
2015 And Nigeria Politics

mapDates are significant in the history of mankind. Dates help us to remember important events that took place in the past.

February 9, 1985 and December 17, 2014 are dates that will ever remain green in my memory throughout my sojourn on planet earth. Precisely on February 9, 1985, my beloved father answered the glorious call to be with the Lord Jesus Christ, while the mother I cherish and respect so much on December 17, 2014 joined the triumphant saints in heaven.

Careful observation, however shown that some dates are more important than the others, even in the history of any given nation. In Nigeria October 1, every year is significant, and that of May 29.

Barely one week ago, the year 2014 gave way to 2015. No doubt in the threshold of our political history, the year 2015 will open an important chapter in the life of every Nigerian.

Next month adults and eligible Nigerians will go to polls and choose people that will manage the affairs of the nation in the next four years.

Politicians have began canvassing for peoples’ votes. Infact, politicians seeking for elective positions have started dishing out electioneering promises. Even some of them promised to construct a bridge for a community(ies) where there is no rivers or creeks..

Are politicians terrible people? No! They are not. But it depends on individuals or family background. Politics is for the nobles, and not rascals.

As the political campaigns kick-off, politicians should be mindful of their utterances.

On several occasions members of the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) had insulted the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.

This is not the true way of playing the game of politics. Politics is not to disrespect elders and seniors. Politics is not a game play in the jungle.

The Holy Scripture says that, “Let every soul should be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation,” Romans 13:1-2. St. Paul explicitly stated the penalty anyone will face if he or she challenges the higher powers.

Though politics is “war” that needs all kinds of maneuvering, however, politics must be played according to the rules of the game. By doing so, the nation will experience speedy development in all spheres of national life. ###


Damiete West


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