people’s experiences in ‘Holy Books’. The bold are the ones that can ask questions like ‘if man is bound for heaven why is he afraid to die to get there?’ ‘Why does a man of God do thanksgiving when he escapes an accident when he could have died to go to heaven?’, ‘Which body does man use in going to heaven when his physical flesh rots away in the grave?’

These are simple questions that no-one is willing to answer. Do not make a mistake about why these simple questions cannot be answered by your pastor. It is simply because they do not know. So does the individual remain in a religion when he cannot obtain answers to his problems and he is instead told to continuing fasting and praying? I have written so many times that fasting and praying cannot change the will of God rather the individual will be led to frustration when he cannot get answers after fasting for 100 nights and days. There is much more about knowing and experiencing God than praying.

The physical year is about to end again in a repeated cycle of 12 months in a year. For most of us, it leads to the beginning of another year but for the spiritual student, he knows that all the activities of the past 12 months are going to be repeated month by month in a similar way for the spiritual upliftment of the entire HU-man race. Only those who care to study the events of this year will be able to predict what is likely to happen in 2015. The twelve year cycle therefore takes effect by January and another race to nowhere begins.

I have decided to pick two out of a bundle of questions you have asked. I would like to crave your indulgence to continue reading and practicing the HU, the direct hotline to God Almighty if I do not get to answer your questions. Every answer is within the individual. My job is to lead you to the Living Godman, the Spiritual Coach who will teach you on how to open the door of wisdom within Soul. So continue to keep a date with this column.

Question 1: How do I live the Spiritual Life?

Living the Spiritual Life entails being guided by the Holy Spirit at all times. The Holy Spirit is the Divine Voice of God. And this Holy Spirit manifests as the Light and Sound of God in our dreams, thoughts, words and actions. But this is a tall order for a beginner. You will agree with me that most of us live our lives around pursuing material things. The man who goes to church on Sundays goes there to pray to God to have money, contract and all other material needs. Hardly do we pray to God for love, wisdom and understanding. This is why the churches are crowded today simply because most of us pray for prosperity and long life to enjoy the material things ‘God has given’ to us. After amassing wealth, the man of today is afraid of death, so he prays fervently for long life and resists death at all cost. But he and his pastors do not have power over death as much as they do have power over life.

For any individual who refuses to know more about his spiritual nature and life will continue to remain a pawn on the spiritual chessboard of life. Your destiny will surely be controlled by factors beyond your powers. But no need to complain for we have put ourselves there. Have you ever wondered why churches are crowded in Nigeria? People are afraid to die because they simply do not know what happens after death. So praying for protection makes our pseudo men of God smile to the bank!

How can you get out of this vicious cycle and live the spiritual life and have direct contact with God Almighty? Your first steps begin with singing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God. The simplicity of this exercise is what baffles the wisest of men. They ask ‘is this all you do to contact God?’ There is hardly any value in what is given freely. But this HU, the name God Almighty has given to Itself is the most powerful word in all the universes of God put together. It is capable of revealing the secrets of God by first revealing the secrets embedded in Soul- in- form, man. When the individual sings the HU, the will of God is made known to man and what man needs to do is to align his will to the identified will of God. This is living the Spiritual Life!

When man aligns his will with that of God, there is no struggle for he is constantly directed in all situational outcomes. God whispers to him as he walks on the road, God speaks to him in his dreams before he goes out for the day, God protects him without the individuals asking and God shows him the splendors of heaven which most people are still waiting to die to reach. What else does man want?

Man must first know the owner of prosperity before seeking it or else prosperity can never give man happiness. Man must first know the secrets within his body before he can attempt to know the secrets of God. For the secrets of the Macrocosm is within the body of the micro, like the earthworm or the little ant. Man must first seek the kingdom of heaven before looking for the goods and righteousness within. You cannot pluck fruits from a compound without first knowing the Owner. That would be stealing. All who attempt to follow prosperity gods must reincarnate to pay for the goods they have unwittingly collected in the name of prosperity. But those who have sought and known God Almighty shall enjoy life on earth and be rewarded with the splendors of heaven. It is the Spiritual life that can take the individual to this level.

Question 2: How do I meet the Living Godman?

The Living Godman is the special Agent of God appointed to lead all ready Souls back home to God. Most Souls are not ready since they have missed their main purpose of reincarnating in this lifetime. They believe the main reason for this lifetime is to be born, grow up, go to school, marry, have children then struggle for money, get old and die. What an aimless life! Those who have reincarnated for so many lifetimes will know and seek God. They are the ones who usually suffer and cannot have happiness because they want to go back home to God, their Creator. So what do they do? They continue to jump from one religion to another looking for God. They will climb mountains and seek ocean depths but they will never find God in these places. For God is within their heart and can only be revealed by the Living Godman. The way to God lies in between the forehead of man but can never be found by prosperity seeking gods or ‘men of God’. Only the Living Godman can lead you to that temple within that leads to God. For it has been written that a dead mother cannot feed a living child. Only a Living Godman can lead a living Soul back home to God. So your journey begins with a search for the Godman.

But do not be deceived, for many pose as if they are the Living Godman. These are charlatans and pseudo men of god. Do not listen to them. The Living Godman is the only one that will come to you spiritually. You do not require an appointment. Though he lives in America, you do not need to travel there to see Him. He shall instead come to you in your dreams where no one can penetrate. The password is the HU, the Holy and secrete name of God.

How do you sing the HU?

Find a comfortable place where you will not want to be disturbed for about thirty minutes. Sit on a chair in a tailor fashion. Close your eyes and fill yourself with love like the love for a mother or father. But you need love to contact God, for God is love. Put your attention in between your two eyebrows and breath in and out for about three times. On the outward breath, Sing HU like this: Huuuuueeee! Breath in and again on the outward breadth, sing HU continuously for about ten to twenty minutes. Wait for about two minutes to see either the Light or hear the Sound of God. Others have seen it and heard it too. You also can. Then conclude by saying ‘May the Blessings Be!’ This means ‘God let thy will be done in my life!’

God’s will shall be done anyway whether we like it or not. Go to bed but watch your dreams. Do it continuously for about seven days. Ask any questions you wish about God. The answers shall be given to you in your dreams, but you must keep it to yourself. You can specifically ask to meet the Living Godman and your requests shall be granted by God.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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