
What Is Yahosheanism?

Based on the indisputable truth, as the name of the saviour of mankind, who is hitherto identified as the Hebrew Messiah is Yahoshea Meshiyach his established movement or ministry cannot be termed as “Christianity”. Going by the presentations of the New Testament account of the Bible, Yahoshea Meshiyach commenced his ministry through the forty days and forty nights fasting that he underwent. This was followed by his baptism by Yohanna the Baptizer.

His next step was the conversion of his followers who were originally of Hebrew citizens that he often identified as “My followers”. He did not introduce himself as the “Christ”. So he did not know or address the congregation as the “Christians” as claimed by the Bible, Church Fathers and historians.

The modern scholars address the apostles of first century as the “Jewish Christians” but such was entirely erronous. Yahoshea did not use the term as congregational label or trademark for his followers rather he called them “his followers” or sometimes – “my Brethren”. As they followed a master whose name was a “Yahoshea”, they must be identified as “Yahosheans” and not “Christians” as alleged by the Bible.

The term – “Christ-like” or Christians” was firstly introduced to the sect at the city of Antioch after two decades of Yahoshea’s resurrection and ascension. The Bible frankly recorded that the disciples of Yahoshea Meshiyach “were first called Christians at Anthioch”. This verse of the scripture did not hide the truth that the saviour on his own did not name the disciples as Christians neither were they named as Christians by the apostles themselves, rather the name “Christians were given to them by people of Antioch who did not know them or their true purpose in life.

Based on this fact, the name “Christianity” or “Christ” were derogatory names given to the early apostles by people of Gentile nation. According to Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach, the name “Christ”, “Jesus” and “Christ-like” were given to the saviour and his fold by the pagan Greek people who were exposed to the activities of “Zeus” and “Christos” which were pagan idols of their land.

The Saviour been addressed by the name Jesus Christ and his fold bearing Christianity at present is a direct or vocal explanation of Hellinism of the Hebrew religious tradition he founded by the Greek scholars and theologians.

Prophet Yahmarabhi held that as the disciples of Yahoshea Meshiyach were named after their founder, their real congregational identical name was Yahosheans while their religious tradition was termed as “Yahosheanism”. Based on this conviction, Yahoshea Meshiyach evolved “Yahosheanism” and not “Christianity” as held by the wider society of his believers.

As taught by Yahoshea Meshiyach “he came in his father’s name”. If his father’s name is believably Yahweh, his own name becomes indisputably “Yahoshea” and his followers being named after his name must bear name “Yahosheans”. So, identifying the sect as the “Jewish Christianity” is an erroneous description that came through pervasion.

During his earthly ministry at the city of Jerusalem some people identified him and his followers as the “Nazarenes” which means – “from Nazerite”. This description later boiled down to “Notzrim” used as the true identical name of the early congregation of Yahoshea Meshiyach. There were others who named them the “Ebionites” based on their practices that resembles those of the sect called the “Ebionites”. They were equally called the “Essenes” based on doctrinal resemblance.

These and others were names given to them by their critics or those that were ignorant to their activities and purpose. The founder called them his followers meaning that they were “Yahosheans” and nothing else.

Therefore, those Hebrew converts that were part of the movement were called the “Hebrew Yohosheans” while the Gentiles that were converted to the fold were called the “Gentle Yahosheans”.



The years of Yahoshea Meshiyach’s ministry till the death of the last of his first hand disciples was termed the “Yahoshean’s Apostolic Age”. This age marked the period of apostolic activities after the impalement of Yahoshea Meshiyach. This period came into effect on the day of feast of first fruits of Hebrew religious practices when the apostles assembled at the upper floor-hall that is presently called the “Cenacle” on Mount Zion to celebrate the festival.

The Cenacle is equally the same building that Yahoshea Meshiyach took the last supper (Passover) with his disciples before his arrest and impalement. The assemble of Yahosheans for the festival attracted spirit-presence and such prompted them to wake from the fear that gripped them from the execution of their master. By the power of the spirit, they boldly preached of the executed Yahoshea and they equally spoke in different hearable tongues to different peoples.

The spirit visitation empowered the Yahosheans to continue with the works of their master. That was equally the day the Bible called the “Day of Pentecost”. Truly, the term “Pentecost” was never religious or spiritual connoted rather it meant “fifty” in Greek numerical numbers. The Feast of First Fruit was a Hebrew religious observation that fall on the fiftieth day counting from the day of Passover Feast. So when the Gentiles became, part of Yahosheanism, they changed the term from the feast of the First-Ingathering “to the” Fiftieth Day” which is pronounced as the “Pentecost Day”.

The spirit presence that filled the Yahosheans that were present in the festival became the point of the establishment of the apostolic congregation of Yahosheanism. Based on this, Yahosheans bursted into the cities with preaching of the goodness of Yahoshea Meshiyach, performed miracles and wonders and made converts of members.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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